开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


YvonneYeh · 2024年03月05日




Which of the following statements about minority shareholder alignment is most accurate?


A.Dual-class shares protect minority rights B.Pre-emption rights protect minority shareholders C.Individual institutional shareholders are seldom minority shareholders


B is correct because a "key area for minority shareholder protection is pre-emption rights."

A is incorrect because an "area in which minority shareholders can feel exploited is through the mechanism of dual-class shares."

C is incorrect because "for minority shareholders – which institutional investors will almost always be – a crucial issue is that they are not exploited by the dominant or controlling shareholders."

minority shareholders can feel exploited is through the mechanism of dual-class shares.


2 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2024年03月06日




Tina_品职助教 · 2024年03月05日


在双层股份制度(Dual-class share structure)中,公司发行两种不同类型的股票:一种是具有较多投票权的A类股,另一种是投票权较少或没有投票权的B类股。这种结构使得持有A类股的股东(通常是公司创始人、管理层或特定的大股东)能够控制公司的决策过程,即使他们的股份在经济上不占多数。


  1. 控制权与经济权益的不匹配:即使小股东整体持有较大比例的经济权益,由于他们持有的是投票权较少的B类股,他们在公司决策过程中的影响力非常有限。
  2. 决策不对等:A类股股东可以通过对公司战略和政策的控制,做出有利于自己而不一定最符合所有股东利益的决策。
  3. 利益冲突:控股股东可能会倾向于做出优先考虑他们自身利益的决策,而不是平衡所有股东的利益,这可能会损害小股东的利益。
  4. 信息不透明:控股股东可能不愿意或不需要提供与其决策相关的全部信息,这使得小股东在投资时可能缺乏必要的信息。
  5. 难以纠正不公:即使小股东认为公司的某些行为损害了他们的利益,由于他们的投票权有限,他们很难在股东大会上发起有效的反对意见或行动。


YvonneYeh · 2024年03月06日

那我是否可以这样理解,双层股份制度(Dual-class share structure)中,不管大股东小股东,其实都有可能会感到被剥削了一定程度的权利,因为A类股股东与B类股股东的设计就导致了决策不可能对等,权利也不可能对等。

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NO.PZ2022120703000037问题如下 Whiof the following statements about minority shareholr alignment is most accurate? A.al-class shares proteminority rightsB.Pre-emption rights proteminority shareholrsC.Inviinstitutionshareholrs are selm minority shareholrs B is correbecause a \"key area for minority shareholr protection is pre-emption rights.\"A is incorrebecause \"area in whiminority shareholrs cfeel exploiteis through the mechanism of al-class shares.\"C is incorrebecause \"for minority shareholrs – whiinstitutioninvestors will almost always – a cruciissue is ththey are not exploitethe minant or controlling shareholrs.\" 请分析一下c,为什么不选?

2024-08-04 17:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000037 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about minority shareholr alignment is most accurate? A.al-class shares proteminority rights B.Pre-emption rights proteminority shareholrs C.Inviinstitutionshareholrs are selm minority shareholrs B is correbecause a \"key area for minority shareholr protection is pre-emption rights.\"A is incorrebecause \"area in whiminority shareholrs cfeel exploiteis through the mechanism of al-class shares.\"C is incorrebecause \"for minority shareholrs – whiinstitutioninvestors will almost always – a cruciissue is ththey are not exploitethe minant or controlling shareholrs.\" 优先购买权不是对机构投资者的利益保护措施吗?

2024-05-23 13:50 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000037问题如下 Whiof the following statements about minority shareholr alignment is most accurate? A.al-class shares proteminority rightsB.Pre-emption rights proteminority shareholrsC.Inviinstitutionshareholrs are selm minority shareholrs B is correbecause a \"key area for minority shareholr protection is pre-emption rights.\"A is incorrebecause \"area in whiminority shareholrs cfeel exploiteis through the mechanism of al-class shares.\"C is incorrebecause \"for minority shareholrs – whiinstitutioninvestors will almost always – a cruciissue is ththey are not exploitethe minant or controlling shareholrs.\" 请老师标注一下此知识点在讲义的位置,谢谢

2024-05-21 10:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000037问题如下 Whiof the following statements about minority shareholr alignment is most accurate? A.al-class shares proteminority rightsB.Pre-emption rights proteminority shareholrsC.Inviinstitutionshareholrs are selm minority shareholrs B is correbecause a \"key area for minority shareholr protection is pre-emption rights.\"A is incorrebecause \"area in whiminority shareholrs cfeel exploiteis through the mechanism of al-class shares.\"C is incorrebecause \"for minority shareholrs – whiinstitutioninvestors will almost always – a cruciissue is ththey are not exploitethe minant or controlling shareholrs.\" 双重股权结构保护的就是小股东,为什么A不对?

2024-05-17 10:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000037 问题如下 Whiof the following statements about minority shareholr alignment is most accurate? A.al-class shares proteminority rights B.Pre-emption rights proteminority shareholrs C.Inviinstitutionshareholrs are selm minority shareholrs B is correbecause a \"key area for minority shareholr protection is pre-emption rights.\"A is incorrebecause \"area in whiminority shareholrs cfeel exploiteis through the mechanism of al-class shares.\"C is incorrebecause \"for minority shareholrs – whiinstitutioninvestors will almost always – a cruciissue is ththey are not exploitethe minant or controlling shareholrs.\" 感觉优先认股权对小股东的保护也并不是全面的呀

2024-04-10 01:41 1 · 回答