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vivian_zm · 2018年06月10日

问一道题:NO.PZ201604030300004306 第6小题 [ CFA III ]

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2、客户的礼物,应该要披露并且得到雇主的书面同意才不违反additional compensation吧。


1 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2018年06月13日

同学你好,statement3, 说了CFA持证人会去判断是否是重要的,但是这只是很主观的判断,而且每个人的标准都不一样,所以正确的做法应该是所有涉及到利益冲突的点都披露给客户,这样客户可以自己判断是否可以信任你。

statement 4,这里是说公司制定的关于additional compensation的原则,这里主体是公司,而不是个人。

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NO.PZ201604030300004306 问题如下 6. Are the seminspeaker’s Statements 3 an4, respectively, sufficient to meet the requirements of relateCFA Institute Stanr? Statement 3Statement 4 A.NoNo B.NoYes C.YesNo B is correct.Statement 3 is incorrect. The sclosure of a conflishoulma — prominently anin plain language — regaress of whether the member views the conflimaterial, so the client ctermine the materiality of the conflict. Statement 4 is in complianwith CFA Institute Stanr. The MahsuFinancisclosure requirement meets CFA Institute Stanr. Gifts from clients shoulscloseto the employer, whiis responsible for termining whether the gift coulaffethe employee’s inpennanobjectivity. 人家表述是我现在对于被认定为重大的conflicts应该要做的事情,那确实需要披露啊,那这样做没毛病啊,难道不披露吗?解析扯什么要对所有的conflicts,人家只是问你这句话对不对,又没说其他非重大的conflicts就不披露了,这种考法真的很无语。

2023-07-26 16:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004306问题如下6. Are the seminspeaker’s Statements 3 an4, respectively, sufficient to meet the requirements of relateCFA Institute Stanr?Statement 3Statement 4A.NoNoB.NoYesC.YesNoB is correct.Statement 3 is incorrect. The sclosure of a conflishoulma — prominently anin plain language — regaress of whether the member views the conflimaterial, so the client ctermine the materiality of the conflict. Statement 4 is in complianwith CFA Institute Stanr. The MahsuFinancisclosure requirement meets CFA Institute Stanr. Gifts from clients shoulscloseto the employer, whiis responsible for termining whether the gift coulaffethe employee’s inpennanobjectivity.送analyst小礼物 不披露 奢侈品 不论如何都不可收送asset manager小礼物 不披露奢侈品 披露并获得雇主同意可收,但违反了独立客观性?我想请问,以上披露是指客户还是雇主?不披露是说对任何人都不需要是吗?

2022-03-31 10:07 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004306 No Yes Yes No B is correct. Statement 3 is incorrect. The sclosure of a conflishoulma — prominently anin plain language — regaress of whether the member views the conflimaterial, so the client ctermine the materiality of the conflict. Statement 4 is in complianwith CFA Institute Stanr. The MahsuFinancisclosure requirement meets CFA Institute Stanr. Gifts from clients shoulscloseto the employer, whiis responsible for termining whether the gift coulaffethe employee’s inpennanobjectivity.老师,客户给的礼物只向雇主披露就可以吗?还需要披露给其他客户吗?谢谢。

2021-09-19 16:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004306 No Yes Yes No B is correct. Statement 3 is incorrect. The sclosure of a conflishoulma — prominently anin plain language — regaress of whether the member views the conflimaterial, so the client ctermine the materiality of the conflict. Statement 4 is in complianwith CFA Institute Stanr. The MahsuFinancisclosure requirement meets CFA Institute Stanr. Gifts from clients shoulscloseto the employer, whiis responsible for termining whether the gift coulaffethe employee’s inpennanobjectivity.statement3错哪了?

2021-08-06 17:09 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004306 不是收礼物的话一定要雇主同意吗?

2021-05-20 11:35 1 · 回答