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萧萧 · 2023年11月05日




Daltonia is a medium sized developing country. Naim Birol, Minister of Finance for Daltonia. Birol believes Daltonia needs to address a recent increase in inflation and appreciation in the exchange rate. Should these trends accelerate, the country’s present prosperity could be threatened. Birol and his colleague Pamuk discuss policy alternatives.Ÿ

Birol states: “Since Daltonia allows capital to flow freely, the clearest choice is to implement expansionary monetary and fiscal policies to stop the appreciation of the currency according to the Mundell–Fleming model.”Ÿ

Pamuk replies: “The long run solution to the problem, at least according to the portfolio balance approach, would be a policy choice by the Daltonian government to run large budget deficits on a sustained basis.”Ÿ

Birol adds: “There is also a timing dimension to consider. According to Dornbusch, with inflexible domestic prices in the short run, any decrease in nominal money supply will induce an increase in the domestic interest rate. This will encourage capital inflows and cause the exchange rate to overshoot to the upside in the short run, until domestic prices have a chance to react.”

Which of the statements regarding policy alternatives discussed between Birol and Pamuk in response to Daltonia’s recent increase in inflation and deterioration in exchange rate is least accurate?


A.Birol’s statement regarding Dornbusch

B.Pamuk’s statement regarding the portfolio balance approach

C.Birol’s statement regarding Mundell–Fleming


Birol’s statement regarding the Mundell–Fleming model is inaccurate because restrictive (not expansionary) fiscal policy, along with expansionary monetary policy, would lead to capital outflows and cause the currency to depreciate assuming high capital mobility.


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年11月06日




实际汇率 = 名义汇率/ 相对物价


Birol adds: “There is also a timing dimension to consider. According to Dornbusch, with inflexible domestic prices in the short run, any decrease in nominal money supply will induce an increase in the domestic interest rate. This will encourage capital inflows and cause the exchange rate to overshoot to the upside in the short run, until domestic prices have a chance to react.”


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NO.PZ2023041102000025问题如下 ltonia is a meum sizeveloping country. Naim Birol, Minister of Finanfor ltoniBirol believes ltonia nee to aress a recent increase in inflation anappreciation in the exchange rate. Shoulthese tren accelerate, the country’s present prosperity coulthreatene Birol anhis colleague Pamuk scuss polialternatives.Ÿ Birol states: “Sinltonia allows capitto flow freely, the clearest choiis to implement expansionary monetary anfiscpolicies to stop the appreciation of the currenaccorng to the Munll–Fleming mol.”Ÿ Pamuk replies: “The long run solution to the problem, least accorng to the portfolio balanapproach, woula polichoithe ltonigovernment to run large buet ficits on a sustainebasis.”Ÿ Birol as: “There is also a timing mension to consir. Accorng to rnbusch, with inflexible mestic prices in the short run, any crease in nominmoney supply will inincrease in the mestic interest rate. This will encourage capitinflows ancause the exchange rate to overshoot to the upsi in the short run, until mestic prices have a chanto react.”Whiof the statements regarng polialternatives scussebetween Birol anPamuk in response to ltonia’s recent increase in inflation anterioration in exchange rate is least accurate? A.Birol’s statement regarng rnbuschB.Pamuk’s statement regarng the portfolio balanapproachC.Birol’s statement regarng Munll–FlemingBirol’s statement regarng the Munll–Fleming mol is inaccurate because restrictive (not expansionary) fiscpolicy, along with expansionary monetary policy, woulleto capitoutflows ancause the currento preciate assuming high capitmobility.P的回答 只解决了目前货币升值的问题。他的回答能解决高通胀问题吗?另外 这个国家目前的情况 高通胀 货币升值 这俩问题的确可以同时存在吗

2024-04-18 17:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000025 问题如下 ltonia is a meum sizeveloping country. Naim Birol, Minister of Finanfor ltoniBirol believes ltonia nee to aress a recent increase in inflation anappreciation in the exchange rate. Shoulthese tren accelerate, the country’s present prosperity coulthreatene Birol anhis colleague Pamuk scuss polialternatives.Ÿ Birol states: “Sinltonia allows capitto flow freely, the clearest choiis to implement expansionary monetary anfiscpolicies to stop the appreciation of the currenaccorng to the Munll–Fleming mol.”Ÿ Pamuk replies: “The long run solution to the problem, least accorng to the portfolio balanapproach, woula polichoithe ltonigovernment to run large buet ficits on a sustainebasis.”Ÿ Birol as: “There is also a timing mension to consir. Accorng to rnbusch, with inflexible mestic prices in the short run, any crease in nominmoney supply will inincrease in the mestic interest rate. This will encourage capitinflows ancause the exchange rate to overshoot to the upsi in the short run, until mestic prices have a chanto react.”Whiof the statements regarng polialternatives scussebetween Birol anPamuk in response to ltonia’s recent increase in inflation anterioration in exchange rate is least accurate? A.Birol’s statement regarng rnbus B.Pamuk’s statement regarng the portfolio balanapproa C.Birol’s statement regarng Munll–Fleming Birol’s statement regarng the Munll–Fleming mol is inaccurate because restrictive (not expansionary) fiscpolicy, along with expansionary monetary policy, woulleto capitoutflows ancause the currento preciate assuming high capitmobility. 我已经听了何老师在经典题里面的,我对何老师“长期赤字不可持续”这句话感到困惑。一国若是长期赤字,那外资会撤资离开本国,本币会贬值,对吧?然后,题干的on a sustainebasis就是持续有财政赤字的意思对吧?何老师写的投资者拒绝funthe ficit,不应该正是因为一国持续长期赤字所以投资者才拒绝funthe ficit进而撤资吗?为啥何老师说“长期赤字不可持续”?

2023-04-12 23:13 1 · 回答