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秋樣 · 2023年12月31日

Fixed income -选择组合来免疫single liability


来源: 原版书

Chaopraya is an investment advisor for high-net-worth individuals. One of her clients, Schuylkill, plans to fund her grandson’s college education and considers two options:

  • Option 1 Contribute a lump sum of $300,000 in 10 years.
  • Option 2 Contribute four level annual payments of $76,500 starting in 10 years.

The grandson will start college in 10 years. Schuylkill seeks to immunize the contribution today.

For Option 1, Chaopraya calculates the present value of the $300,000 as $234,535. To immunize the future single outfow, Chaopraya considers three bond portfolios given that no zero- coupon government bonds are available.

The three portfolios consist of non-callable, fi­xed-rate, coupon-bearing government bonds considered free of default risk. Chaopraya prepares a comparative analysis of the three portfolios, presented in Exhibit 1.

Chaopraya evaluates the three bond portfolios and selects one to recommend to Schuylkill.


来源: 原版书

Recommend the portfolio in Exhibit 1 that would best achieve the immunization. Justify your response.


I recommend the portfolio A that would best achieve the immunization, because it meets the needs of single obligation immunization:

  1. Portfolio's market value of $235727 is larger than the PV of liability of $234535.
  2. The duration of portfolio A of 9.998 is almost equal to the duration of liability of 10.


2 个答案

秋樣 · 2024年01月01日

I recommend the portfolio A that would best achieve the immunization, because it meets the needs of single obligation immunization:

  1. PV of immunization portfolio should be larger than PV of liability. Portfolio's market value of $235727 is larger than the PV of liability of $234535.
  2. Macaulay duration of immunization portfolio should be equal to macaulay duration of liability. The duration of portfolio A of 9.998 is almost equal to the duration of liability of 10.
  3. Convexity of immunization portfolio should be minimized.

pzqa31 · 2023年12月31日


可以把multiple liability的免疫条件写上,再把本题对应的条件和判断对应写上,还是要写一下convexity要选最小的。


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