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YvonneYeh · 2024年03月06日




Daniel Stinner was asked by the head of Research at Lopse Ratings to propose a methodology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarded rating agency, but it has been falling behind its peers because, whilst it has integrated ESG within corporate issuers, it has not yet integrated ESG within sovereign issuers.

After a few months of research in the industry and within Lopse, Daniel proposed the following to the Head of Research:

E, S and G weights to a final ESG score reflect the extent that the individual factor is a driver from a credit perspective.

Scores range from factors that individually are adequately managed or contributing to the sovereign’s financial capacity (highest 5) to those which may impose a significant strain on financial streams (lowest 1). They do not make value judgments on whether a sovereign engages in 'good' or 'bad' ESG practices. Instead, they draw out how E, S and G factors are influencing the credit rating decision.

Political risk, rule of law and corruption have been key drivers of rating actions in the past, indicating that governance was already playing a role in the rating model. It should be made explicit that these are governance-related matters, and thus considered as the ‘G’ within ESG. No other governance issue was deemed material across all types of sovereigns. Data could be gathered fromthe World Bank's Governance Indicators (WBGI) and Transparency International.

Social factors also have an important influence on sovereign ratings. Certain factors are related to government’s accountability, while others impact the longer-term productivity, and thus growth (plus indirectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are considered as the ‘S’ within ESG. Environmental risks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were identified as more idiosyncratic to each country based on their location and dependency.

The weighted average of the factors within each of the E, S and G pillars provide the score for that pillar, and the weighted average of the pillars provide the final ESG score for the sovereign issuer.

What might be a reasonable distribution of weight among each of the E, S and G pillars?


A.E = 33.3%, S= 33.3%, G= 33.3% B.E = 33.3%, S= 44.4%, G= 22.2% C.E = 40%, S= 40%, G= 20% D.E = 20%, S= 30%, G= 50%



是因为只在结尾处提到了 for the sovereign issuer?

1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2024年03月07日


赋予“治理”(Governance, G)较高的权重,是基于治理因素对于评估主权信用风险的重要性。治理质量,包括政治风险、法治以及腐败情况,直接影响一个国家的信用评级,因为这些因素关系到政府的稳定性、效率以及能否有效管理和运用资源。


社会(Social, S)和环境(Environmental, E)因素也对信用评级有影响,但治理因素因其在维持政府和国家机构稳定性、预防腐败及促进法律和秩序方面的核心作用,通常被视为更基础、更直接影响信用评级的因素。因此,将治理因素赋予最高权重是基于这种对于国家信用风险影响的直接性和基础性。


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NO.PZ2022120702000028 问题如下 niel Stinner waskethe heof ResearLopse Ratings to propose a methology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarrating agency, but it hbeen falling behinits peers because, whilst it hintegrateESG within corporate issuers, it hnot yet integrateESG within sovereign issuers. After a few months of researin the instry anwithin Lopse, niel proposethe following to the Heof Research: E, S anG weights to a finESG score reflethe extent ththe invifactor is a iver from a cret perspective. Scores range from factors thinvially are aquately manageor contributing to the sovereign’s financicapacity (highest 5) to those whimimpose a significant strain on financistreams (lowest 1). They not make value juments on whether a sovereign engages in 'goo or 'ba ESG practices. Instea they out how E, S anG factors are influencing the cret rating cision. Politicrisk, rule of lancorruption have been key ivers of rating actions in the past, incating thgovernanwalrea playing a role in the rating mol. It shoulma explicit ththese are governance-relatematters, anthus consirethe ‘G’ within ESG. No other governanissue wememateriacross all types of sovereigns. ta coulgatherefromthe WorlBank's GovernanIncators (WBGI) anTransparenInternational. Socifactors also have important influenon sovereign ratings. Certain factors are relateto government’s accountability, while others impathe longer-term proctivity, anthus growth (plus inrectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are consirethe ‘S’ within ESG. Environmentrisks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were intifiemore iosyncratic to eacountry baseon their location anpenncy. The weighteaverage of the factors within eaof the E, S anG pillars provi the score for thpillar, anthe weighteaverage of the pillars provi the finESG score for the sovereign issuer. Whmight a reasonable stribution of weight among eaof the E, S anG pillars? A.E = 33.3%, S= 33.3%, G= 33.3% B.E = 33.3%, S= 44.4%, G= 22.2% C.E = 40%, S= 40%, G= 20% E = 20%, S= 30%, G= 50% G因素对债权人来说更加重要,尤其是主权债。因此在评估E,S,G三个方面的因素时,应给予G最高的权重,上述只有合。 看了一堆内容,问题的答案在材料中也找不到,意义在哪里?

2024-03-11 23:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000028问题如下 niel Stinner waskethe heof ResearLopse Ratings to propose a methology to rate sovereigns. Lopse Ratings is a well regarrating agency, but it hbeen falling behinits peers because, whilst it hintegrateESG within corporate issuers, it hnot yet integrateESG within sovereign issuers. After a few months of researin the instry anwithin Lopse, niel proposethe following to the Heof Research: E, S anG weights to a finESG score reflethe extent ththe invifactor is a iver from a cret perspective. Scores range from factors thinvially are aquately manageor contributing to the sovereign’s financicapacity (highest 5) to those whimimpose a significant strain on financistreams (lowest 1). They not make value juments on whether a sovereign engages in 'goo or 'ba ESG practices. Instea they out how E, S anG factors are influencing the cret rating cision. Politicrisk, rule of lancorruption have been key ivers of rating actions in the past, incating thgovernanwalrea playing a role in the rating mol. It shoulma explicit ththese are governance-relatematters, anthus consirethe ‘G’ within ESG. No other governanissue wememateriacross all types of sovereigns. ta coulgatherefromthe WorlBank's GovernanIncators (WBGI) anTransparenInternational. Socifactors also have important influenon sovereign ratings. Certain factors are relateto government’s accountability, while others impathe longer-term proctivity, anthus growth (plus inrectly, taxing capability) of the country. These factors are consirethe ‘S’ within ESG. Environmentrisks, the ‘E’ within ESG, were intifiemore iosyncratic to eacountry baseon their location anpenncy. The weighteaverage of the factors within eaof the E, S anG pillars provi the score for thpillar, anthe weighteaverage of the pillars provi the finESG score for the sovereign issuer. Whmight a reasonable stribution of weight among eaof the E, S anG pillars? A.E = 33.3%, S= 33.3%, G= 33.3%B.E = 33.3%, S= 44.4%, G= 22.2%C.E = 40%, S= 40%, G= 20%E = 20%, S= 30%, G= 50%G因素对债权人来说更加重要,尤其是主权债。因此在评估E,S,G三个方面的因素时,应给予G最高的权重,上述只有合。​这个题没看懂,他不是说是平均加权吗

2023-05-27 11:18 1 · 回答