开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


fssjyb · 2024年01月28日

政策 ,倡议,协议



In relation to the European Green Deal, the “green supporting factor” refers to:


A.standards and labels for green bonds.

B.a classification system for sustainable activities.

C.the treatment of “green” assets in the capital requirements of banks and insurers.


The treatment of “green” assets in the capital requirements of banks and insurers is referred to the “green supporting factor”

老师,您好! 教材中反复提到initiatives,deal,pilicy,protocal,benchmark,metrics,agreement,我理解他们呢英语本身的含义,在实操中esg人员怎么认定某个所谓的政策或者倡议的法律优先级呢,即所谓的适用的级别怎么区分呢,我理解

1 个答案

pzqa38 · 2024年01月29日


"Initiatives," "deal," "policy," "protocol," "benchmark," "metrics," and "agreement" 是商业和组织管理中常见的术语。这些术语通常指的是不同的概念和活动,而它们的优先级取决于特定情境和组织的目标。下面是每个术语的简要说明以及它们可能的优先级关系:

  1. Initiatives(倡议):通常指的是为达成特定目标而启动的计划或行动。倡议可能是战略规划的一部分,也可能是对市场变化的反应。
  2. Deal(交易/协议):指的是两个或多个方之间就某个事项达成的协议。在商业环境中,交易可能涉及销售、合作或合并等。
  3. Policy(政策):是组织内部为指导决策和行为而设立的规则和原则。政策通常反映了组织的价值观和战略目标。
  4. Protocol(协议/程序):指的是进行特定活动时应遵循的标准程序或代码。协议通常用于确保活动的一致性和效率。
  5. Benchmark(基准):是一种性能衡量标准,用于通过比较来评估组织、项目或流程的效率和效果。
  6. Metrics(指标):指的是用于衡量和评估业绩的具体量度。指标对于理解进展和实现目标至关重要。
  7. Agreement(协议):类似于交易,通常指的是两个或多个方在特定事项上的正式约定或合同。



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NO.PZ2022120701000023 问题如下 In relation to the EuropeGreen al, the “green supporting factor” refers to: A.stanr anlabels for green bon. B.a classification system for sustainable activities. C.the treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers. The treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers is referreto the “green supporting factor” 冲刺课的哪部分提到了

2024-05-13 19:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000023问题如下 In relation to the EuropeGreen al, the “green supporting factor” refers to:A.stanr anlabels for green bon.B.a classification system for sustainable activities.C.the treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers.The treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers is referreto the “green supporting factor”如题,这道题的课本出处是

2024-04-24 08:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000023 问题如下 In relation to the EuropeGreen al, the “green supporting factor” refers to: A.stanr anlabels for green bon. B.a classification system for sustainable activities. C.the treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers. The treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers is referreto the “green supporting factor” Eur Green 是一个协议吗?怎么一点印象都没有

2023-10-19 00:46 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000023问题如下 In relation to the EuropeGreen al, the “green supporting factor” refers to:A.stanr anlabels for green bon.B.a classification system for sustainable activities.C.the treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers.The treatment of “green” assets in the capitrequirements of banks aninsurers is referreto the “green supporting factor”如何理解绿色支持因素?举例(资本要求上)

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