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甜甜圈洞 · 2024年01月17日

请问这道题怎么理解 谢谢



QuestionFor a normal good manufactured in a small nation, what can be the likely impact of instituting an export subsidy?


A.domestic consumption of the good.

B.price of the good in the domestic market.

C.national welfare of the country providing the subsidy.



  1. Incorrect, due to the reason that with the initiation of an export subsidy, the seller is urged to divert sales from the domestic front to international markets. This redirection results in a price increase in the domestic sphere by the subsidy amount in situations concerning a less-populated country (price before subsidy plus subsidy). As the price rises in the less-populated country's domestic market, the demand for the commodity tends to decrease (instead of increase).

  2. Correct, in the context of an export subsidy, sellers are incentivized to redirect sales from the home market to the international market because the international price plus a per-unit subsidy is received for every unit of the good exported. This situation prompts a rise in the domestic market price by the subsidy amount in the less-populated country scenario (price before subsidy plus subsidy).

  3. Incorrect, as an export subsidy, essentially a financial benefit given by the government to a firm for every unit of a good exported, aims at stimulating export activities. However, it impedes the smooth operation of the free market and might shift trade away from its natural comparative advantage, thereby decreasing welfare. The overall welfare effect is negative, in both more-populated and less-populated country scenarios. Hence, export subsidies tend to reduce rather than increase total societal benefit.

International Trade

请问这道题怎么理解 谢谢

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年01月19日



这道题考查的知识点,是小国模型 + 出口补贴。




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NO.PZ2023071902000076问题如下 QuestionFor a normgoomanufacturein a small nation, whcthe likely impaof instituting export subsi? A.mestic consumption of the gooB.priof the gooin the mestic market.C.nationwelfare of the country proving the subsi. Solution Incorrect, e to the reason thwith the initiation of export subsi, the seller is urgeto vert sales from the mestic front to internationmarkets. This rerection results in a priincrease in the mestic sphere the subsi amount in situations concerning a less-populatecountry (pribefore subsi plus subsi). the pririses in the less-populatecountry's mestic market, the manfor the commoty ten to crease (insteof increase).Correct, in the context of export subsi, sellers are incentivizeto reresales from the home market to the internationmarket because the internationpriplus a per-unit subsi is receivefor every unit of the gooexporte This situation prompts a rise in the mestic market prithe subsi amount in the less-populatecountry scenario (pribefore subsi plus subsi).Incorrect, export subsi, essentially a financibenefit given the government to a firm for every unit of a gooexporte aims stimulating export activities. However, it impes the smooth operation of the free market anmight shift tra awfrom its naturcomparative aantage, therecreasing welfare. The overall welfare effeis negative, in both more-populateanless-populatecountry scenarios. Hence, export subsies tento rerather thincrease totsocietbenefit.InternationTra•A不正确,因为随着出口补贴的启动,卖方被敦促将销售从国内转移到国际市场。这种重定向导致在涉及人口较少的国家的情况下,国内领域的价格增加了补贴金额(补贴前的价格加上补贴)。随着人口较少的国家国内市场价格的上涨,对这种商品的需求往往会减少(而不是增加)。B正确,在出口补贴的背景下,销售商被激励将销售从国内市场转向国际市场,因为每单位出口的商品都能获得国际价格加上每单位补贴。这种情况促使国内市场价格在人口较少的国家情景中按补贴金额(补贴前的价格加上补贴)上涨。C不正确,作为一种出口补贴,本质上是政府每出口一单位商品就给予企业的经济利益,其目的是刺激出口活动。然而,它阻碍了自由市场的平稳运行,并可能使贸易偏离其自然比较优势,从而减少福利。无论在人口多的国家还是人口少的国家,总体福利效应都是负的。因此,出口补贴倾向于减少而不是增加总社会效益。 这题出的有病,你里都没说是上升还是下降怎么选,品职自己出的题不只一个有这个问题了。

2024-04-22 09:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023071902000076 问题如下 QuestionFor a normgoomanufacturein a small nation, whcthe likely impaof instituting export subsi? A.mestic consumption of the goo B.priof the gooin the mestic market. C.nationwelfare of the country proving the subsi. Solution Incorrect, e to the reason thwith the initiation of export subsi, the seller is urgeto vert sales from the mestic front to internationmarkets. This rerection results in a priincrease in the mestic sphere the subsi amount in situations concerning a less-populatecountry (pribefore subsi plus subsi). the pririses in the less-populatecountry's mestic market, the manfor the commoty ten to crease (insteof increase).Correct, in the context of export subsi, sellers are incentivizeto reresales from the home market to the internationmarket because the internationpriplus a per-unit subsi is receivefor every unit of the gooexporte This situation prompts a rise in the mestic market prithe subsi amount in the less-populatecountry scenario (pribefore subsi plus subsi).Incorrect, export subsi, essentially a financibenefit given the government to a firm for every unit of a gooexporte aims stimulating export activities. However, it impes the smooth operation of the free market anmight shift tra awfrom its naturcomparative aantage, therecreasing welfare. The overall welfare effeis negative, in both more-populateanless-populatecountry scenarios. Hence, export subsies tento rerather thincrease totsocietbenefit.InternationTra• 应该说导致以下哪个增加吧

2024-01-16 22:11 1 · 回答