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王子慕卿 · 2024年02月19日


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With respect to Virginia’s preference for the goal-based investing approach, her comment that is most appropriate is the one dealing with:


A.risk tolerance.

B.growth toward a goal.

C.probability of success of a goal.



A is correct. Only the comment about risk tolerance specifically addresses goal-based investing, and her statement is correct.

B is incorrect. Straight-line growth is not a feature of goal-based investing; it is a component of the deterministic forecasting method for determining capital sufficiency in which a given return is assumed to compound until the investment horizon is reached.

C is incorrect. Probability of success is not a feature of goal-based investing; it is an outcome of the Monte Carlo method for determining capital sufficiency.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年02月19日

在goal-based invesnting中,并不是用的straight-line,straight-line是在daterminstic model中使用的,即我们常说的确定性模型,确定性模型中的投资组合增长以“线性”的形式发生。例如,假设客户的投资期限为15年,manager首先确定好该客投资组合,并预期年化回报率为6%。在确定模型中,客户就可以预计在接下来的15年里,每年额的年化收益为6%。确定性模型非常简单,但就未来潜在结果的可变性而言,确定性模型是不切实际的。


而goal-based investing中,我们一般使用蒙特卡洛模拟去确定资本充足率

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NO.PZ202109080500000404问题如下With respeto Virginia’s preferenfor the goal-baseinvesting approach, her comment this most appropriate is the one aling with:A.risk tolerance.B.growth towara goal.C.probability of success of a goal.SolutionA is correct. Only the comment about risk toleranspecifically aresses goal-baseinvesting, anher statement is correct.B is incorrect. Straight-line growth is not a feature of goal-baseinvesting; it is a component of the terministic forecasting methofor termining capitsufficienin whia given return is assumeto compoununtil the investment horizon is reacheC is incorrect. Probability of success is not a feature of goal-baseinvesting; it is outcome of the Monte Carlo methofor termining capitsufficiency. gobase 确实能为每一goal提供成功概率啊。用什么方法提供并不重要,题目说的是能提供

2023-08-23 09:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202109080500000404 问题如下 With respeto Virginia’s preferenfor the goal-baseinvesting approach, her comment this most appropriate is the one aling with: A.risk tolerance. B.growth towara goal. C.probability of success of a goal. SolutionA is correct. Only the comment about risk toleranspecifically aresses goal-baseinvesting, anher statement is correct.B is incorrect. Straight-line growth is not a feature of goal-baseinvesting; it is a component of the terministic forecasting methofor termining capitsufficienin whia given return is assumeto compoununtil the investment horizon is reacheC is incorrect. Probability of success is not a feature of goal-baseinvesting; it is outcome of the Monte Carlo methofor termining capitsufficiency. 不理解。。。

2023-06-03 11:16 1 · 回答