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Dongying · 2024年01月13日

Opportunistic hedge fund strategy

Xu tells Anderson that while she is open to using all hedge fund strategies, she is particularly interested in opportunistic hedge fund strategies. Xu states that she prefers opportunistic hedge fund strategies that use high leverage, have high liquidity, and exhibit right-tail skewness.


Which opportunistic hedge fund strategymeets Xu’s preferences?

1.     Only global macro

2.     Only managed futures

C.     Both global macro and managed futures


C is correct. Xu states that she prefers opportunistic hedge fund strategies that use high leverage, have high liquidity, and exhibit right-tail skewness. The two most common opportunistic hedge fund strategies are global macro and managed futures. Both global macro and managed futures are highly liquid. Further, returns of managed futures strategies typically exhibit positive right-tail skewness in periods of market stress, whereas global macro strategies have delivered similar diversification in such stress periods but with more heterogeneous outcomes. Global macro and managed futures strategies can also use high leverage, either through the use of futures contracts, in which high leverage is embedded, or through the active use of options, which adds natural elements of leverage and positive convexity.

请问为什么global macro 有positive right-tail skewness怎么理解它的heterogeneous outcomes?

为什么opportunistics 的leverage会高呢?

1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年01月13日


请问为什么global macro 有positive right-tail skewness ?——因为global macro是采用的趋势投资策略,一般情况全球的市场大多都是趋势,很少上下波动不涨的,那么只要顺势而为,大概率是盈利的,所以其右偏。

怎么理解它的heterogeneous outcomes?——因为其投资的很多产品只是表面上分类了,但是其实内部联系还是很大的,比如投资的股票和房地产其实有一定的关联度,比如它们都会受到央行加息或者降息的影响。

为什么opportunistics 的leverage会高呢?——因为投资的金融产品都是自带杠杆的,比如衍生品、外汇


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