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三阳开泰 · 2023年11月28日




Which of the following is NOT a typical way in which asset managers integrate ESG?



Using ESG as a threshold requirement before investment can be considered.


Using ESG as a factor that informs the valuation.


Using ESG as a risk assessment that offers a level of confidence in the valuation.


Using ESG as a basis for explaining investment holdings to clients.



  • as a threshold requirement before investment can be considered;
  • as a factor that informs the valuation or provides a quant basis for adjusting (or tilting) exposures;
  • as a risk assessment that offers a level of confidence in the valuation;
  • as a basis for stewardship engagement; or
  • as a combination of two or more of these methods, which is very often the case.

C. Using ESG as a risk assessment that offers a level of confidence in the valuation. 这个我理解的意思是:ESG在风险评估时能提供的估值置信水平?esg能在置信水平中考虑吗?怎么考虑呢?我记得还有个题目就是选的 esg不能在VaR中使用

1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年11月29日


"Integrate ESG factors as a risk assessment that offers a level of confidence in the valuation"(将ESG因素作为风险评估以提供对估值的信心)的意思是,将ESG方面的因素纳入到投资决策的风险评估中。这样做的目的是通过考虑这些因素来提高对投资估值的信心和准确性。





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NO.PZ2022083003000004 问题如下 Whiof the following is NOT a typicwin whiasset managers integrate ESG? A.Using ESG a thresholrequirement before investment cconsire B.Using ESG a factor thinforms the valuation. C.Using ESG a risk assessment thoffers a level of confinin the valuation. Using ESG a basis for explaining investment holngs to clients. 本题考查基金经理整合ESG的方式a thresholrequirement before investment cconsirea factor thinforms the valuation or provis a quant basis for austing (or tilting) exposures;a risk assessment thoffers a level of confinin the valuation;a basis for stewarhip engagement; ora combination of two or more of these metho, whiis very often the case. 指的是asset owner吗?

2023-12-07 14:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022083003000004 问题如下 Whiof the following is NOT a typicwin whiasset managers integrate ESG? A.Using ESG a thresholrequirement before investment cconsire B.Using ESG a factor thinforms the valuation. C.Using ESG a risk assessment thoffers a level of confinin the valuation. Using ESG a basis for explaining investment holngs to clients. 本题考查基金经理整合ESG的方式a thresholrequirement before investment cconsirea factor thinforms the valuation or provis a quant basis for austing (or tilting) exposures;a risk assessment thoffers a level of confinin the valuation;a basis for stewarhip engagement; ora combination of two or more of these metho, whiis very often the case. 解析里面有以下三个点不太理解,麻烦老师下哈a risk assessment thoffers a level of confinin the valuation; a basis for stewarhip engagement; or a combination of two or more of these metho, whiis very often the case.

2023-06-09 23:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022083003000004 问题如下 Whiof the following is NOT a typicwin whiasset managers integrate ESG? A.Using ESG a thresholrequirement before investment cconsire B.Using ESG a factor thinforms the valuation. C.Using ESG a risk assessment thoffers a level of confinin the valuation. Using ESG a basis for explaining investment holngs to clients. 本题考查基金经理整合ESG的方式a thresholrequirement before investment cconsirea factor thinforms the valuation or provis a quant basis for austing (or tilting) exposures;a risk assessment thoffers a level of confinin the valuation;a basis for stewarhip engagement; ora combination of two or more of these metho, whiis very often the case. 能否下里错了

2023-04-30 14:44 1 · 回答