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王昕彤 · 2023年11月13日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



In regard to Shaw’s comments about Fund A and Fund B, the one that is most accurate concerns:


A.Fund A’s fees.

B.Fund A’s dispersion.

C.Fund B’s sector bets.



B is correct. Shaw’s comment about Fund A’s dispersion is correct. With a higher active risk (tracking error), Fund A has a greater likelihood of having results dispersed more broadly (both positive and negative) around benchmark results than Fund B has. Investors are more likely to be willing to pay higher fees for higher Active Share as an indicator of greater active management, but Active Share is identical for Fund A and Fund B. Sector bets are likely to affect active risk; therefore, Fund A is more likely to be using sector bets, not Fund B.

A is incorrect. Investors are more likely to be willing to pay higher fees for higher Active Share as an indicator of greater active management, but Active Share is identical for Fund A and Fund B.

C is incorrect. Sector bets are likely to affect active risk; therefore, it is Fund A that is more likely to be using sector bets, not Fund B.

请老师解释一下C选项,正是因为B做了factor bet,所以它的active risk才低呀?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年11月14日


请老师解释一下C选项,正是因为B做了factor bet,所以它的active risk才低呀?

Hello ,亲爱的同学~

这里要从active risk来源这个知识点作分析。

我们知道,Active risk 来自于,相关性因素(factor差异引起),持股因素(即active share因素)。


A基金与B基金的active share接近,但是A的active risk更高。

既然active share因素一样,那么A基金高的active risk,就来自相关性因素,也就是factor差异。

A基金的factor与benchmark的factor差异大,说明A在factor上择时,因此A是factor bet.


506623496 · 2024年01月17日

相关性因素为什么就是factor差异、factor bet?

Ironlung · 2024年01月23日

他说的是sector bet,sector bet 和factor bet是同一个东西?

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NO.PZ202207040100000402 问题如下 In regarto Shaw’s comments about FunA anFunthe one this most accurate concerns: A.FunA’s fees. B.FunA’s spersion. C.FunB’s sector bets. SolutionB is correct. Shaw’s comment about FunA’s spersion is correct. With a higher active risk (tracking error), FunA ha greater likelihooof having results spersemore broay (both positive annegative) arounbenchmark results thFunB has. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunSector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, FunA is more likely to using sector bets, not FunB.A is incorrect. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunC is incorrect. Sector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, it is FunA this more likely to using sector bets, not Fun bottom up systematic approach的话,funhhigh spersion的话,那应该就是low active risk,不好吗?能不能讲讲这题要怎么理解

2024-03-23 10:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000402 问题如下 In regarto Shaw’s comments about FunA anFunthe one this most accurate concerns: A.FunA’s fees. B.FunA’s spersion. C.FunB’s sector bets. SolutionB is correct. Shaw’s comment about FunA’s spersion is correct. With a higher active risk (tracking error), FunA ha greater likelihooof having results spersemore broay (both positive annegative) arounbenchmark results thFunB has. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunSector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, FunA is more likely to using sector bets, not FunB.A is incorrect. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunC is incorrect. Sector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, it is FunA this more likely to using sector bets, not Fun 看了这道题其他的提问里面的里说的是factor bet。而题干里说的是sector bet, 这俩有什么区别?sector bet 我理解是对行业进行bet而不是在因子之间切换?这样理解对不对如果active share一样的情况下active risk高的相对于benchmark的versification就更高,return也就有更高的spersion?

2024-01-23 18:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000402 问题如下 In regarto Shaw’s comments about FunA anFunthe one this most accurate concerns: A.FunA’s fees. B.FunA’s spersion. C.FunB’s sector bets. SolutionB is correct. Shaw’s comment about FunA’s spersion is correct. With a higher active risk (tracking error), FunA ha greater likelihooof having results spersemore broay (both positive annegative) arounbenchmark results thFunB has. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunSector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, FunA is more likely to using sector bets, not FunB.A is incorrect. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunC is incorrect. Sector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, it is FunA this more likely to using sector bets, not Fun FunA is more likely to using sector bets,因为active risk 大;因为 fun 与 fun的 active share 一样,所以费用应该一样,投资者只愿意为 高的 active share 支付 费用;不理解的是 A的风险高,为啥 A的spersion反而大? spersion 是否 可以是 versification?

2023-04-28 10:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000402问题如下 In regarto Shaw’s comments about FunA anFunthe one this most accurate concerns:A.FunA’s fees.B.FunA’s spersion.C.FunB’s sector bets.SolutionB is correct. Shaw’s comment about FunA’s spersion is correct. With a higher active risk (tracking error), FunA ha greater likelihooof having results spersemore broay (both positive annegative) arounbenchmark results thFunB has. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunSector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, FunA is more likely to using sector bets, not FunB.A is incorrect. Investors are more likely to willing to phigher fees for higher Active Share incator of greater active management, but Active Share is inticfor FunA anFunC is incorrect. Sector bets are likely to affeactive risk; therefore, it is FunA this more likely to using sector bets, not FunA,为什么fee高低只看active share?

2023-02-01 23:13 1 · 回答