开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


张莹莹 · 2023年12月22日




Which of the following is an example of an ESG-integrated valuation adjustment? Upward adjustment in:


A.sales growth due to high employee engagement.

B.valuation due to weak governance of a company.

C.cost of debt for new project financing with low carbon intensity.


Practitioners assess the impact of material financial and ESG factors on the corporate and investment performance of a company and make adjustments to:► forecasted financials► valuation-model variables (eg , cost of capital or terminal growth rates in DCF analysis)► valuation multiples► forecasted financial ratios► internal credit assessments► assumptions in qualitative or quantitative modelsRather than changing model discount assumptions, explicit sales or margin assumptions may also be adjusted For example, an analysis of a company’s strong management of its employees (as assessed by employee engagement or satisfaction metrics) leads to an assessment of strong future customer satisfaction, which in turn leads to sales forecasts five years out being raised to above the industry average to account for this strong social factor score


1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2023年12月23日


A. 销售增长由于高员工参与度而上调。

  • 这个选项认为,如果一家公司有高员工参与度,这可能会导致更好的员工表现和高效的工作环境,进而可能增加公司的销售额。员工参与度是ESG中的“社会”因素的一部分。在这种情况下,分析师可能会预测,因为这个积极的社会因素,公司的未来销售增长会超过行业平均水平。

B. 由于公司治理薄弱导致的估值上调。

  • 这个选项指的是,如果一家公司有较弱的治理结构(例如,管理不善或缺乏透明度),这可能会被看作是一个负面因素,从而影响公司的整体估值。然而,通常情况下,治理薄弱会导致估值下降而非上升。所以,这个选项似乎与常规的ESG集成估值调整逻辑不符。

C. 由于新项目融资的低碳强度导致的债务成本上升。

  • 这个选项中,如果一个项目或公司致力于低碳或环保活动(ESG中的“环境”因素),它可能会获得更优惠的融资条件,例如较低的债务成本。而不是债务成本上升。




► 预测的财务数据

► 估值模型变量(例如,资本成本或在现金流折现分析中的终值增长率)

► 估值倍数

► 预测的财务比率

► 内部信用评估

► 定性或定量模型中的假设



  • 1

  • 0

  • 323


NO.PZ2022120701000072问题如下Whiof the following is example of ESG-integratevaluation austment? Upwaraustment in:A.sales growth e to high employee engagement.B.valuation e to wegovernanof a company.C.cost of for new projefinancing with low carbon intensity.Practitioners assess the impaof materifinancianESG factors on the corporate aninvestment performanof a company anmake austments to:► forecastefinancials► valuation-mol variables (eg , cost of capitor termingrowth rates in F analysis)► valuation multiples► forecastefinanciratios► interncret assessments► assumptions in qualitative or quantitative molsRather thchanging mol scount assumptions, explicit sales or margin assumptions malso auste For example, analysis of a company’s strong management of its employees (assesseemployee engagement or satisfaction metrics) lea to assessment of strong future customer satisfaction, whiin turn lea to sales forecasts five years out being raiseto above the instry average to account for this strong socifactor score考点是啥为啥 不对?

2023-11-08 17:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000072 问题如下 Whiof the following is example of ESG-integratevaluation austment? Upwaraustment in: A.sales growth e to high employee engagement. B.valuation e to wegovernanof a company. C.cost of for new projefinancing with low carbon intensity. Practitioners assess the impaof materifinancianESG factors on the corporate aninvestment performanof a company anmake austments to:► forecastefinancials► valuation-mol variables (eg , cost of capitor termingrowth rates in F analysis)► valuation multiples► forecastefinanciratios► interncret assessments► assumptions in qualitative or quantitative molsRather thchanging mol scount assumptions, explicit sales or margin assumptions malso auste For example, analysis of a company’s strong management of its employees (assesseemployee engagement or satisfaction metrics) lea to assessment of strong future customer satisfaction, whiin turn lea to sales forecasts five years out being raiseto above the instry average to account for this strong socifactor score 老师,这个为什么选a呢

2023-07-27 18:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000072 问题如下 Whiof the following is example of ESG-integratevaluation austment? Upwaraustment in: A.sales growth e to high employee engagement. B.valuation e to wegovernanof a company. C.cost of for new projefinancing with low carbon intensity. Practitioners assess the impaof materifinancianESG factors on the corporate aninvestment performanof a company anmake austments to:► forecastefinancials► valuation-mol variables (eg , cost of capitor termingrowth rates in F analysis)► valuation multiples► forecastefinanciratios► interncret assessments► assumptions in qualitative or quantitative molsRather thchanging mol scount assumptions, explicit sales or margin assumptions malso auste For example, analysis of a company’s strong management of its employees (assesseemployee engagement or satisfaction metrics) lea to assessment of strong future customer satisfaction, whiin turn lea to sales forecasts five years out being raiseto above the instry average to account for this strong socifactor score 老师为什么B C不对呢

2023-03-09 10:27 1 · 回答