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kk大美女 · 2023年11月20日


  1. Illiquid assets offer both diversification benefits and an expected return discount relative to similar liquid assets as compensation for illiquidity.
  2. Easily tracked indexes in asset classes similar to that of an illiquid asset often do not represent the non-idiosyncratic risk of the illiquid asset very accurately.
  3. Unfortunately, there are no low-cost passive investment vehicles available to allow one to closely track the aggregate performance of less liquid asset classes.

Which of Gruber’s statements regarding illiquid assets is most accurate?

  1. Statement 1
  2. Statement 3
  3. Statement 2

B is correct. Statement 3 is the most accurate. Low-cost passive vehicles for tracking performance exist for publicly traded liquid assets but do not exist for illiquid assets.

A is incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect because an illiquid asset usually has a premium associated with its return due to the illiquidity.

C is incorrect. Statement 2 is incorrect because easily tracked indexes for an asset class usually do not capture the idiosyncratic risk component of less liquid assets.

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2023年11月21日


1、low-cost passive investment vehicles not being available, which would allow investors to closely track the aggregate performance of private equity and other less liquid asset classes.



2、Statement 1是不正确的,因为非流动资产相较于相似的流动性较好的资产,通常因其流动性较差而产生风险溢价而不是折扣。

Statement 2是不正确的, 和流动性较差的资产近似的但易于跟踪的指数是可以准确地代表流动性较差的资产的系统性风险的,但不能代表流动性较差的资产的非系统性风险。


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