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qixj · 2023年10月30日

sustainable-linked bond



A bond that connects an issuer’s raw material sourcing supply chain to ESG criteria is a:


A.transition bond. B.sustainability bond. C.sustainability-linked bond.


Sustainability bonds allow issuers to offer more broadly defined bonds that still create a positive social or environmental impact In 2016, Starbucks issued the first US corporate sustainability bond of USD500 mn (GPB359 mn) that directly links the company’s coffee sourcing supply chain to ESG criteria

老师,sustainable-linked bond是指什么例子

1 个答案

王岑 · 2023年10月30日


假设一家名为“GreenTech”的公司专注于可再生能源和清洁技术的开发。为了筹集资金以支持其新的太阳能项目,GreenTech决定发行一笔价值1亿美元、期限为5年的sustainability-linked bond。这笔债券的特殊之处在于其利率与GreenTech在提升其运营效率和减少温室气体排放方面的表现挂钩。


  • 在未来5年内,将公司总体的温室气体排放量减少20%。
  • 提高能源效率,使单位产品的能耗减少15%。


  • 如果GreenTech实现了这些目标,债券的利率将保持不变。
  • 如果GreenTech未能实现这些目标,债券的利率将上升0.25个百分点,增加债务服务成本,作为对未能实现可持续性目标的“惩罚”。

为什么选择Sustainability-Linked Bond:

  • 激励措施:通过将财务成本与可持续性表现挂钩,SLBs为公司提供了实现其可持续性目标的强大激励措施。
  • 市场认可:成功实现可持续性目标不仅有助于减少债务服务成本,还能提高公司在市场上的声誉和吸引力。
  • 灵活性:与其他绿色金融工具不同,SLBs为发行人提供了更大的灵活性,允许他们根据自身情况设定和调整可持续性目标。


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NO.PZ2022120701000077问题如下A bonthconnects issuer’s rmaterisourcing supply chain to ESG criteria is a:A.transition bonB.sustainability bonC.sustainability-linkebonSustainability bon allow issuers to offer more broay finebon thstill create a positive socior environmentimpaIn 2016, Starbucks issuethe first US corporate sustainability bonof US00 mn (GPB359 mn) threctly links the company’s coffee sourcing supply chain to ESG criteria老师,没看懂题干具体要问什么?这两个债券最实质性区别是什么

2023-12-26 15:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000077问题如下A bonthconnects issuer’s rmaterisourcing supply chain to ESG criteria is a:A.transition bonB.sustainability bonC.sustainability-linkebonSustainability bon allow issuers to offer more broay finebon thstill create a positive socior environmentimpaIn 2016, Starbucks issuethe first US corporate sustainability bonof US00 mn (GPB359 mn) threctly links the company’s coffee sourcing supply chain to ESG criteria记得记得记得记得句记得记得记得句

2023-07-14 23:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000077 问题如下 A bonthconnects issuer’s rmaterisourcing supply chain to ESG criteria is A.transition bon B.sustainability bon C.sustainability-linkebon Sustainability bon allow issuers to offer more broay finebon thstill create a positive socior environmentimpaIn 2016, Starbucks issuethe first US corporate sustainability bonof US00 mn (GPB359 mn) threctly links the company’s coffee sourcing supply chain to ESG criteri 老师,B和C有啥区别

2023-06-15 17:16 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000077问题如下A bonthconnects issuer’s rmaterisourcing supply chain to ESG criteria is a:A.transition bonB.sustainability bonC.sustainability-linkebonSustainability bon allow issuers to offer more broay finebon thstill create a positive socior environmentimpaIn 2016, Starbucks issuethe first US corporate sustainability bonof US00 mn (GPB359 mn) threctly links the company’s coffee sourcing supply chain to ESG criteria只要完成对供应链的监督有效选择(kpi)不就可以了吗?

2023-03-08 18:40 1 · 回答