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506623496 · 2024年01月19日




Beatriz Maestre is a fixed-income consultant who has been retained by Filipe Ruelas, the CFO of Cávado Produtos Agricolas, SA (Cávado). Cávado is a manufacturer of prepared foods headquartered in Braga, Portugal.

During the meeting, Maestre presents some information about Cávado’s pension fund, which is primarily invested in corporate bonds with a mixture of investment-grade and speculative-grade issues. This information is presented in Exhibit 1.

Ruelas explains that he uses futures contracts on euro-denominated German government bonds to reduce the duration gap between assets and liabilities. However, because the pension fund has only a small surplus and he would like to increase this surplus through active management of the portfolio, he employs a contingent immunization strategy. The fund is currently short 254 contracts based on a 10-year bond with a par value of EUR 100,000 and a basis point value (BPV) of EUR 97.40 per contract.

Given the futures position entered into by the pension fund, Ruelas most likely believes interest rates will:






remain the same.


A is correct. The number of futures contracts needed to fully remove the duration gap between the asset and liability portfolios is given by Nf = (BPVL – BPVA)/BPVf, where BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, and futures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (59,598 – 91,632)/97.4 = –328.891, where the minus sign indicates a short position or selling of 329 futures contracts (328,891/1,000). Ruelas has under-hedged, leaving a net position that will benefit from a reduction in interest rates, just as the unhedged position would benefit from a reduction in interest rates. Thus, he must believe interest rates will fall.

B is incorrect because if Ruelas believed rates would rise, he would under-hedge, leaving a net position that would benefit from rising rates.

C is incorrect because if Ruelas believed rates wouldn’t change, he would hedge fully, in case rates moved in an unexpected way.


2 个答案

pzqa015 · 2024年01月20日









BPV asset+nf*BPV futures=BPV liability,来计算用了多少份futures nf。


pzqa015 · 2024年01月20日



BPV asset+Nf*BPV futures=BPVliability,来计算Nf。

考试一般会给BPV futures或者给CTD债券的BPV

那么上面公式就变成BPV asset+Nf*BPVctd/CF=BPVliability来计算Nf


  • 2

  • 0

  • 215


NO.PZ2023032703000038 问题如下 Beatriz Maestre is a fixeincome consultant who hbeen retaineFilipe Ruelas, the CFO of Cáva Protos Agricolas, SA (Cáva). Cáva is a manufacturer of preparefoo heauarterein BragPortugal.ring the meeting, Maestre presents some information about Cáva’s pension fun whiis primarily investein corporate bon with a mixture of investment-gra anspeculative-gra issues. This information is presentein Exhibit 1.Ruelexplains thhe uses futures contracts on euro-nominateGermgovernment bon to rethe ration gbetween assets anliabilities. However, because the pension funhonly a small surplus anhe woullike to increase this surplus through active management of the portfolio, he employs a contingent immunization strategy. The funis currently short 254 contracts baseon a 10-yebonwith a pvalue of EUR 100,000 ana basis point value (BPV) of EUR 97.40 per contract.Given the futures position entereinto the pension fun Ruelmost likely believes interest rates will: A.fall. B.rise. C.remain the same. A is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given Nf = (BPVL – BPVA)/BPVf, where BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (59,598 – 91,632)/97.4 = –328.891, where the minus sign incates a short position or selling of 329 futures contracts (328,891/1,000). Ruelhunr-hee leaving a net position thwill benefit from a rection in interest rates, just the unheeposition woulbenefit from a rection in interest rates. Thus, he must believe interest rates will fall.B is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woulrise, he woulunr-hee, leaving a net position thwoulbenefit from rising rates.C is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woul’t change, he woulhee fully, in case rates movein unexpecteway. 单独这个题目是理解了,但是利率变动的内在逻辑有点混乱。比如利率上升,会导致债券价格下降,那么也会导致ration的下降,所以BPV也会下降。那么为什么利率上升要降低ration才能获利?这个推导的中间过程是什么?是只有在hee的时候才用得到吗?还是针对单一债券都适用的结论?

2024-08-03 23:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000038 问题如下 Beatriz Maestre is a fixeincome consultant who hbeen retaineFilipe Ruelas, the CFO of Cáva Protos Agricolas, SA (Cáva). Cáva is a manufacturer of preparefoo heauarterein BragPortugal.ring the meeting, Maestre presents some information about Cáva’s pension fun whiis primarily investein corporate bon with a mixture of investment-gra anspeculative-gra issues. This information is presentein Exhibit 1.Ruelexplains thhe uses futures contracts on euro-nominateGermgovernment bon to rethe ration gbetween assets anliabilities. However, because the pension funhonly a small surplus anhe woullike to increase this surplus through active management of the portfolio, he employs a contingent immunization strategy. The funis currently short 254 contracts baseon a 10-yebonwith a pvalue of EUR 100,000 ana basis point value (BPV) of EUR 97.40 per contract.Given the futures position entereinto the pension fun Ruelmost likely believes interest rates will: A.fall. B.rise. C.remain the same. A is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given Nf = (BPVL – BPVA)/BPVf, where BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (59,598 – 91,632)/97.4 = –328.891, where the minus sign incates a short position or selling of 329 futures contracts (328,891/1,000). Ruelhunr-hee leaving a net position thwill benefit from a rection in interest rates, just the unheeposition woulbenefit from a rection in interest rates. Thus, he must believe interest rates will fall.B is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woulrise, he woulunr-hee, leaving a net position thwoulbenefit from rising rates.C is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woul’t change, he woulhee fully, in case rates movein unexpecteway. 该题思路可否为本应该hee 300+ 但是只hee200,因此资产端的ration会大过负债端。由此即可以用“正ration就是判断预期利率下降” 这个结论解题呢?

2024-07-18 22:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000038 问题如下 Beatriz Maestre is a fixeincome consultant who hbeen retaineFilipe Ruelas, the CFO of Cáva Protos Agricolas, SA (Cáva). Cáva is a manufacturer of preparefoo heauarterein BragPortugal.ring the meeting, Maestre presents some information about Cáva’s pension fun whiis primarily investein corporate bon with a mixture of investment-gra anspeculative-gra issues. This information is presentein Exhibit 1.Ruelexplains thhe uses futures contracts on euro-nominateGermgovernment bon to rethe ration gbetween assets anliabilities. However, because the pension funhonly a small surplus anhe woullike to increase this surplus through active management of the portfolio, he employs a contingent immunization strategy. The funis currently short 254 contracts baseon a 10-yebonwith a pvalue of EUR 100,000 ana basis point value (BPV) of EUR 97.40 per contract.Given the futures position entereinto the pension fun Ruelmost likely believes interest rates will: A.fall. B.rise. C.remain the same. A is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given Nf = (BPVL – BPVA)/BPVf, where BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (59,598 – 91,632)/97.4 = –328.891, where the minus sign incates a short position or selling of 329 futures contracts (328,891/1,000). Ruelhunr-hee leaving a net position thwill benefit from a rection in interest rates, just the unheeposition woulbenefit from a rection in interest rates. Thus, he must believe interest rates will fall.B is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woulrise, he woulunr-hee, leaving a net position thwoulbenefit from rising rates.C is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woul’t change, he woulhee fully, in case rates movein unexpecteway. 这是本次复习第二遍做这题,又错了。我想不通为什么只要通过rivative overlay后,BPV asset>BPV liability,就是预期利率下降?我的思路是利率下降,资产价格应该上升,但如果asset money ration liabiliy money ration ,asset portfolio value 会更高,liabiliy value会更低,这样不久mismat了么? 难道就是为了创造出更多的surplus?

2024-02-03 15:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000038 问题如下 Beatriz Maestre is a fixeincome consultant who hbeen retaineFilipe Ruelas, the CFO of Cáva Protos Agricolas, SA (Cáva). Cáva is a manufacturer of preparefoo heauarterein BragPortugal.ring the meeting, Maestre presents some information about Cáva’s pension fun whiis primarily investein corporate bon with a mixture of investment-gra anspeculative-gra issues. This information is presentein Exhibit 1.Ruelexplains thhe uses futures contracts on euro-nominateGermgovernment bon to rethe ration gbetween assets anliabilities. However, because the pension funhonly a small surplus anhe woullike to increase this surplus through active management of the portfolio, he employs a contingent immunization strategy. The funis currently short 254 contracts baseon a 10-yebonwith a pvalue of EUR 100,000 ana basis point value (BPV) of EUR 97.40 per contract.Given the futures position entereinto the pension fun Ruelmost likely believes interest rates will: A.fall. B.rise. C.remain the same. A is correct. The number of futures contracts neeto fully remove the ration gbetween the asset anliability portfolios is given Nf = (BPVL – BPVA)/BPVf, where BPV is basis point value (of the liability portfolio, asset portfolio, anfutures contract, respectively). In this case, Nf = (59,598 – 91,632)/97.4 = –328.891, where the minus sign incates a short position or selling of 329 futures contracts (328,891/1,000). Ruelhunr-hee leaving a net position thwill benefit from a rection in interest rates, just the unheeposition woulbenefit from a rection in interest rates. Thus, he must believe interest rates will fall.B is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woulrise, he woulunr-hee, leaving a net position thwoulbenefit from rising rates.C is incorrebecause if Ruelbelieverates woul’t change, he woulhee fully, in case rates movein unexpecteway. 老师,有两道题目 结合来看有点困惑。FI 经典提3.5 asset manager is asketo builanmanage a portfolio of fixeincome bon to retire multiple corporate liabilities. The liabilities have a market value of G50,652,108, a mofieration of 7.15, ana BPV of G36,216. The asset manager buys a portfolio of British government bon having a market value of G64,271,055, a mofieration of 3.75, ana BPV of G24,102.The initisurplus of G13,618,947 anthe negative ration gof G12,114 are intentional. The surplus allows the manager to pursue a contingent immunization strategy to retire the at, hopefully, a lower cost tha more conservative ration-matching approach.The ration grequires the manager to buy, or go long, interest rate futures contracts to close the gap. The manager cchoose to over-hee or unr-hee, however, penng on market circumstances.The futures contraththe manager buys is baseon 10-yegilts having a pvalue of G100,000. It is estimateto have a BPV of G98.2533 per contract. Currently, the asset manager hpurchase or gone long, 160 contracts. Whistatement best scribes the asset manager’s heing strategy anthe helview on future 10-yegilt interest rates? The asset manager is:答案 overhee because the rate view is thatn 10-yeyiel will falling.FI 经典题4.1Beatriz Maestre is a fixeincome consultant who hbeen retaineFilipe Ruelas, the CFO of Cáva Protos Agricolas, SA (Cáva). Cáva is a manufacturer of preparefoo heauarterein BragPortugal.ring the meeting, Maestre presents some information about Cáva’s pension fun whiis primarily investein corporate bon with a mixture of investment-gra anspeculative-gra issues. This information is presentein Exhibit 1.Ruelexplains thhe uses futures contracts on euro-nominateGermgovernment bon to rethe ration gbetween assets anliabilities. However, because the pension funhonly a small surplus anhe woullike to increase this surplus through active management of the portfolio, he employs a contingent immunization strategy. The funis currently short 254 contracts baseon a 10-yebonwith a pvalue of EUR 100,000 ana basis point value (BPV) of EUR 97.40 per contract.Given the futures position entereinto the pension fun Ruelmost likely believes interest rates will:答案Fall 3.5中,需要long 123份去hee,投资者却用了160份,说明想要增加Asset+rivative端的ration。从而得出预期利率下降。4.1中,需要short 330份, 但投资者用了254份,也是会增加Asset+rivative端的ration对吗?所以也是利率下降预期。这两道题结合,是否可以理解为 不论long还是short,Asset BPV+ futures BPV 如果大于Liability BPV, 那就是net positive gap, 预期interest rate下降。

2024-01-21 18:04 1 · 回答