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FrankSun · 2023年12月03日


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Discuss the implications of Hadpret’s inflation forecast on the expected returns of the fund’s holdings of:

i. cash.

ii. bonds.

iii. equities.

iv. real estate



Cash :

The fund benefits from its cyclically low holdings of cash. With the economy contracting and inflation falling, short-term rates will likely be in a sharp decline. Cash, or short-term interest-bearing instruments, is unattractive in such an environment. However, deflation may make cash particularly attractive if a “zero lower bound” is binding on the nominal interest rate. Otherwise, deflation is simply a component of the required short-term real rate.

Bonds :

The fund’s holdings of high-quality bonds will benefit from falling inflation or deflation. Falling inflation results in capital gains as the expected inflation component of bond yields falls. Persistent deflation benefits the highest-quality bonds because it increases the purchasing power of their cash flows. It will, however, impair the creditworthiness of lower-quality debt.

Equities :

The fund’s holdings of asset-intensive and commodity-producing firms will be negatively affected by falling inflation or deflation. Within the equity market, higher inflation benefits firms with the ability to pass along rising costs. In contrast, falling inflation or deflation is especially detrimental for asset-intensive and commodity-producing firms unable to pass along the price increases

Real Estate :

The fund’s real estate holdings will be negatively affected by falling inflation or deflation. Falling inflation or deflation will put downward pressure on expected rental income and property values. Especially negatively affected will be sub-prime properties that may have to cut rents sharply to avoid rising vacancies




Real Estate :


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年12月04日







Robert Hadprett是位于发达国家伊斯特兰的资产管理公司Agree Partners的首席经济学家。他为公司的资产配置委员会准备了一份关于Eastland的经济报告。哈普雷特指出,主要经济指标的综合指数已连续三个月下降,收益率曲线也出现了反转(inverted)。私营部门借贷预计也将下降。根据最近发生的这些事件,哈普雷特预测经济将收缩,并预测未来12个月通胀率将下降,可能还会出现通货紧缩。

Agree的投资组合经理Helen Smitherman在决定公司平衡基金(该基金)的战术配置时,考虑了Hadp雷特的经济预测。Smitherman指出,该基金在房地产、资产密集型和大宗商品生产公司的股票以及高质量债务方面有相当大的敞口。该基金的现金持有量处于周期性低点。




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NO.PZ202105270100000301 问题如下 scuss the implications of Haret’s inflation forecast on the expectereturns of the funs holngs of:i. cash.ii. bon.iii. equities.iv. reestate Cash :The funbenefits from its cyclically low holngs of cash. With the economy contracting aninflation falling, short-term rates will likely in a sharp cline. Cash, or short-term interest-bearing instruments, is unattractive in suenvironment. However, flation mmake cash particularly attractive if a “zero lower boun is binng on the nomininterest rate. Otherwise, flation is simply a component of the requireshort-term rerate.Bon :The funs holngs of high-quality bon will benefit from falling inflation or flation. Falling inflation results in capitgains the expecteinflation component of bonyiel falls. Persistent flation benefits the highest-quality bon because it increases the purchasing power of their cash flows. It will, however, impair the cretworthiness of lower-quality bt.Equities :The funs holngs of asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Within the equity market, higher inflation benefits firms with the ability to pass along rising costs. In contrast, falling inflation or flation is especially trimentfor asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms unable to pass along the priincreasesReEstate :The funs reestate holngs will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Falling inflation or flation will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values. Especially negatively affectewill sub-prime properties thmhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies Cash:该基金得益于其持有的现金处于周期性低位。随着经济收缩和通胀下降,短期利率可能会急剧下降。Cash,或短期计息工具,在这种环境下是没有吸引力的。然而,如果名义利率受到“零下限”的约束,通缩可能会让现金变得特别有吸引力。否则,通缩仅仅是必需的短期实际利率的一个组成部分。Bon:持有的高质量债券将受益于通胀的下降或是通缩。通胀下降导致资本利得,因为债券收益率的通胀预期部分同样下降。持续的通货紧缩对高质量债券有利,因为它增加了债券现金流的购买力。然而,这将损害较低质量债务的信誉。Equities:该基金持有的资产密集型资产和大宗商品将受到通胀下降或通缩的负面影响。在股票市场中,较高的通货膨胀率有利于那些有能力将上升的成本转嫁出去的公司。相反,通货膨胀下降或通货紧对资产密集型和大宗商品生产企业尤其不利,因为它们无法将价格上涨传递出去ReEstate :该基金的房地产持有将受到通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩的负面影响。通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行压力。受影响最严重的将是次级房产,它们可能不得不大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。 高质量的房地产和高质量的债券收益,低质量的房地产和低质量的债券受损,我这么理解对不对。但是我感觉关于债券有点问题啊,债券应该是未来现金流的折现,就算债券不行,在flation的情况下,债券价格也上涨啊。

2024-09-04 14:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000301 问题如下 scuss the implications of Haret’s inflation forecast on the expectereturns of the funs holngs of:i. cash.ii. bon.iii. equities.iv. reestate Cash :The funbenefits from its cyclically low holngs of cash. With the economy contracting aninflation falling, short-term rates will likely in a sharp cline. Cash, or short-term interest-bearing instruments, is unattractive in suenvironment. However, flation mmake cash particularly attractive if a “zero lower boun is binng on the nomininterest rate. Otherwise, flation is simply a component of the requireshort-term rerate.Bon :The funs holngs of high-quality bon will benefit from falling inflation or flation. Falling inflation results in capitgains the expecteinflation component of bonyiel falls. Persistent flation benefits the highest-quality bon because it increases the purchasing power of their cash flows. It will, however, impair the cretworthiness of lower-quality bt.Equities :The funs holngs of asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Within the equity market, higher inflation benefits firms with the ability to pass along rising costs. In contrast, falling inflation or flation is especially trimentfor asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms unable to pass along the priincreasesReEstate :The funs reestate holngs will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Falling inflation or flation will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values. Especially negatively affectewill sub-prime properties thmhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies Cash:该基金得益于其持有的现金处于周期性低位。随着经济收缩和通胀下降,短期利率可能会急剧下降。Cash,或短期计息工具,在这种环境下是没有吸引力的。然而,如果名义利率受到“零下限”的约束,通缩可能会让现金变得特别有吸引力。否则,通缩仅仅是必需的短期实际利率的一个组成部分。Bon:持有的高质量债券将受益于通胀的下降或是通缩。通胀下降导致资本利得,因为债券收益率的通胀预期部分同样下降。持续的通货紧缩对高质量债券有利,因为它增加了债券现金流的购买力。然而,这将损害较低质量债务的信誉。Equities:该基金持有的资产密集型资产和大宗商品将受到通胀下降或通缩的负面影响。在股票市场中,较高的通货膨胀率有利于那些有能力将上升的成本转嫁出去的公司。相反,通货膨胀下降或通货紧对资产密集型和大宗商品生产企业尤其不利,因为它们无法将价格上涨传递出去ReEstate :该基金的房地产持有将受到通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩的负面影响。通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行压力。受影响最严重的将是次级房产,它们可能不得不大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。 为什么falling infaltion/flation的情况下,这些企业大的成本的increases?我能理解高inflation下企业成本增加,但是部分企业可以转嫁成本给消费者,但是反过来,falling inflation下不应该成本降低吗?

2024-03-28 09:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000301 问题如下 Robert Haret is the chief economist Agree Partners, asset management firm locatein the velopecountry of Eastlan He hprepareeconomic report on Eastlanfor the firm’s asset allocation committee. Haret notes ththe composite inx of leang economic incators hclinefor three consecutive months anththe yielcurve hinverte Private sector borrowing is also projecteto cline. Baseon these recent events, Haret prects economic contraction anforecasts lower inflation anpossibly flation over the next 12 months. Helen Smitherman, a portfolio manager Agree, consirs Haret’s economic forecast when termining the tacticallocation for the firm’s BalanceFun(the fun. Smithermnotes ththe funhconsirable exposure to reestate, shares of asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms, anhigh-quality bt. The funs cash holngs are cycliclows. scuss the implications of Haret’s inflation forecast on the expectereturns of the funs holngs of:i. cash.ii. bon.iii. equities.iv. reestate Cash :The funbenefits from its cyclically low holngs of cash. With the economy contracting aninflation falling, short-term rates will likely in a sharp cline. Cash, or short-term interest-bearing instruments, is unattractive in suenvironment. However, flation mmake cash particularly attractive if a “zero lower boun is binng on the nomininterest rate. Otherwise, flation is simply a component of the requireshort-term rerate.Bon :The funs holngs of high-quality bon will benefit from falling inflation or flation. Falling inflation results in capitgains the expecteinflation component of bonyiel falls. Persistent flation benefits the highest-quality bon because it increases the purchasing power of their cash flows. It will, however, impair the cretworthiness of lower-quality bt.Equities :The funs holngs of asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Within the equity market, higher inflation benefits firms with the ability to pass along rising costs. In contrast, falling inflation or flation is especially trimentfor asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms unable to pass along the priincreasesReEstate :The funs reestate holngs will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Falling inflation or flation will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values. Especially negatively affectewill sub-prime properties thmhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies Cash:该基金得益于其持有的现金处于周期性低位。随着经济收缩和通胀下降,短期利率可能会急剧下降。Cash,或短期计息工具,在这种环境下是没有吸引力的。然而,如果名义利率受到“零下限”的约束,通缩可能会让现金变得特别有吸引力。否则,通缩仅仅是必需的短期实际利率的一个组成部分。Bon:持有的高质量债券将受益于通胀的下降或是通缩。通胀下降导致资本利得,因为债券收益率的通胀预期部分同样下降。持续的通货紧缩对高质量债券有利,因为它增加了债券现金流的购买力。然而,这将损害较低质量债务的信誉。Equities:该基金持有的资产密集型资产和大宗商品将受到通胀下降或通缩的负面影响。在股票市场中,较高的通货膨胀率有利于那些有能力将上升的成本转嫁出去的公司。相反,通货膨胀下降或通货紧对资产密集型和大宗商品生产企业尤其不利,因为它们无法将价格上涨传递出去ReEstate :该基金的房地产持有将受到通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩的负面影响。通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行压力。受影响最严重的将是次级房产,它们可能不得不大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。 这句话怎么理解呢?紧缩的时候,价格上涨的逻辑是什么?

2023-08-08 15:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202105270100000301 问题如下 scuss the implications of Haret’s inflation forecast on the expectereturns of the funs holngs of:i. cash.ii. bon.iii. equities.iv. reestate Cash :The funbenefits from its cyclically low holngs of cash. With the economy contracting aninflation falling, short-term rates will likely in a sharp cline. Cash, or short-term interest-bearing instruments, is unattractive in suenvironment. However, flation mmake cash particularly attractive if a “zero lower boun is binng on the nomininterest rate. Otherwise, flation is simply a component of the requireshort-term rerate.Bon :The funs holngs of high-quality bon will benefit from falling inflation or flation. Falling inflation results in capitgains the expecteinflation component of bonyiel falls. Persistent flation benefits the highest-quality bon because it increases the purchasing power of their cash flows. It will, however, impair the cretworthiness of lower-quality bt.Equities :The funs holngs of asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Within the equity market, higher inflation benefits firms with the ability to pass along rising costs. In contrast, falling inflation or flation is especially trimentfor asset-intensive ancommoty-procing firms unable to pass along the priincreasesReEstate :The funs reestate holngs will negatively affectefalling inflation or flation. Falling inflation or flation will put wnwarpressure on expecterentincome anproperty values. Especially negatively affectewill sub-prime properties thmhave to cut rents sharply to avoirising vacancies Cash:该基金得益于其持有的现金处于周期性低位。随着经济收缩和通胀下降,短期利率可能会急剧下降。Cash,或短期计息工具,在这种环境下是没有吸引力的。然而,如果名义利率受到“零下限”的约束,通缩可能会让现金变得特别有吸引力。否则,通缩仅仅是必需的短期实际利率的一个组成部分。Bon:持有的高质量债券将受益于通胀的下降或是通缩。通胀下降导致资本利得,因为债券收益率的通胀预期部分同样下降。持续的通货紧缩对高质量债券有利,因为它增加了债券现金流的购买力。然而,这将损害较低质量债务的信誉。Equities:该基金持有的资产密集型资产和大宗商品将受到通胀下降或通缩的负面影响。在股票市场中,较高的通货膨胀率有利于那些有能力将上升的成本转嫁出去的公司。相反,通货膨胀下降或通货紧对资产密集型和大宗商品生产企业尤其不利,因为它们无法将价格上涨传递出去ReEstate :该基金的房地产持有将受到通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩的负面影响。通货膨胀下降或通货紧缩将给预期的租金收入和房产价值带来下行压力。受影响最严重的将是次级房产,它们可能不得不大幅降低租金,以避免空置率上升。 在经济contraction,通胀下降,甚至通缩的情况下。因为短期利率下降,cash equivalent收益率下降,表现不好。但cash本身因为其他资产表现变差,特别是通缩时,cash很有吸引力。也就是说cash包含等价物和现金本身2中资产,同一个情况下,影响完全不同?那如何给cash的表现下结论?

2022-06-07 12:10 2 · 回答