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Frances · 2024年01月12日




QuestionUnder which economic conditions is quantitative easing (QE) most likely to aid in the recovery of a struggling economy?


A.Deflationary trap

B.Declining bank reserves and economic activity

C.Liquidity trap



  1. Incorrect. A deflationary spiral refers to a persistent and widespread decrease in the general price index, posing greater challenges for conventional monetary policies compared to inflation. Once nominal interest rates are lowered to zero by the monetary authority to stimulate the economy, they cannot be further reduced. At this stage, the conditions for a liquidity trap come into play. Deflation raises the real value of debt, while falling prices may discourage current consumption, leading to reduced demand and further deflationary pressure. Consequently, a deflationary "trap" may develop, characterized by sluggish consumption growth, falling prices, and rising levels of real debt.
  2. Correct. Quantitative easing (QE) is an "unconventional" monetary policy approach, operationally similar to open market purchase operations but conducted on a larger scale. Central banks create additional reserves through QE, which can be used to purchase various assets. The intention is to stimulate lending, leading to broader money growth and, ultimately, an increase in real economic activity.
  3. Incorrect. A liquidity trap occurs when the demand for money becomes infinitely elastic, meaning the demand curve is horizontal, and individuals are willing to hold extra money balances without any change in interest rates. In this extreme scenario, injecting more money into the economy will not further lower interest rates or impact real economic activity, rendering monetary policy fully ineffective.

    Monetary Policy

    • describe qualities of effective central banks; contrast their use of inflation, interest rate, and exchange rate targeting in expansionary or contractionary monetary policy; and describe the limitations of monetary policy

    这题老师上课不就说了qe是用来对付liquidity trap的吗

    1 个答案

    笛子_品职助教 · 2024年01月13日


    同学说QE可以对付liquidity trap,确实有国家在这么操作。


    本题的问题是,在正常经济衰退的时候采用QE,与流动性陷阱的时候采纳QE,哪个效果更好( most likely to aid in the recovery )。




    结合本题:正常的Declining bank reserves and economic activity,采取QE的效果,要比liquidity trap下采取QE的效果,更好。选B。


    • 1

    • 0

    • 302


    NO.PZ2023071902000026问题如下 QuestionUnr whieconomic contions is quantitative easing (QE) most likely to aiin the recovery of a struggling economy? A.flationary trapB.clining bank reserves aneconomic activityC.Liquity trap SolutionIncorrect. A flationary spirrefers to a persistent anwisprecrease in the generpriinx, posing greater challenges for conventionmonetary policies compareto inflation. Onnomininterest rates are lowereto zero the monetary authority to stimulate the economy, they cannot further rece this stage, the contions for a liquity trcome into play. flation raises the revalue of bt, while falling prices mscourage current consumption, leang to recemananfurther flationary pressure. Consequently, a flationary \"trap\" mvelop, characterizesluggish consumption growth, falling prices, anrising levels of rebt.Correct. Quantitative easing (QE) is \"unconventional\" monetary poliapproach, operationally similto open market purchase operations but concteon a larger scale. Centrbanks create aitionreserves through QE, whicuseto purchase various assets. The intention is to stimulate lenng, leang to broar money growth an ultimately, increase in reeconomic activity.Incorrect. A liquity troccurs when the manfor money becomes infinitely elastimeaning the mancurve is horizontal, aninvials are willing to holextra money balances without any change in interest rates. In this extreme scenario, injecting more money into the economy will not further lower interest rates or impareeconomic activity, renring monetary polifully ineffective.Monetary Policy• scriqualities of effective centrbanks; contrast their use of inflation, interest rate, anexchange rate targeting in expansionary or contractionary monetary policy; anscrithe limitations of monetary poli可以一下AC为什么不对么

    2024-02-04 17:57 1 · 回答