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506623496 · 2024年01月19日




Shield states that his return expectation for a portfolio of corporate bonds is 3%–6% per annum over a 10-year period. Edge questions whether that level of return is sufficient for Derran and offers the following suggestions with respect to increasing portfolio returns.

Suggestion 1 Overweight the portfolio with bonds of highly leveraged companies because their yields generally exceed those of companies that have lower debt levels.

Suggestion 2 Consider using inverse floaters and fixed-rate receiver swaps in order to position the portfolio to benefit from any decline in interest rates over the 10-year market cycle.

Suggestion 3 Enter into repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions with counterparties that are conservatively leveraged.

Which one of Edge’s suggestions least likely uses portfolio leverage to increase returns? (2019 mock AM)



Suggestion 3


Suggestion 2


Suggestion 1


Adding bonds of highly leveraged companies does not involve the use of leverage. The following methods of leverage may be used to increase portfolio returns relative to an unleveraged portfolio: (1) futures contracts, (2) swap agreements, (3) structured financial instruments, (4) repurchase agreements, and (5) securities lending. Each of these methods adds leverage to an unleveraged portfolio, including, as in this example, an unleveraged portfolio of bonds from highly leveraged companies.


1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2024年01月19日



反向浮动是coupon rate=3%-L,如果市场利率上升,则coupon 变小,如果市场利率下降,则coupon变大。



  • 1

  • 0

  • 252


NO.PZ2023032703000012 问题如下 Shielstates thhis return expectation for a portfolio of corporate bon is 3%–6% per annum over a 10-yeperio Ee questions whether thlevel of return is sufficient for rranoffers the following suggestions with respeto increasing portfolio returns.Suggestion 1 Overweight the portfolio with bon of highly leveragecompanies because their yiel generally exceethose of companies thhave lower levels.Suggestion 2 Consir using inverse floaters anfixerate receiver swaps in orr to position the portfolio to benefit from any cline in interest rates over the 10-yemarket cycle.Suggestion 3 Enter into repurchase agreements ansecurities lenng transactions with counterparties thare conservatively leverageWhione of Ee’s suggestions least likely uses portfolio leverage to increase returns? (2019 moAM) A.Suggestion 3 B.Suggestion 2 C.Suggestion 1 Aing bon of highly leveragecompanies es not involve the use of leverage. The following metho of leverage museto increase portfolio returns relative to unleverageportfolio: (1) futures contracts, (2) swagreements, (3) structurefinanciinstruments, (4) repurchase agreements, an(5) securities lenng. Eaof these metho as leverage to unleverageportfolio, inclung, in this example, unleverageportfolio of bon from highly leveragecompanies. 如题

2024-08-13 23:58 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000012 问题如下 Shielstates thhis return expectation for a portfolio of corporate bon is 3%–6% per annum over a 10-yeperio Ee questions whether thlevel of return is sufficient for rranoffers the following suggestions with respeto increasing portfolio returns.Suggestion 1 Overweight the portfolio with bon of highly leveragecompanies because their yiel generally exceethose of companies thhave lower levels.Suggestion 2 Consir using inverse floaters anfixerate receiver swaps in orr to position the portfolio to benefit from any cline in interest rates over the 10-yemarket cycle.Suggestion 3 Enter into repurchase agreements ansecurities lenng transactions with counterparties thare conservatively leverageWhione of Ee’s suggestions least likely uses portfolio leverage to increase returns? (2019 moAM) A.Suggestion 3 B.Suggestion 2 C.Suggestion 1 Aing bon of highly leveragecompanies es not involve the use of leverage. The following metho of leverage museto increase portfolio returns relative to unleverageportfolio: (1) futures contracts, (2) swagreements, (3) structurefinanciinstruments, (4) repurchase agreements, an(5) securities lenng. Eaof these metho as leverage to unleverageportfolio, inclung, in this example, unleverageportfolio of bon from highly leveragecompanies. 以及inverse floaters 不太理解

2024-08-04 22:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000012问题如下 Shielstates thhis return expectation for a portfolio of corporate bon is 3%–6% per annum over a 10-yeperio Ee questions whether thlevel of return is sufficient for rranoffers the following suggestions with respeto increasing portfolio returns.Suggestion 1 Overweight the portfolio with bon of highly leveragecompanies because their yiel generally exceethose of companies thhave lower levels.Suggestion 2 Consir using inverse floaters anfixerate receiver swaps in orr to position the portfolio to benefit from any cline in interest rates over the 10-yemarket cycle.Suggestion 3 Enter into repurchase agreements ansecurities lenng transactions with counterparties thare conservatively leverageWhione of Ee’s suggestions least likely uses portfolio leverage to increase returns? (2019 moAM) A.Suggestion 3B.Suggestion 2C.Suggestion 1 Aing bon of highly leveragecompanies es not involve the use of leverage. The following metho of leverage museto increase portfolio returns relative to unleverageportfolio: (1) futures contracts, (2) swagreements, (3) structurefinanciinstruments, (4) repurchase agreements, an(5) securities lenng. Eaof these metho as leverage to unleverageportfolio, inclung, in this example, unleverageportfolio of bon from highly leveragecompanies. 老师,逆回购方不是回购方的对手方吗?收到抵押债券,给出钱,谢谢您

2024-07-09 15:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000012 问题如下 Shielstates thhis return expectation for a portfolio of corporate bon is 3%–6% per annum over a 10-yeperio Ee questions whether thlevel of return is sufficient for rranoffers the following suggestions with respeto increasing portfolio returns.Suggestion 1 Overweight the portfolio with bon of highly leveragecompanies because their yiel generally exceethose of companies thhave lower levels.Suggestion 2 Consir using inverse floaters anfixerate receiver swaps in orr to position the portfolio to benefit from any cline in interest rates over the 10-yemarket cycle.Suggestion 3 Enter into repurchase agreements ansecurities lenng transactions with counterparties thare conservatively leverageWhione of Ee’s suggestions least likely uses portfolio leverage to increase returns? (2019 moAM) A.Suggestion 3 B.Suggestion 2 C.Suggestion 1 Aing bon of highly leveragecompanies es not involve the use of leverage. The following metho of leverage museto increase portfolio returns relative to unleverageportfolio: (1) futures contracts, (2) swagreements, (3) structurefinanciinstruments, (4) repurchase agreements, an(5) securities lenng. Eaof these metho as leverage to unleverageportfolio, inclung, in this example, unleverageportfolio of bon from highly leveragecompanies. suggestion 1 为什么没有利用杠杆呢?他不是说加大了带杠杆公司的投资比例吗

2024-05-10 12:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000012 问题如下 Shielstates thhis return expectation for a portfolio of corporate bon is 3%–6% per annum over a 10-yeperio Ee questions whether thlevel of return is sufficient for rranoffers the following suggestions with respeto increasing portfolio returns.Suggestion 1 Overweight the portfolio with bon of highly leveragecompanies because their yiel generally exceethose of companies thhave lower levels.Suggestion 2 Consir using inverse floaters anfixerate receiver swaps in orr to position the portfolio to benefit from any cline in interest rates over the 10-yemarket cycle.Suggestion 3 Enter into repurchase agreements ansecurities lenng transactions with counterparties thare conservatively leverageWhione of Ee’s suggestions least likely uses portfolio leverage to increase returns? (2019 moAM) A.Suggestion 3 B.Suggestion 2 C.Suggestion 1 Aing bon of highly leveragecompanies es not involve the use of leverage. The following metho of leverage museto increase portfolio returns relative to unleverageportfolio: (1) futures contracts, (2) swagreements, (3) structurefinanciinstruments, (4) repurchase agreements, an(5) securities lenng. Eaof these metho as leverage to unleverageportfolio, inclung, in this example, unleverageportfolio of bon from highly leveragecompanies. 这两个动作——回购协议+借出债券是一起完成的吧,大概意思就是,我手里债券,我借出去,并且与对手方签订一份回购协议,约定我未来会把这份债券买回来,是这样吧?这里的杠杆体现在我借出债券后收到一笔现金,我又可以将这笔现金用于去买债券,这样我手里的资产就放大了,对吧?

2024-02-05 17:50 1 · 回答