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四年才转正 · 2024年01月18日




When an asset manager receives an investment mandate from a pension fund, the asset manager:


A.assumes a fiduciary duty to the pension fund's members.

B.becomes the legal owner of the assets under management.

C.acts as the counterparty to investment transactions on behalf of the pension fund.


A is correct because the asset manager is "required to act as a fiduciary to clients."

B is incorrect because "asset managers … are not legal owners of their assets under management."

C is incorrect because "asset managers … are not the counterparty to transactions or to derivatives."


1 个答案

pzqa38 · 2024年01月19日


"Counterparty" 这个术语在金融和法律领域中非常常见,直译为“对手方”或“交易对方”。在任何类型的合约、交易或金融协议中,counterparty 指的是交易中的另一方。简单来说,就是您在交易中与之进行交易或签订合约的个人或实体。

在不同的情境下,counterparty 有不同的含义:

  1. 金融交易中:例如,在股票、债券或衍生品交易中,购买方和卖方就是彼此的counterparties。
  2. 合同法中:在法律合同中,签署合同的各方都是对方的counterparties。
  3. 风险管理中:在风险管理,特别是信用风险评估中,counterparty 风险是指交易对方无法履行其义务的风险。这在金融市场上尤为重要,比如在信贷交易、衍生品交易等方面。


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NO.PZ2022120703000009 问题如下 When asset manager receives investment mante from a pension fun the asset manager: A.assumes a ficiary ty to the pension funs members. B.becomes the legowner of the assets unr management. C.acts the counterparty to investment transactions on behalf of the pension fun A is correbecause the asset manager is \"requireto aa ficiary to clients.\"B is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not legowners of their assets unr management.\"C is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not the counterparty to transactions or to rivatives.\" When asset manager receives investment mante from a pension fun the asset manager:您的回答正确答案是: AAassumes a ficiary ty to the pension funs members.Bbecomes the legowner of the assets unr management.C不正确acts the counterparty to investment transactions on behalf of the pension funA如何理解“assumes a ficiary ty to the pension funs members.”假定对养老基金的成员承担信托责任,不应该是从接受mante 时,应该 ficiary ty

2024-07-19 07:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000009 问题如下 When asset manager receives investment mante from a pension fun the asset manager: A.assumes a ficiary ty to the pension funs members. B.becomes the legowner of the assets unr management. C.acts the counterparty to investment transactions on behalf of the pension fun A is correbecause the asset manager is \"requireto aa ficiary to clients.\"B is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not legowners of their assets unr management.\"C is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not the counterparty to transactions or to rivatives.\" 都是 pension funmember 授权代理投资的人吗

2024-04-12 11:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000009问题如下When asset manager receives investment mante from a pension fun the asset manager:A.assumes a ficiary ty to the pension funs members.B.becomes the legowner of the assets unr management.C.acts the counterparty to investment transactions on behalf of the pension fun A is correbecause the asset manager is \"requireto aa ficiary to clients.\"B is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not legowners of their assets unr management.\"C is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not the counterparty to transactions or to rivatives.\" 为啥 manager 不是交易对手方

2023-11-29 17:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000009 问题如下 When asset manager receives investment mante from a pension fun the asset manager: A.assumes a ficiary ty to the pension funs members. B.becomes the legowner of the assets unr management. C.acts the counterparty to investment transactions on behalf of the pension fun A is correbecause the asset manager is \"requireto aa ficiary to clients.\"B is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not legowners of their assets unr management.\"C is incorrebecause \"asset managers … are not the counterparty to transactions or to rivatives.\" 这句话是什么意思?is not counterparty to investment transactions

2023-08-12 10:25 1 · 回答