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Anne · 2024年01月25日

为何要control systematic risk factors?



Raye is concerned that the asset allocation approach followed by the Laws’ previous financial adviser resulted in an overlap in risk factors among asset classes for the portfolio. Raye plans to address this by examining the portfolio’s sensitivity to various risk factors, such as inflation, liquidity, and volatility, to determine the desired exposure to each factor.

To address his concern regarding the previous adviser’s asset allocation approach, Raye should assess the Laws’ portfolio using:


A.a homogeneous and mutually exclusive asset class–based risk analysis. B.

a multifactor risk model to control systematic risk factors in asset allocation.


an asset class–based asset allocation approach to construct a diversified portfolio.


B is correct. Raye believes the Laws’ previous financial adviser followed an asset allocation approach that resulted in an overlap in risk factors among asset classes. A multifactor risk model approach can be used to address potential risk factor overlaps. Risk factor approaches to asset allocation focus on assigning investments to the investor’s desired exposures to specified risk factors. These methods are premised on the observation that asset classes often exhibit some overlaps in sources of risk.


1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年01月25日


为何要control systematic risk factors?这是factor-based的缺点吗?为什么?

Factor-based asset allocation bear on the issue of controlling systematic risk exposures in assets allocation.

这个地方确实很多同学都曾经提出过疑问,首先框架图是来自原版书教材的内容,但是书上factor based里的factor 既有market premium (承担了market risk, 或者说systematic risk,其实这两个风险都是一样的,只是分类方法不同所以称呼不同),也有anomalies ,举了很多例子,包括size,value, momentum,...,这些anomalies是非系统风险。如下图。

无论是系统性风险还是非系统性风险,在 factor based中都可以剥离出来进行管理,比如inflation risk,你就可以通过long T-Bond,short TIPS剥离出inflation risk,从而获得投资inflation risk带来的risk premium.

factor based里的factor 既有market premium 也就是systematic risk,也有anomalies ,举了很多例子,包括size, value, momentum,...,这些anomalies是非系统风险。


因此实际上无论是系统性风险还是非系统性风险,在 factor based中都可以剥离出来进行管理。因此说 control systematic risk factors in asset allocation。


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NO.PZ2022122801000037问题如下 Raye is concerneththeasset allocation approafollowethe Laws’ previous financiaiserresultein overlin risk factors among asset classes for the portfolio.Raye plans to aress this examining the portfolio’s sensitivity to variousrisk factors, suinflation, liquity, anvolatility, to termine thesireexposure to eafactor.To aress hisconcern regarng the previous aiser’s asset allocation approach, Raye shoulssess the Laws’ portfolio using: A.a homogeneous anmutuallyexclusive asset class–baserisk analysis.B.a multifactor risk mol to control systematic risk factors in asset allocation.C.asset class–baseasset allocation approato construa versifieportfolio. B is correct. Raye believes the Laws’ previous financiaiser followeasset allocation approathresultein overlin risk factors among asset classes. A multifactor risk mol approacuseto aress potentirisk factor overlaps. Risk factor approaches to asset allocation focus on assigning investments to the investor’s sireexposures to specifierisk factors. These metho are premiseon the observation thasset classes often exhibit some overlaps in sources of risk. 老师这题的考点是在考asset 的分类标准吗?以及asset class base是什么方法?具体讲义在哪里 谢谢

2024-07-30 23:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122801000037 问题如下 Raye is concerneththeasset allocation approafollowethe Laws’ previous financiaiserresultein overlin risk factors among asset classes for the portfolio.Raye plans to aress this examining the portfolio’s sensitivity to variousrisk factors, suinflation, liquity, anvolatility, to termine thesireexposure to eafactor.To aress hisconcern regarng the previous aiser’s asset allocation approach, Raye shoulssess the Laws’ portfolio using: A.a homogeneous anmutuallyexclusive asset class–baserisk analysis. B.a multifactor risk mol to control systematic risk factors in asset allocation. C.asset class–baseasset allocation approato construa versifieportfolio. B is correct. Raye believes the Laws’ previous financiaiser followeasset allocation approathresultein overlin risk factors among asset classes. A multifactor risk mol approacuseto aress potentirisk factor overlaps. Risk factor approaches to asset allocation focus on assigning investments to the investor’s sireexposures to specifierisk factors. These metho are premiseon the observation thasset classes often exhibit some overlaps in sources of risk. 老师想问一下,A错在哪里?

2024-07-30 21:01 1 · 回答