开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


小但 · 2023年12月16日




Which of the following would be considered the most effective form of investor engagement?


A.Initiating a dialogue with the investee company following a share price fall

B.Highlighting concerns about long-term key issues to non-executive directors of the investee company

C.Requesting information on specific governance, social or environmental issues from the investee company


B is correct because "engagement dialogues are conversations between investors and any level of the investee entity (including non-executive directors) featuring a two-way sharing of perspectives, such that the investors express their position on key issues, and in particular, highlight any concerns that they may have." In addition, engagement is "set in a context of long-term ownership and focus on long-term value preservation and creation, so that engagement is aligned with investment thesis."

A is incorrect because "very often, a desire to engage arises from a share price fall. Active fund managers may then become concerned about issues that may have been apparent for a time but which may have been ignored as the performance was positive. Experience tends to show that such knee-jerk engagement is less likely to be effective than long-standing consistent messaging (where intensity may increase at moments of difficulty, but do not just begin at those moments)."

C is incorrect because investors seeking insights is part of a monitoring dialogue and not an engagement dialogue. Monitoring is "typified by … detailed and specific questioning; investors seeking insights." In addition, "two-way dialogue and expression of clear positions is necessary for engagement to deliver on its intended outcomes, of changed company behaviors and so on."

为撒非执行董事说呢 a虽然是下跌之后但是是dialogue啊

1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2023年12月16日



  • 深入对话:与非执行董事的对话通常是双向的,允许投资者分享他们对公司长期发展的观点和担忧。这种对话形式有助于投资者传达他们的立场,并可能影响公司的长期策略。
  • 长期价值观:与非执行董事的对话通常集中在长期价值的保护和创造上,这与投资者的长期投资理念相一致。这种参与方式有助于确保公司管理层关注的不仅仅是短期业绩,而是公司的长期可持续发展。


  1. 独立性:非执行董事因其不参与日常管理而被认为具有更高的独立性,这使得他们在处理公司治理和长期战略问题时能够提供更加客观的视角。
  2. 监督和建议:他们的主要职责是监督公司的表现和管理层,确保公司遵守法律和道德标准,同时就公司的长期策略和政策提供指导。



  • 反应式对话:股价下跌后立即进行的对话通常被视为一种快速反应,可能不如长期一贯的沟通有效。这种情况下的对话可能更多是出于对短期表现的担忧,而非基于长期价值考虑。


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NO.PZ2022120703000049问题如下 Whiof the following woulconsirethe most effective form of investor engagement? A.Initiating a alogue with the investee company following a share prifallB.Highlighting concerns about long-term key issues to non-executive rectors of the investee companyC.Requesting information on specific governance, socior environmentissues from the investee company B is correbecause \"engagement alogues are conversations between investors anany level of the investee entity (inclung non-executive rectors) featuring a two-wsharing of perspectives, suththe investors express their position on key issues, anin particular, highlight any concerns ththey mhave.\" In aition, engagement is \"set in a context of long-term ownership anfocus on long-term value preservation ancreation, so thengagement is alignewith investment thesis.\"A is incorrebecause \"very often, a sire to engage arises from a share prifall. Active funmanagers mthen become concerneabout issues thmhave been apparent for a time but whimhave been ignorethe performanwpositive. Experienten to show thsuknee-jerk engagement is less likely to effective thlong-stanng consistent messaging (where intensity mincrease moments of fficulty, but not just begin those moments).\"C is incorrebecause investors seeking insights is part of a monitoring alogue annot engagement alogue. Monitoring is \"typifie… taileanspecific questioning; investors seeking insights.\" In aition, \"two-walogue anexpression of clepositions is necessary for engagement to liver on its intenoutcomes, of changecompany behaviors anso on.\" 麻烦老师一下,另外请问一下在讲义第几页出现了,没找到

2024-05-25 10:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000049问题如下 Whiof the following woulconsirethe most effective form of investor engagement? A.Initiating a alogue with the investee company following a share prifallB.Highlighting concerns about long-term key issues to non-executive rectors of the investee companyC.Requesting information on specific governance, socior environmentissues from the investee company B is correbecause \"engagement alogues are conversations between investors anany level of the investee entity (inclung non-executive rectors) featuring a two-wsharing of perspectives, suththe investors express their position on key issues, anin particular, highlight any concerns ththey mhave.\" In aition, engagement is \"set in a context of long-term ownership anfocus on long-term value preservation ancreation, so thengagement is alignewith investment thesis.\"A is incorrebecause \"very often, a sire to engage arises from a share prifall. Active funmanagers mthen become concerneabout issues thmhave been apparent for a time but whimhave been ignorethe performanwpositive. Experienten to show thsuknee-jerk engagement is less likely to effective thlong-stanng consistent messaging (where intensity mincrease moments of fficulty, but not just begin those moments).\"C is incorrebecause investors seeking insights is part of a monitoring alogue annot engagement alogue. Monitoring is \"typifie… taileanspecific questioning; investors seeking insights.\" In aition, \"two-walogue anexpression of clepositions is necessary for engagement to liver on its intenoutcomes, of changecompany behaviors anso on.\" 如题。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

2024-05-19 19:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000049问题如下 Whiof the following woulconsirethe most effective form of investor engagement? A.Initiating a alogue with the investee company following a share prifallB.Highlighting concerns about long-term key issues to non-executive rectors of the investee companyC.Requesting information on specific governance, socior environmentissues from the investee company B is correbecause \"engagement alogues are conversations between investors anany level of the investee entity (inclung non-executive rectors) featuring a two-wsharing of perspectives, suththe investors express their position on key issues, anin particular, highlight any concerns ththey mhave.\" In aition, engagement is \"set in a context of long-term ownership anfocus on long-term value preservation ancreation, so thengagement is alignewith investment thesis.\"A is incorrebecause \"very often, a sire to engage arises from a share prifall. Active funmanagers mthen become concerneabout issues thmhave been apparent for a time but whimhave been ignorethe performanwpositive. Experienten to show thsuknee-jerk engagement is less likely to effective thlong-stanng consistent messaging (where intensity mincrease moments of fficulty, but not just begin those moments).\"C is incorrebecause investors seeking insights is part of a monitoring alogue annot engagement alogue. Monitoring is \"typifie… taileanspecific questioning; investors seeking insights.\" In aition, \"two-walogue anexpression of clepositions is necessary for engagement to liver on its intenoutcomes, of changecompany behaviors anso on.\" 如果没有B ,那么可以选择A,么? 我看A只是相对效果差于B

2024-03-11 12:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000049问题如下 Whiof the following woulconsirethe most effective form of investor engagement? A.Initiating a alogue with the investee company following a share prifallB.Highlighting concerns about long-term key issues to non-executive rectors of the investee companyC.Requesting information on specific governance, socior environmentissues from the investee company B is correbecause \"engagement alogues are conversations between investors anany level of the investee entity (inclung non-executive rectors) featuring a two-wsharing of perspectives, suththe investors express their position on key issues, anin particular, highlight any concerns ththey mhave.\" In aition, engagement is \"set in a context of long-term ownership anfocus on long-term value preservation ancreation, so thengagement is alignewith investment thesis.\"A is incorrebecause \"very often, a sire to engage arises from a share prifall. Active funmanagers mthen become concerneabout issues thmhave been apparent for a time but whimhave been ignorethe performanwpositive. Experienten to show thsuknee-jerk engagement is less likely to effective thlong-stanng consistent messaging (where intensity mincrease moments of fficulty, but not just begin those moments).\"C is incorrebecause investors seeking insights is part of a monitoring alogue annot engagement alogue. Monitoring is \"typifie… taileanspecific questioning; investors seeking insights.\" In aition, \"two-walogue anexpression of clepositions is necessary for engagement to liver on its intenoutcomes, of changecompany behaviors anso on.\" 请您举个实践的例子说明下什么情况下investor engagement会找到被投资公司的非执行董事呀?实在太抽象理解不了!

2024-02-29 17:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000049问题如下 Whiof the following woulconsirethe most effective form of investor engagement? A.Initiating a alogue with the investee company following a share prifallB.Highlighting concerns about long-term key issues to non-executive rectors of the investee companyC.Requesting information on specific governance, socior environmentissues from the investee company B is correbecause \"engagement alogues are conversations between investors anany level of the investee entity (inclung non-executive rectors) featuring a two-wsharing of perspectives, suththe investors express their position on key issues, anin particular, highlight any concerns ththey mhave.\" In aition, engagement is \"set in a context of long-term ownership anfocus on long-term value preservation ancreation, so thengagement is alignewith investment thesis.\"A is incorrebecause \"very often, a sire to engage arises from a share prifall. Active funmanagers mthen become concerneabout issues thmhave been apparent for a time but whimhave been ignorethe performanwpositive. Experienten to show thsuknee-jerk engagement is less likely to effective thlong-stanng consistent messaging (where intensity mincrease moments of fficulty, but not just begin those moments).\"C is incorrebecause investors seeking insights is part of a monitoring alogue annot engagement alogue. Monitoring is \"typifie… taileanspecific questioning; investors seeking insights.\" In aition, \"two-walogue anexpression of clepositions is necessary for engagement to liver on its intenoutcomes, of changecompany behaviors anso on.\" ​没有感觉到b是双向的对话

2023-12-20 18:56 2 · 回答