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fssjyb · 2024年03月03日




Which of the following best describes an ESG-related thematic focus? It:


A.seeks to generate a positive, measurable social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.

B.aims to invest in sectors, industries, or companies that are expected to benefit from long-term macro or structural ESG-related trends.

C.excludes securities, issuers, or companies from the investment product based on certain ESG-related activities, business practices, or business segments.


The ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products proposed by CFA Institute highlight six main categories of products An ESG-related thematic focus aims to invest in sectors, industries, or companies that are expected to benefit from long-term macro or structural ESG-related trends

老师,您好,这道题出题的角度是esg的投资方法分类吗?感觉说的模棱两可的 另外C选项指的是负面筛选的投资方法吗

1 个答案

pzqa38 · 2024年03月03日





负面筛选(Negative Screening)是一种投资策略,它涉及排除某些类型的投资,通常是基于道德、价值观或其他非财务因素。在可持续和责任投资(SRI)的背景下,这种策略经常被用来排除那些被认为是有害社会或环境的公司或行业,例如那些涉及烟草、武器、赌博或化石燃料的公司。


负面筛选和积极筛选(Positive Screening)相对,后者是寻找那些在社会和环境表现上做得好的公司来进行投资。两者都属于环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)投资的范畴,是投资者在做出投资决策时考虑公司的ESG表现的不同方式。


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NO.PZ2022120701000087 问题如下 Whiof the following best scribes ESG-relatethematic focus? It: A.seeks to generate a positive, measurable socior environmentimpaalongsi a financireturn. B.aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren. C.exclus securities, issuers, or companies from the investment probaseon certain ESG-relateactivities, business practices, or business segments. The ESG sclosure Stanr for Investment Procts proposeCFA Institute highlight six main categories of procts ESG-relatethematic focus aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren 题干不是问的哪一个最好表述了ESG主题投资的聚焦点吗?答案B感觉是说的是对ESG投资的描述,注重宏观,长期的趋势,但没说和主题投资策略有关啊所以这题不是太理解,还请解惑!

2024-04-05 10:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000087 问题如下 Whiof the following best scribes ESG-relatethematic focus? It: A.seeks to generate a positive, measurable socior environmentimpaalongsi a financireturn. B.aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren. C.exclus securities, issuers, or companies from the investment probaseon certain ESG-relateactivities, business practices, or business segments. The ESG sclosure Stanr for Investment Procts proposeCFA Institute highlight six main categories of procts ESG-relatethematic focus aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren ESG approaches中几个方法指向性都很强,比如exclusions指向排除,best in class指向 bette thpeers, proxy voting指向using rights anposition等等。但唯独thematic focus和 impaobjective在定义当中看不出来应当具体指什么,或者他们的特征是什么。虽然我们都知道,thematic是主题投资, impa是影响力投资,想请您再具体介绍一下这两个方法分别的侧重点在什么,谢谢。

2024-02-13 17:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000087 问题如下 Whiof the following best scribes ESG-relatethematic focus? It: A.seeks to generate a positive, measurable socior environmentimpaalongsi a financireturn. B.aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren. C.exclus securities, issuers, or companies from the investment probaseon certain ESG-relateactivities, business practices, or business segments. The ESG sclosure Stanr for Investment Procts proposeCFA Institute highlight six main categories of procts ESG-relatethematic focus aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren Whiof the following best scribes ESG-relatethematic focus? It:您的回答正确答案是: BA不正确seeks to generate a positive, measurable socior environmentimpaalongsi a financireturn.

2024-01-24 13:16 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000087 问题如下 Whiof the following best scribes ESG-relatethematic focus? It: A.seeks to generate a positive, measurable socior environmentimpaalongsi a financireturn. B.aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren. C.exclus securities, issuers, or companies from the investment probaseon certain ESG-relateactivities, business practices, or business segments. The ESG sclosure Stanr for Investment Procts proposeCFA Institute highlight six main categories of procts ESG-relatethematic focus aims to invest in sectors, instries, or companies thare expecteto benefit from long-term macro or structurESG-relatetren 老师,A是针对哪种产品?

2023-11-01 16:44 2 · 回答