Manager 1 has an information coefficient of 0.15, a transfer coefficient of 1.0, and invests in 50 securities. Manager 2 has a different strategy, investing in more securities, but is subject to investment constraints that reduce his transfer coefficient. Manager 2 has an information coefficient of 0.10, a transfer coefficient of 0.8, and invests in 100 securities. The investment selections of each manager are independent decisions. If both managers target an active risk of 5.0%, which manager will have the greater expected active return?
Manager 1
Manager 2
Both managers will have the same active return.
A is correct.
Manager 1’s .Manager 2’s . Manager 1’s active return is 1.06(5.0) = 5.3% and Manager 2’s expected active return is 0.80(5.0) = 4.0%. Manager 1 has the greater expected active return.
考点: The Fundamental Law of Active Management
解析:两个基金经理有相同的active risk目标,要比较哪个有更大的active return,就是比较哪个基金经理的information ratio更大。
根据,分别IR为1.06,0.8,因此Manager 1的IR更大,active return也就更大。
如果BR足够大,比如1000,那和投资index,benchmark 差不多了,感觉和 IR 代表主动管理能力有矛盾,是我哪里理解错了吗