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❤Oliva · 2023年11月29日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



The results reported in Exhibit 1 are most accurately interpreted as indicating that:


A.the reported R2 is spurious. B.multicollinearity is not present. C.the regression coefficients have inflated standard errors.



B is correct. The pairwise correlation is low. The only case in which correlation between independent variables may be a reasonable indicator of multicollinearity occurs in a regression with exactly two independent variables, as is the case in this problem. Furthermore, the additional classic symptoms of multicollinearity (high R2 and significant F-statistic but not significant coefficients) are not present.

A is incorrect. Even in the face of multicollinearity, a regression may have a high R2.

C is incorrect. At least one coefficient (b2) is different from zero.

解析中“C is incorrect. At least one coefficient (b2) is different from zero.

根据什么判断出的 At least one coefficient (b2) is different from zero?

❤Oliva · 2023年11月29日


1 个答案

品职助教_七七 · 2023年11月30日


是的。根据Exhibit 1中给出的coefficient和对应的standard error,可以算出t值。

如b2对应的t值就是t=0.5984/0.3=1.9947 ,大于了临界值1.96。可得到假设检验的结论为significant different from zero。


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NO.PZ202208300200000102 问题如下 The results reportein Exhibit 1 are most accurately interpreteincating that: A.the reporteR2 is spurious. B.multicollinearity is not present. C.the regression coefficients have inflatestanrerrors. SolutionB is correct. The pairwise correlation is low. The only case in whicorrelation between inpennt variables ma reasonable incator of multicollinearity occurs in a regression with exactly two inpennt variables, is the case in this problem. Furthermore, the aitionclassic symptoms of multicollinearity (high R2 ansignificant F-statistic but not significant coefficients) are not present.A is incorrect. Even in the faof multicollinearity, a regression mhave a high R2.C is incorrect. least one coefficient (b2) is fferent from zero. 麻烦老师一下C是什么意思,没明白为啥要算test statistic呀?

2024-01-23 22:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208300200000102问题如下The results reportein Exhibit 1 are most accurately interpreteincating that:A.the reporteR2 is spurious.B.multicollinearity is not present.C.the regression coefficients have inflatestanrerrors.SolutionB is correct. The pairwise correlation is low. The only case in whicorrelation between inpennt variables ma reasonable incator of multicollinearity occurs in a regression with exactly two inpennt variables, is the case in this problem. Furthermore, the aitionclassic symptoms of multicollinearity (high R2 ansignificant F-statistic but not significant coefficients) are not present.A is incorrect. Even in the faof multicollinearity, a regression mhave a high R2.C is incorrect. least one coefficient (b2) is fferent from zero.我是这么想,我用检验,看了一下发现1.89接近2,所以r接近0,不能证明有多重共线性,所以不存在高的stanrerror,第三个答案也是错的?1.63和1.72

2023-02-11 10:52 1 · 回答