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pseudonym · 2024年01月08日


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Which of the following improvements is most likely to reduce the opportunity cost of the trade execution?



Knowing beforehand which broker and/or algorithm is best suited to reduce the time between receipt of the order and market execution.


Knowing the share quantity that is most likely to be executed within a specified price range.


Selecting the proper trading urgency.


Correct Answer: B

Opportunity cost can be reduced by knowing the order size and share quantity that is most likely to be executed in the market within a specified price range.

Knowing beforehand which broker and/or algorithm is best suited to reduce the time between receipt of the order and market execution could help reduce the delay cost. Selecting the proper trading urgency can reduce the trading cost.


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年01月09日


C选项,从字面意思看,选择恰当的交易速度可以降低交易成本,这里说的trading cost应该就是广义的交易成本,而不再是我们IS中分解的一部分了。比如,alpha decay比较大的情况下,我们交易得更快,就可以降低交易成本。



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NO.PZ202212270100001103 问题如下 Chatterjee cis to buy 10,000 shares of MPU with a cision priceof yestery’s close $40.00 per share ansets a limit priof $40.50 forthe orr. The trang venue charges $0.03 per share a commission.MPU faces strong mananprices continue risingthroughout the trang y. Angels is able to get three tras executewithinthe limit orr set Chatterjee. After the thirtra, MPU shares tra atprices over the limit orr anclose $40.90. Chatterjee termines thMPUis now fairly valueanes not want to buy any more MPU shares thecurrent price. The tra execution tails are shown in Exhibit 1. Whiof the following improvements is most likely to rethe opportunity cost of the tra execution? A.Knowing beforehanwhibroker anor algorithm is best suiteto rethe time between receipt of the orr anmarket execution. B.Knowing the share quantity this most likely to executewithin a specifieprirange. C.Selecting the proper trang urgency. CorreAnswer: BOpportunity cost creceknowing the orr size anshare quantity this most likely to executein the market within a specifieprirange.Knowing beforehanwhibroker anor algorithm is best suiteto rethe time between receipt of the orr anmarket execution coulhelp rethe lcost. Selecting the proper trang urgencrethe trang cost. lcost不应该是cision price和arrivprice之间的差导致的成本吗?A感觉是在描述trang cost, arrivpri和 execution price之间的成本

2023-08-24 13:53 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202212270100001103 问题如下 Chatterjee cis to buy 10,000 shares of MPU with a cision priceof yestery’s close $40.00 per share ansets a limit priof $40.50 forthe orr. The trang venue charges $0.03 per share a commission.MPU faces strong mananprices continue risingthroughout the trang y. Angels is able to get three tras executewithinthe limit orr set Chatterjee. After the thirtra, MPU shares tra atprices over the limit orr anclose $40.90. Chatterjee termines thMPUis now fairly valueanes not want to buy any more MPU shares thecurrent price. The tra execution tails are shown in Exhibit 1. Whiof the following improvements is most likely to rethe opportunity cost of the tra execution? A.Knowing beforehanwhibroker anor algorithm is best suiteto rethe time between receipt of the orr anmarket execution. B.Knowing the share quantity this most likely to executewithin a specifieprirange. C.Selecting the proper trang urgency. CorreAnswer: BOpportunity cost creceknowing the orr size anshare quantity this most likely to executein the market within a specifieprirange.Knowing beforehanwhibroker anor algorithm is best suiteto rethe time between receipt of the orr anmarket execution coulhelp rethe lcost. Selecting the proper trang urgencrethe trang cost. RT

2023-07-30 21:07 1 · 回答