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曼联天下 · 2024年02月03日




Susan Liew, CFA, is the CIO of the Lorenza State Pension Plan (LSPP), a public DB plan. The plan maintains an asset allocation of 30% US equities, 30% international equities, 30% US fixed income, and 10% international fixed income. Given the poor prospects for fixed income and the mediocre expectations for equities, Liew is exploring making allocations to various alternatives and has asked LSPP’s asset consultant to provide comments on considerations for each alternative asset class, as shown here:

Liew recommends to LSPP’s Board of Trustees the following change in asset allocation:

How would the recommended change in asset allocation be expected to affect LSPP’s funded status?



The recommended changes in asset allocation would likely affect LSPP’s funded status as follows:

Ÿ The changes would increase expected returns, implying higher expected asset values for LSPP over time.

Ÿ Given that both alternative debt and hedge funds have higher projected long-term returns than traditional debt and equities, respectively, the discount rate applied to LSPP’s liabilities can be increased, thereby reducing their present value.

Ÿ On balance, LSPP’s funded status would be expected to improve because of the recommended changes in asset allocation. In addition to generating higher asset values and lower present value of liabilities, the volatility of assets (and therefore the risk to funded status) should be reduced because of the lower correlation among asset returns.

Note that although these alternative investments entail reduced liquidity, the funded status improves because of the factors mentioned previously. However, the reduced liquidity must be considered to ensure sufficient coverage of prospective liabilities.

Alternative investments entail greater manager selection risk and larger dispersion of returns around the policy benchmark relative to a passive allocation to public markets. Careful manager selection would likely require resources that would increase internal costs, and also require paying higher fees to access skilled alternative asset managers.

感觉答案好长 考试来不及吧啊

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年02月03日


感觉答案好长 考试来不及吧啊



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NO.PZ2023010409000016 问题如下 SusLiew, CFis the CIO ofthe Lorenza State Pension Pl(LSPP), a public plan. The plmaintains anasset allocation of 30% US equities, 30% internationequities, 30% US fixencome, an10% internationfixeincome. Given the poor prospects for fixencome anthe meocre expectations for equities, Liew is exploring makingallocations to various alternatives anhaskeLSPP’s asset consultant toprovi comments on consirations for eaalternative asset class, shownhere:Liew recommen toLSPP’s Boarof Trustees the following change in asset allocation: How woultherecommenchange in asset allocation expecteto affeLSPP’s funtatus? The recommenchanges in asset allocation woullikely affeLSPP’s funstatus follows:Ÿ The changes woulincrease expectereturns, implying higher expecteasset values for LSPP over time.Ÿ Given thboth alternative anhee fun have higher projectelong-term returns thtrationanequities, respectively, the scount rate applieto LSPP’s liabilities cincrease thererecing their present value.Ÿ On balance, LSPP’s funstatus woulexpecteto improve because of the recommenchanges in asset allocation. In aition to generating higher asset values anlower present value of liabilities, the volatility of assets (antherefore the risk to funstatus) shoulrecebecause of the lower correlation among asset returns.Note thalthough these alternative investments entail receliquity, the funstatus improves because of the factors mentionepreviously. However, the receliquity must consireto ensure sufficient coverage of prospective liabilities.Alternative investments entail greater manager selection risk anlarger spersion of returns arounthe polibenchmark relative to a passive allocation to public markets. Careful manager selection woullikely require resources thwoulincrease interncosts, analso require paying higher fees to access skillealternative asset managers. 题目里说到\"scount rate applieto LSPP’s liabilities cincrease thererecing their present value\", 请问是哪里看得出scount rate increase了呢

2024-07-29 03:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010409000016问题如下 SusLiew, CFis the CIO ofthe Lorenza State Pension Pl(LSPP), a public plan. The plmaintains anasset allocation of 30% US equities, 30% internationequities, 30% US fixencome, an10% internationfixeincome. Given the poor prospects for fixencome anthe meocre expectations for equities, Liew is exploring makingallocations to various alternatives anhaskeLSPP’s asset consultant toprovi comments on consirations for eaalternative asset class, shownhere:Liew recommen toLSPP’s Boarof Trustees the following change in asset allocation: How woultherecommenchange in asset allocation expecteto affeLSPP’s funtatus? The recommenchanges in asset allocation woullikely affeLSPP’s funstatus follows:Ÿ The changes woulincrease expectereturns, implying higher expecteasset values for LSPP over time.Ÿ Given thboth alternative anhee fun have higher projectelong-term returns thtrationanequities, respectively, the scount rate applieto LSPP’s liabilities cincrease thererecing their present value.Ÿ On balance, LSPP’s funstatus woulexpecteto improve because of the recommenchanges in asset allocation. In aition to generating higher asset values anlower present value of liabilities, the volatility of assets (antherefore the risk to funstatus) shoulrecebecause of the lower correlation among asset returns.Note thalthough these alternative investments entail receliquity, the funstatus improves because of the factors mentionepreviously. However, the receliquity must consireto ensure sufficient coverage of prospective liabilities.Alternative investments entail greater manager selection risk anlarger spersion of returns arounthe polibenchmark relative to a passive allocation to public markets. Careful manager selection woullikely require resources thwoulincrease interncosts, analso require paying higher fees to access skillealternative asset managers. 这句描述是不是有问题?为什么会让整体volatility 下降?Alternative investment 风险大,即使看起来correlation 低,但是引入的alternative investment 的portfolio应该会让整体风险上升。我们还经常提到alternative investment 由于smoothing 所以低估了volatility ,实际的风险大。

2024-06-28 19:58 1 · 回答