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尚好的青春 · 2023年12月31日


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Which of Whitacre’s two statements regarding bond futures arbitrage is correct?



Only Statement 4


Only Statement 5


Both Statement 4 and Statement 5


A is correct.

If the basis is positive, a trader would make a profit by “selling the basis”—that is, selling the bond and buying the futures. In contrast, when the basis is negative, the trader would make a profit by “buying the basis,” in which the trader would purchase the bond and short the futures.

B is incorrect because Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trader would make a profit by “buying the basis”—that is, purchasing (not selling) the bond and shorting (not buying) the futures.

C is incorrect because Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trader would make a profit by “buying the basis”—that is, purchasing (not selling) the bond and shorting (not buying) the futures.


如果basis为正,则应该sell the basis,具体来说就是卖出债券,买入债券期货合约。

如果basis 为负,则应该buy the basis,具体来说就是买入债券,卖出对应的债券期货合约。


2.     所以当basis为负数的时候,就是现货高于期货价格,买低卖高的原则下,我们应该买现货卖期货;同理如果basis为正数,应该买期货卖现货了。

3.     然后注意basis为负的时候的操作叫做buying basis;basis为正的时候的操作叫做sell basis。


下面这个为什么basis为负,叫做buy,buy 的主体是哪一方?

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年01月01日




1.     当basis为正数,即现货价格高于期货,所以应该卖出现货债券,买进债券期货。

而这里的sell the basis是跟着现货头寸来定义的,在上面我们是卖出现货,所以叫做sell the basis。

2.同理当basis小于0 的时候,说明债券现货低于至安全期货价格,所以应该买现货,对应的就叫做buy the basis。


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NO.PZ201601050100001707 问题如下 Whiof Whitacre’s two statements regarng bonfutures arbitrage is correct? A.Only Statement 4 B.Only Statement 5 C.Both Statement 4 anStatement 5 A is correct. If the basis is positive, a trar woulmake a profit “selling the basis”—this, selling the bonanbuying the futures. In contrast, when the basis is negative, the trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis,” in whithe trar woulpurchase the bonanshort the futures. B is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. C is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. 中文解析如果basis为正,则应该sell the basis,具体来说就是卖出债券,买入债券期货合约。如果basis 为负,则应该buy the basis,具体来说就是买入债券,卖出对应的债券期货合约。因此只有表述4是正确的,选择 何老师在基础班课题讲ily roll这块时专门提到Basis是F-S, 但是这里又明明指S-F,信息冲突了

2024-02-01 14:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001707 问题如下 Whiof Whitacre’s two statements regarng bonfutures arbitrage is correct? A.Only Statement 4 B.Only Statement 5 C.Both Statement 4 anStatement 5 A is correct. If the basis is positive, a trar woulmake a profit “selling the basis”—this, selling the bonanbuying the futures. In contrast, when the basis is negative, the trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis,” in whithe trar woulpurchase the bonanshort the futures. B is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. C is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. 中文解析如果basis为正,则应该sell the basis,具体来说就是卖出债券,买入债券期货合约。如果basis 为负,则应该buy the basis,具体来说就是买入债券,卖出对应的债券期货合约。因此只有表述4是正确的,选择 当basis为负数的时候,就是现货高于期货价格,买低卖高的原则下,我们应该买现货卖期货;同理如果basis为正数,应该买期货卖现货了。这个理解但是期货为啥当basis为负数的时候是buy 呢? basis 的横坐标和纵坐标是啥呢?

2023-07-11 07:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001707 问题如下 Whiof Whitacre’s two statements regarng bonfutures arbitrage is correct? A.Only Statement 4 B.Only Statement 5 C.Both Statement 4 anStatement 5 A is correct. If the basis is positive, a trar woulmake a profit “selling the basis”—this, selling the bonanbuying the futures. In contrast, when the basis is negative, the trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis,” in whithe trar woulpurchase the bonanshort the futures. B is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. C is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. 中文解析如果basis为正,则应该sell the basis,具体来说就是卖出债券,买入债券期货合约。如果basis 为负,则应该buy the basis,具体来说就是买入债券,卖出对应的债券期货合约。因此只有表述4是正确的,选择 如题。

2023-06-25 19:32 3 · 回答

NO.PZ201601050100001707问题如下 Whiof Whitacre’s two statements regarng bonfutures arbitrage is correct? A.Only Statement 4B.Only Statement 5C.Both Statement 4 anStatement 5 A is correct. If the basis is positive, a trar woulmake a profit “selling the basis”—this, selling the bonanbuying the futures. In contrast, when the basis is negative, the trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis,” in whithe trar woulpurchase the bonanshort the futures. B is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. C is incorrebecause Statement 5 is incorrect. If the basis is negative, a trar woulmake a profit “buying the basis”—this, purchasing (not selling) the bonanshorting (not buying) the futures. 中文解析如果basis为正,则应该sell the basis,具体来说就是卖出债券,买入债券期货合约。如果basis 为负,则应该buy the basis,具体来说就是买入债券,卖出对应的债券期货合约。因此只有表述4是正确的,选择基差正为啥要sell basis?

2022-07-21 12:40 1 · 回答