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不忘初心 · 2024年01月29日




A log-linear trend model is estimated on annual euro-area GDP using data from 1995 until 2018. The estimated model is lnRGDPt=18.15+.0136t+ϵ^tln RGDP_t = -18.15 + .0136 t + \widehat\epsilon_t, and the estimated standard deviation of ϵt\epsilon_t is 0.0322. Assuming the shocks are normally distributed, what are the point forecasts of GDP for the next three years? How do these compare with a linear model RGDPt=234178.8+121.3t+ϵ^tRGDP_t = -234178.8 + 121.3 * t + \widehat\epsilon_t?



In this case,

ET[YT]=exp(ET[lnYT]+σ2/2)E_T[Y_T]=exp(E_T[ln Y_T]+\sigma^2/2)

And the error bounds on the ln are +/-1.96*0.0322, so the bounds are given in proportional terms rather than fixed values.

Bounds_Multiplier = exp({1.96 * 0.0322) = exp(\pm 0.0631) = 0.939,1.065

Calculating E[lnRGDPt]E [ln RGDP_t]:

E[lnRGDP2019]=18.15+0.01362019=9.308E[ln RGDP_{2019}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2019 = 9.308

E[lnRGDP2020]=18.15+0.01362020=9.322E[ln RGDP_{2020}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2020 = 9.322

E[lnRGDP2021]=18.15+0.01362020=9.336E[ln RGDP_{2021}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2020 = 9.336



(which will only make a small impact in this example)


E[RGDP2019] = exp(9.308 + 0.0005) = 11,031.4

E [RGDP2020] = exp(9.322 + 0.0005) = 11,186.9

E[RGDP2021] = exp(9.336 + 0.0005) = 11,344.6

And the 95% confidence bands are given as:

95%CBRGDP2019=[0.93911031.4,1.06511031.4]=[10,358.5,11,748.4]95\%_{CB_{RGDP2019}}= [0.939 * 11031.4,1.065 * 11031.4] = [10,358.5,11,748.4]

95%CBRGDP2020=[10,504.5,11,914.0]95\%_{CB_{RGDP2020}}= [10,504.5,11,914.0]

95%CBRGDP2019=[10,652.6,12,082.0]95\%_{CB_{RGDP2019}} = [10,652.6,12,082.0]

In comparison with the linera model, the bands are growing in size and overall the results are a bit bigger.


And the 95% confidence bands are given as:



1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年01月30日


因为残差项是个随机变量,而前面的-18.5+0.136*t,其实不是随机变量。所以lnRGDPt可以看做服从 N(-18.15+0.136*t, 0.0322^2)。之所以有置信区间,是由残差项这一个随机变量带来的。而这个残差项随机变量,又在指数上。所以左边端点是,E[RGDP2019]*e^(-1.96*标准差0.0322)


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NO.PZ2020011101000025问题如下A log-linetrenmol is estimateon annueuro-area G using ta from 1995 until 2018. The estimatemol is lnRGt=−18.15+.0136t+ϵ^tln RG_t = -18.15 + .0136 t + \wihat\epsilon_tlnRGt​=−18.15+.0136t+ϵt​, anthe estimatestanrviation of ϵt\epsilon_tϵt​ is 0.0322. Assuming the shocks are normally stribute whare the point forecasts of G for the next three years? How these compare with a linemol RGt=−234178.8+121.3∗t+ϵ^tRG_t = -234178.8 + 121.3 * t + \wihat\epsilon_tRGt​=−234178.8+121.3∗t+ϵt​? In this case, ET[YT]=exp(ET[lnYT]+σ2/2)E_T[Y_T]=exp(E_T[ln Y_T]+\sigma^2/2)ET​[YT​]=exp(ET​[lnYT​]+σ2/2)Anthe error boun on the ln are +/-1.96*0.0322, so the boun are given in proportionterms rather thfixevalues.Boun_Multiplier = exp({1.96 * 0.0322) = exp(\pm 0.0631) = 0.939,1.065Calculating E[lnRGt]E [ln RG_t]E[lnRGt​]:E[lnRG2019]=−18.15+0.0136∗2019=9.308E[ln RG_{2019}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2019 = 9.308E[lnRG2019​]=−18.15+0.0136∗2019=9.308E[lnRG2020]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.322E[ln RG_{2020}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2020 = 9.322E[lnRG2020​]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.322E[lnRG2021]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.336E[ln RG_{2021}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2020 = 9.336E[lnRG2021​]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.336Furthermore,σ2/2=0.03222/2=0.0005\sigma^2/2=0.0322^2/2=0.0005σ2/2=0.03222/2=0.0005(whiwill only make a small impain this example)So:E[RG2019] = exp(9.308 + 0.0005) = 11,031.4E [RG2020] = exp(9.322 + 0.0005) = 11,186.9E[RG2021] = exp(9.336 + 0.0005) = 11,344.6Anthe 95% confinban are given as:95%CBRG2019=[0.939∗11031.4,1.065∗11031.4]=[10,358.5,11,748.4]95\%_{CB_{RG2019}}= [0.939 * 11031.4,1.065 * 11031.4] = [10,358.5,11,748.4]95%CBRG2019​​=[0.939∗11031.4,1.065∗11031.4]=[10,358.5,11,748.4]95%CBRG2020=[10,504.5,11,914.0]95\%_{CB_{RG2020}}= [10,504.5,11,914.0]95%CBRG2020​​=[10,504.5,11,914.0]95%CBRG2019=[10,652.6,12,082.0]95\%_{CB_{RG2019}} = [10,652.6,12,082.0]95%CBRG2019​​=[10,652.6,12,082.0]In comparison with the linera mol, the ban are growing in size anoverall the results are a bit bigger.1 解析红色的没看懂,怎么算出来的?2 这种类型的题是重点吗?这部分看到好几道类似的3 这部分讲1⃣️中在具体哪一块儿?视频中哪一部分的?4 ip的答疑板块非常不好用,提问经常性闪退,分屏的时候更加闪退,已经更新app到最新版本

2024-03-09 10:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020011101000025 问题如下 A log-linetrenmol is estimateon annueuro-area G using ta from 1995 until 2018. The estimatemol is lnRGt=−18.15+.0136t+ϵ^tln RG_t = -18.15 + .0136 t + \wihat\epsilon_tlnRGt​=−18.15+.0136t+ϵt​, anthe estimatestanrviation of ϵt\epsilon_tϵt​ is 0.0322. Assuming the shocks are normally stribute whare the point forecasts of G for the next three years? How these compare with a linemol RGt=−234178.8+121.3∗t+ϵ^tRG_t = -234178.8 + 121.3 * t + \wihat\epsilon_tRGt​=−234178.8+121.3∗t+ϵt​? In this case, ET[YT]=exp(ET[lnYT]+σ2/2)E_T[Y_T]=exp(E_T[ln Y_T]+\sigma^2/2)ET​[YT​]=exp(ET​[lnYT​]+σ2/2)Anthe error boun on the ln are +/-1.96*0.0322, so the boun are given in proportionterms rather thfixevalues.Boun_Multiplier = exp({1.96 * 0.0322) = exp(\pm 0.0631) = 0.939,1.065Calculating E[lnRGt]E [ln RG_t]E[lnRGt​]:E[lnRG2019]=−18.15+0.0136∗2019=9.308E[ln RG_{2019}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2019 = 9.308E[lnRG2019​]=−18.15+0.0136∗2019=9.308E[lnRG2020]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.322E[ln RG_{2020}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2020 = 9.322E[lnRG2020​]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.322E[lnRG2021]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.336E[ln RG_{2021}] = -18.15 + 0.0136 * 2020 = 9.336E[lnRG2021​]=−18.15+0.0136∗2020=9.336Furthermore,σ2/2=0.03222/2=0.0005\sigma^2/2=0.0322^2/2=0.0005σ2/2=0.03222/2=0.0005(whiwill only make a small impain this example)So:E[RG2019] = exp(9.308 + 0.0005) = 11,031.4E [RG2020] = exp(9.322 + 0.0005) = 11,186.9E[RG2021] = exp(9.336 + 0.0005) = 11,344.6Anthe 95% confinban are given as:95%CBRG2019=[0.939∗11031.4,1.065∗11031.4]=[10,358.5,11,748.4]95\%_{CB_{RG2019}}= [0.939 * 11031.4,1.065 * 11031.4] = [10,358.5,11,748.4]95%CBRG2019​​=[0.939∗11031.4,1.065∗11031.4]=[10,358.5,11,748.4]95%CBRG2020=[10,504.5,11,914.0]95\%_{CB_{RG2020}}= [10,504.5,11,914.0]95%CBRG2020​​=[10,504.5,11,914.0]95%CBRG2019=[10,652.6,12,082.0]95\%_{CB_{RG2019}} = [10,652.6,12,082.0]95%CBRG2019​​=[10,652.6,12,082.0]In comparison with the linera mol, the ban are growing in size anoverall the results are a bit bigger. 请问超纲吗

2022-06-28 16:04 1 · 回答


2020-02-05 19:44 1 · 回答


2020-02-03 23:26 1 · 回答