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秋樣 · 2023年12月05日

Private wealth问题-蒙特卡洛模型



Exhibit 1

Monte Carlo Simulation Results for Retirement Goal of a Hypothetical Client

According to the table below, John's interpretation is:

  1. Over 20 years, 30% of the time clients have not met their goals.

  2. Over 15 years, the value of the investment portfolio is at least 25% of $1,711,500.

  3. Over 20 years, the client will run out of money 75% of the time.

Among John's three possible interpretations for Exhibit 1, the most accurate one is:



Interpretation 1.


Interpretation 2


Interpretation 3


A is correct. Interpretation 1 is correct: Over 20 years, 70% of the trials were successful, which means that the client achieved his or her goals 70% of the time, or did not achieve them in 30% of the trials.

B is not correct. Fifteen years later, the portfolio value of $1711500 indicates that in 25% of the trials over that time frame, the portfolio value may exceed $1711500, rather than 25% of that value.

C is incorrect. Over 20 years, 75% of the trials will result in losses below $249211. Although some of the results will be losses, the table does not indicate the positive or negative aspects of the results.





Interpretation 1,按照课上说的,意思不是70%trials成功、30%trials失败吗?为什么是30%的客户达不成目标呢?而且75%那一栏是(249211)不应该解读为75%的概率投资额会亏损249211吗?

Interpretation 2 ,15年内,有25%的概率投资金额会达到1711500。

Interpretation 3, 20年内,“the client will run out of the money 75% of the time"是什么意思?难道不是75%的概率投资额会亏损249211?


2 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2023年12月06日

interpretation 1:30% of the time clients have not met their goals,描述正确,客户有30%的概率无法完成蒙特卡洛模拟预估出来的目标。 “have not met their goals”蒙特卡罗模拟出的就是客户的投资目标吗?无论这个目标是正是负?


王暄_品职助教 · 2023年12月06日


Interpretation 1,按照课上说的,意思不是70%trials成功、30%trials失败吗?为什么是30%的客户达不成目标呢?而且75%那一栏是(249211)不应该解读为75%的概率投资额会亏损249211吗?

针对的是20年后,客户资产有75的概率大于(249211),有25%的概率资产价值大于1521421;且70%的概率,在20年后,会达成上述价值的估计(即successful trail = 70%)

因此对于interpretation 1:30% of the time clients have not met their goals,描述正确,客户有30%的概率无法完成蒙特卡洛模拟预估出来的目标

Interpretation 3, 20年内,“the client will run out of the money 75% of the time"是什么意思?难道不是75%的概率投资额会亏损249211?

interpretation 3的意思:客户在20年后,有75%的概率资产为负;



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NO.PZ2021090805000023 问题如下 Exhibit 1Monte Carlo Simulation Results for Retirement Goof a HypotheticClientAccorng to the table below, John's interpretation is:Over 20 years, 30% of the time clients have not met their goals.Over 15 years, the value of the investment portfolio is least 25% of $1,711,500.Over 20 years, the client will run out of money 75% of the time.Among John's three possible interpretations for Exhibit 1, the most accurate one is: A.Interpretation 1. B.Interpretation 2 C.Interpretation 3 A is correct. Interpretation 1 is correct: Over 20 years, 70% of the trials were successful, whimeans ththe client achievehis or her goals 70% of the time, or not achieve them in 30% of the trials.B is not correct. Fifteen years later, the portfolio value of $1711500 incates thin 25% of the trials over thtime frame, the portfolio value mexcee$1711500, rather th25% of thvalue.C is incorrect. Over 20 years, 75% of the trials will result in losses below $249211. Although some of the results will losses, the table es not incate the positive or negative aspects of the results.A是正确的。1是正确的在20年的时间里,70%的试验是成功的,这意味着客户70%的时间达到了他或她的目标,或者在30%的试验中没有达到。B不正确。15年后,1,711,500美元的投资组合价值表明,在该时间段内25%的试验中,投资组合价值可能超过1,711,500美元,而不是该价值的25%。C不正确。在20年内,75%的试验将导致低于249,211美元的损失。尽管其中一些结果将是损失,但该表并未说明结果的积极或消极部分。 按照题目给的条件。应该是有75%的概率,投资的FV是above $249,211。这么理解对吗?

2024-06-11 15:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021090805000023问题如下 Exhibit 1Monte Carlo Simulation Results for Retirement Goof a HypotheticClientAccorng to the table below, John's interpretation is:Over 20 years, 30% of the time clients have not met their goals.Over 15 years, the value of the investment portfolio is least 25% of $1,711,500.Over 20 years, the client will run out of money 75% of the time.Among John's three possible interpretations for Exhibit 1, the most accurate one is: A.Interpretation 1.B.Interpretation 2C.Interpretation 3 A is correct. Interpretation 1 is correct: Over 20 years, 70% of the trials were successful, whimeans ththe client achievehis or her goals 70% of the time, or not achieve them in 30% of the trials.B is not correct. Fifteen years later, the portfolio value of $1711500 incates thin 25% of the trials over thtime frame, the portfolio value mexcee$1711500, rather th25% of thvalue.C is incorrect. Over 20 years, 75% of the trials will result in losses below $249211. Although some of the results will losses, the table es not incate the positive or negative aspects of the results.A是正确的。1是正确的在20年的时间里,70%的试验是成功的,这意味着客户70%的时间达到了他或她的目标,或者在30%的试验中没有达到。B不正确。15年后,1,711,500美元的投资组合价值表明,在该时间段内25%的试验中,投资组合价值可能超过1,711,500美元,而不是该价值的25%。C不正确。在20年内,75%的试验将导致低于249,211美元的损失。尽管其中一些结果将是损失,但该表并未说明结果的积极或消极部分。 如题,这个表格应该怎么看呢?请问讲义哪里有讲到吗?谢谢

2023-11-07 17:46 1 · 回答