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YAO Monica · 2024年01月12日

F1 score是怎么考虑FN部分的?



Bector turns his attention to Dataset XYZ, containing 84,000 tokens and 10,000 sentences. Bector chooses an appropriate feature selection method to identify and remove unnecessary tokens from the dataset and then focuses on model training.

For performance evaluation purposes, Dataset XYZ is split into a training set, crossvalidation (CV) set, and test set. Each of the sentences has already been labeled as either a positive sentiment (Class “1”) or a negative sentiment (Class “0”) sentence.

There is an unequal class distribution between the positive sentiment and negative sentiment sentences in Dataset XYZ. Simple random sampling is applied within levels of the sentiment class labels to balance the class distributions within the splits.

Bector’s view is that the false positive and false negative evaluation metrics should be given equal weight.

Based only on Dataset XYZ’s composition and Bector’s view regarding false positive and false negative evaluation metrics, which performance measure is most appropriate?





F1 score




B is correct.

F1 score is the most appropriate performance measure for Dataset XYZ. Bector gives equal weight to false positives and false negatives. Accuracy and F1 score are overall performance measures that give equal weight to false positives and false negatives.

Accuracy is considered an appropriate performance measure for balanced datasets, where the number of “1” and “0” classes are equal.

F1 score is considered more appropriate than accuracy when there is unequal class distribution in the dataset and it is necessary to measure the equilibrium of precision and recall.

Since Dataset XYZ contains an unequal class distribution between positive and negative sentiment sentences, F1 score is the most appropriate performance measure.

Precision is the ratio of correctly predicted positive classes to all predicted positive classes and is useful in situations where the cost of false positives or Type I errors is high.

Recall is the ratio of correctly predicted positive classes to all actual positive classes and is useful in situations where the cost of false negatives or Type II errors is high.

考点:Model Training - Performance Evaluation

基于uneven class前提,F1确实是最适合的,但是基于问题中的FN部分F1是如何考虑?

因为题目问:regarding false positive and false negative evaluation metrics,以下哪个方法适用。


1 个答案

品职助教_七七 · 2024年01月13日


从下图的P和R的公式可以看出,P和R是基于FP和FN的角度出发的“evaluation metrics”。

而从下图的F1 score公式可以看出,F1 score是P和R这两者的综合。所以也同时考量了FP和FN。
