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12345678wdv · 2024年02月29日

为什么期货的价格 是 95.0625% ,是百分号的单位



It's June 2nd and a fund manager with USD 10 million invested in government bonds is concerned that interest rates will be highly volatile over the next three months. The manager decides to use the September treasury bond futures contract to hedge the value of the portfolio. The current futures price is USD 95.0625, each contract is for the delivery of USD 100,000 face value of the bonds. The duration of the manager's bond portfolio in three months will be 7.8 years, the cheapest to deliver bonds in the treasury bond futures contract is expected to have a duration of 8.4 years at maturity of the contract. At the maturity of the treasury bond futures contract, the duration of the underlying benchmark treasury bond is 9 years. What position should fund manager undertake to mitigate his interest rate risk exposure?



Long 95 contracts.


Short 95 contracts.


Long 98 contracts.


Short 98 contracts.


D is correct.

考点:Duration Based Hedge



基金经理应该short 98份合约来进行对冲。


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年03月01日


关于treasury bond futures的报价:95.0625的意思是,每100美元面值的国债期货的报价是95.0625.。

题目中告诉我们each contract is for the delivery of USD 100,000 face value,也就是一张期货合约的面值是100000美元。

在10万美元里面,一共有100000/100 个95.0625这么多美元,所以分母的国债期货的价值是100000/100*95.0625 = 100000*95.0625%,再用这个乘以久期8.4就是分母了。


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NO.PZ2019052801000041 问题如下 It's June 2nana funmanager with US10 million investein government bon is concernethinterest rates will highly volatile over the next three months. The manager cis to use the September treasury bonfutures contrato hee the value of the portfolio. The current futures priis US95.0625, eacontrais for the livery of US100,000 favalue of the bon. The ration of the manager's bonportfolio in three months will 7.8 years, the cheapest to liver bon in the treasury bonfutures contrais expecteto have a ration of 8.4 years maturity of the contract. the maturity of the treasury bonfutures contract, the ration of the unrlying benchmark treasury bonis 9 years. Whposition shoulfunmanager unrtake to mitigate his interest rate risk exposure? A.Long 95 contracts. B.Short 95 contracts. C.Long 98 contracts. Short 98 contracts. is correct. 考点ration BaseHee解析N=−($10,000,000×7.8)($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)=−98N=-\frac{(\$10,000,000\times7.8)}{(\$100,000\times8.4\times95.0625\%)}=-98N=−($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)($10,000,000×7.8)​=−98基金经理应该short 98份合约来进行对冲。 the ration of the unrlying benchmark treasury bonis 9 years.这个条件是给来干嘛的?

2024-08-22 18:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000041问题如下 It's June 2nana funmanager with US10 million investein government bon is concernethinterest rates will highly volatile over the next three months. The manager cis to use the September treasury bonfutures contrato hee the value of the portfolio. The current futures priis US95.0625, eacontrais for the livery of US100,000 favalue of the bon. The ration of the manager's bonportfolio in three months will 7.8 years, the cheapest to liver bon in the treasury bonfutures contrais expecteto have a ration of 8.4 years maturity of the contract. the maturity of the treasury bonfutures contract, the ration of the unrlying benchmark treasury bonis 9 years. Whposition shoulfunmanager unrtake to mitigate his interest rate risk exposure?A.Long 95 contracts.B.Short 95 contracts.C.Long 98 contracts.Short 98 contracts.is correct. 考点ration BaseHee解析N=−($10,000,000×7.8)($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)=−98N=-\frac{(\$10,000,000\times7.8)}{(\$100,000\times8.4\times95.0625\%)}=-98N=−($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)($10,000,000×7.8)​=−98基金经理应该short 98份合约来进行对冲。 怎么判断long还是short?

2024-03-08 20:30 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000041问题如下It's June 2nana funmanager with US10 million investein government bon is concernethinterest rates will highly volatile over the next three months. The manager cis to use the September treasury bonfutures contrato hee the value of the portfolio. The current futures priis US95.0625, eacontrais for the livery of US100,000 favalue of the bon. The ration of the manager's bonportfolio in three months will 7.8 years, the cheapest to liver bon in the treasury bonfutures contrais expecteto have a ration of 8.4 years maturity of the contract. the maturity of the treasury bonfutures contract, the ration of the unrlying benchmark treasury bonis 9 years. Whposition shoulfunmanager unrtake to mitigate his interest rate risk exposure?A.Long 95 contracts.B.Short 95 contracts.C.Long 98 contracts.Short 98 contracts.is correct. 考点ration BaseHee解析N=−($10,000,000×7.8)($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)=−98N=-\frac{(\$10,000,000\times7.8)}{(\$100,000\times8.4\times95.0625\%)}=-98N=−($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)($10,000,000×7.8)​=−98基金经理应该short 98份合约来进行对冲。 对冲工具的久期为什么用8。4。不用9?

2024-03-08 01:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000041问题如下It's June 2nana funmanager with US10 million investein government bon is concernethinterest rates will highly volatile over the next three months. The manager cis to use the September treasury bonfutures contrato hee the value of the portfolio. The current futures priis US95.0625, eacontrais for the livery of US100,000 favalue of the bon. The ration of the manager's bonportfolio in three months will 7.8 years, the cheapest to liver bon in the treasury bonfutures contrais expecteto have a ration of 8.4 years maturity of the contract. the maturity of the treasury bonfutures contract, the ration of the unrlying benchmark treasury bonis 9 years. Whposition shoulfunmanager unrtake to mitigate his interest rate risk exposure?A.Long 95 contracts.B.Short 95 contracts.C.Long 98 contracts.Short 98 contracts.is correct. 考点ration BaseHee解析N=−($10,000,000×7.8)($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)=−98N=-\frac{(\$10,000,000\times7.8)}{(\$100,000\times8.4\times95.0625\%)}=-98N=−($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)($10,000,000×7.8)​=−98基金经理应该short 98份合约来进行对冲。 .It's June 2nana funmanager with US10 million investein government bon is concernethinterest rates will highly volatile over the next three months. The manager cis to use the September treasury bonfutures contrato hee the value of the portfolio. The current futures priis US95.0625, eacontrais for the livery of US100,000 favalue of the bon. The ration of the manager's bonportfolio in three months will 7.8 years, the cheapest to liver bon in the treasury bonfutures contrais expecteto have a ration of 8.4 years maturity of the contract. the maturity of the treasury bonfutures contract, the ration of the unrlying benchmark treasury bonis 9 years. Whposition shoulfunmanager unrtake to mitigate his interest rate risk exposure?A.Long 95 contracts.B.Short 95 contracts.C.Long 98 contracts.Short 98 contracts.is correct. 考点ration BaseHee解析N=−($10,000,000×7.8)($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)=−98N=−($100,000×8.4×95.0625%)($10,000,000×7.8)​=−98基金经理应该short 98份合约来进行对冲。

2024-02-27 22:30 1 · 回答