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Olivia.W🌸 · 2024年01月31日




Annual returns and summary statistics for three funds are listed in the following exhibit:

The fund with the highest absolute dispersion is:


A.Fund PQR if the measure of dispersion is the range B.Fund XYZ if the measure of dispersion is the variance C.Fund ABC if the measure of dispersion is the mean absolute deviation


The mean absolute deviation (MAD) of Fund ABC’s returns is greater than the MAD of both of the other funds.

­ where is the arithmetic mean of the series.

A and B are incorrect because the range and variance of the three funds are as follows:

The numbers shown for variance are understood to be in “percent squared” terms so that when taking the square root, the result is standard deviation in percentage terms. Alternatively, by expressing standard deviation and variance in decimal form, one can avoid the issue of units. In decimal form, the variances for Fund ABC, Fund XYZ, and Fund PQR are 0.0317, 0.0243, and 0.0110, respectively.


1 个答案

品职助教_七七 · 2024年02月01日




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NO.PZ2022123001000027 问题如下 Annureturns ansummary statistifor three fun are listein the following exhibit:The funwith the highest absolute spersion is: A.FunPQR if themeasure of spersion is the range B.FunXYZ if themeasure of spersion is the varian C.FunAif themeasure of spersion is the meabsolute viation The meabsolute viation (MA of FunABC’s returns is greaterththe Mof both of the other fun.­ where is the arithmetic meof the series.A anB are incorrebecause the range anvarianof the threefun are follows:The numbers shown for varianareunrstooto in “percent square terms so thwhen taking the squareroot, the result is stanrviation in percentage terms. Alternatively, byexpressing stanrviation anvarianin cimform, one cavoitheissue of units. In cimform, the variances for FunABFunXYZ, anFunQR are 0.0317, 0.0243, an0.0110, respectively. 如题

2023-09-13 07:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123001000027 问题如下 Annureturns ansummary statistifor three fun are listein the following exhibit:The funwith the highest absolute spersion is: A.FunPQR if themeasure of spersion is the range B.FunXYZ if themeasure of spersion is the varian C.FunAif themeasure of spersion is the meabsolute viation The meabsolute viation (MA of FunABC’s returns is greaterththe Mof both of the other fun.­ where is the arithmetic meof the series.A anB are incorrebecause the range anvarianof the threefun are follows:The numbers shown for varianareunrstooto in “percent square terms so thwhen taking the squareroot, the result is stanrviation in percentage terms. Alternatively, byexpressing stanrviation anvarianin cimform, one cavoitheissue of units. In cimform, the variances for FunABFunXYZ, anFunQR are 0.0317, 0.0243, an0.0110, respectively. 考试会有这种题么?只能硬算么?

2023-08-19 17:39 1 · 回答