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张莹莹 · 2024年02月27日




Why was the US Department of Labor’s clarification of fiduciary duty in 2015 welcomed by the ESG investing industry?


A.It allowed plans to invest in generating societal benefits in addition to financial return, as long as they were deemed appropriate for the plan’s investment objectives, return and risk

B.It provided a standard for economically targeted investments (ETIs)

C.It specified that, as long as the expected rate of return was commensurate with the rates of return offered by alternative investments with similar risk characteristics, ETIs were compatible with fiduciary duty

D.It incentivised pension funds subject to ERISA to invest in ETIs



B选项说,US Department of Labor’s clarification of fiduciary duty提供了一个以赚钱为目标的投资标准,这个和ESG投资不相符。


D选项是说,它鼓励更多Pension funds投资在以赚钱为目标的投资当中,这个并没有考虑到ESG,并不相符。


1 个答案

pzqa38 · 2024年02月27日


在2015年,美国劳工部对受托责任(fiduciary duty)的澄清受到了环境、社会和治理(ESG)投资行业的欢迎,这主要是因为它为ESG投资提供了更明确的法律框架和指导。在此背景下,受托责任是指投资管理者对于其管理资金的受益人(如退休基金的成员)负有的一种法律义务,包括行事审慎、代表受益人的最佳利益等。



  • 选项A:允许计划在生成社会效益的同时追求财务回报,只要这被认为适合计划的投资目标、回报和风险。这个选项直接回应了2015年澄清的精神,即在遵守受托责任的前提下,可以考虑ESG因素。
  • 选项B:为经济目标投资(ETIs)提供了一个标准。虽然这对ESG投资有一定的相关性,但并不直接涉及2015年澄清的核心内容。
  • 选项C:指出,只要预期的回报率与具有类似风险特征的替代投资提供的回报率相当,ETIs与受托责任相容。这个选项与ESG投资的考量相关,但更多地聚焦于ETIs的财务可行性。
  • 选项D:激励受ERISA(雇员退休收入安全法案)约束的养老基金投资于ETIs。这一选项虽然涉及到激励措施,但并没有直接反映2015年劳工部澄清的核心要旨。



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NO.PZ2022071601000013 问题如下 Why wthe US partment of Labor’s clarification of ficiary ty in 2015 welcomethe ESG investing instry? A.It alloweplans to invest in generating societbenefits in aition to financireturn, long they were emeappropriate for the plan’s investment objectives, return anrisk B.It provia stanrfor economically targeteinvestments (ETIs) C.It specifiethat, long the expecterate of return wcommensurate with the rates of return offerealternative investments with similrisk characteristics, ETIs were compatible with ficiary ty It incentivisepension fun subjeto ERISA to invest in ETIs A说在选择投资产品的时候,除了财务return也可以考虑投资一些会带来社会benefits的标的,只要他们能够匹配客户的投资目标,收益和风险特征。这个说法正确。B说,US partment of Labor’s clarification of ficiary ty提供了一个以赚钱为目标的投资标准,这个和ESG投资不相符。C是说的是只要能满足预期收益和风险的匹配,ETIs就是满足受托责任的。这是克林顿时期的。说,它鼓励更多Pension fun投资在以赚钱为目标的投资当中,这个并没有考虑到ESG,并不相符。 同题

2023-11-05 18:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022071601000013 问题如下 Why wthe US partment of Labor’s clarification of ficiary ty in 2015 welcomethe ESG investing instry? A.It alloweplans to invest in generating societbenefits in aition to financireturn, long they were emeappropriate for the plan’s investment objectives, return anrisk B.It provia stanrfor economically targeteinvestments (ETIs) C.It specifiethat, long the expecterate of return wcommensurate with the rates of return offerealternative investments with similrisk characteristics, ETIs were compatible with ficiary ty It incentivisepension fun subjeto ERISA to invest in ETIs A说在选择投资产品的时候,除了财务return也可以考虑投资一些会带来社会benefits的标的,只要他们能够匹配客户的投资目标,收益和风险特征。这个说法正确。B说,US partment of Labor’s clarification of ficiary ty提供了一个以赚钱为目标的投资标准,这个和ESG投资不相符。C是说的是只要能满足预期收益和风险的匹配,ETIs就是满足受托责任的。这是克林顿时期的。说,它鼓励更多Pension fun投资在以赚钱为目标的投资当中,这个并没有考虑到ESG,并不相符。 老师能下economically targeteinvestments (ETIs)不,感觉这块很混乱,又是克林顿,又是小布什和奥巴马的。感谢感谢

2023-06-19 16:00 5 · 回答

NO.PZ2022071601000013问题如下 Why wthe US partment of Labor’s clarification of ficiary ty in 2015 welcomethe ESG investing instry?A.It alloweplans to invest in generating societbenefits in aition to financireturn, long they were emeappropriate for the plan’s investment objectives, return anriskB.It provia stanrfor economically targeteinvestments (ETIs)C.It specifiethat, long the expecterate of return wcommensurate with the rates of return offerealternative investments with similrisk characteristics, ETIs were compatible with ficiary tyIt incentivisepension fun subjeto ERISA to invest in ETIs A说在选择投资产品的时候,除了财务return也可以考虑投资一些会带来社会benefits的标的,只要他们能够匹配客户的投资目标,收益和风险特征。这个说法正确。B说,US partment of Labor’s clarification of ficiary ty提供了一个以赚钱为目标的投资标准,这个和ESG投资不相符。C是说的是只要能满足预期收益和风险的匹配,ETIs就是满足受托责任的。这是克林顿时期的。说,它鼓励更多Pension fun投资在以赚钱为目标的投资当中,这个并没有考虑到ESG,并不相符。 看懂什么意思

2022-12-07 15:47 1 · 回答