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ditto · 2023年10月22日

project 和 return rate 的函数近似关系怎么画出来的



Consider the two investments below. The cash flows, as well as the NPV and IRR, for the two investments are given. For both investments, the required rate of return is 10%.

What discount rate would result in the same NPV for both investments?


A.A rate between 0.00% and 10.00% B.A rate between 10.00% and 15.02% C.A rate between 15.02% and 16.37%



B is correct. For these investments, a discount rate of 13.16% would yield the same NPV for both (an NPV of 6.73).

参考老师在其他问题下面的回答里面画了两个Projects和return rate的关系:https://class.pzacademy.com/qa/111602

请问1. 如何确定两个Project的斜率, 2.没看懂两个Irr相同, 也就是横坐标相同时候,函数曲线是怎么转换的

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2023年10月23日




纵轴是 NPV,所以纵轴的截距,代表当项目的折现率为 0 时,项目的 NPV 是多少

项目 1,直接加总各期现金流,得到 NPV 等于 44

项目 2,直接加总各期现金流,得到 NPV 等于 75

由此可以确认,纵轴截距方面,项目 2 的截距更大,或者说位置更高

横轴是折现率,所以横轴的截距,代表当项目的 NPV 为 0 时,折现率为多少

这正是 IRR 的定义

所以横轴截距就是 IRR

根据表格数据,项目 1 的 IRR 更大,或者说位置更靠右



2)没看懂两个Irr相同, 也就是横坐标相同时候,函数曲线是怎么转换的

首先,横坐标只是折现率,并不代表 IRR

IRR 只是横轴的截距,是一个特殊的点

而两个项目的横坐标相同时,NPV 也相同的点,其实是 crossover rate

即,当两个项目,按着这一相同的折现率折现时,得到的 NPV 是相同的

其他情况下,NPV 都不同

如果折现率小于 crossover rate,那么代入相同的折现率,项目 2 的 NPV 更大,或者说位置更高

如果折现率大于 crossover rate,那么代入相同的折现率,项目 1 的 NPV 更大,或者说位置更高


  • 1

  • 0

  • 170


NO.PZ2022090804000014 问题如下 Consir the two investments below. The cash flows, well the NPV anIRR, for the two investments are given. For both investments, the requirerate of return is 10%.Whscount rate woulresult in the same NPV for both investments? A.A rate between 0.00% an10.00% B.A rate between 10.00% an15.02% C.A rate between 15.02% an16.37% SolutionB is correct. For these investments, a scount rate of 13.16% woulyielthe same NPV for both (NPV of 6.73). 老师,这个需要画时间轴计算么,是不是先计算了才能确定坐标轴上的点?

2023-09-11 17:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022090804000014问题如下 Consir the two investments below. The cash flows, well the NPV anIRR, for the two investments are given. For both investments, the requirerate of return is 10%.Whscount rate woulresult in the same NPV for both investments? A.A rate between 0.00% an10.00%B.A rate between 10.00% an15.02%C.A rate between 15.02% an16.37%SolutionB is correct. For these investments, a scount rate of 13.16% woulyielthe same NPV for both (NPV of 6.73).这题什么意思啊?没看懂

2023-04-22 21:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022090804000014问题如下 Consir the two investments below. The cash flows, well the NPV anIRR, for the two investments are given. For both investments, the requirerate of return is 10%.Whscount rate woulresult in the same NPV for both investments? A.A rate between 0.00% an10.00%B.A rate between 10.00% an15.02%C.A rate between 15.02% an16.37%SolutionB is correct. For these investments, a scount rate of 13.16% woulyielthe same NPV for both (NPV of 6.73).请问考的什么知识点????

2022-10-31 22:53 2 · 回答