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胖胖 · 2023年10月11日

Cash inflow Notional principal

 30:18 (1X) 

Why is the up arrow for notional principal at time 0, shouldn't it be at time 360 days?

2 个答案

pzqa35 · 2023年10月11日


This section discusses the pricing of the interest rate swap. Payer swap means that I will pay a fixed interest rate and receive a floating interest rate. As the teacher mentioned earlier, for a floating interest rate bond, its value will return to the face value at each reset node. Therefore, at time 0, the value of the floating bond I receive is equal to the face value, and the value of the fixed interest rate bond paid is equal to the sum of discounted future cash flows. Swap, like forward, has a value of 0 at time 0, so the received value is equal to the value of the expenditure, and thus the fixed swap rate is calculated.


胖胖 · 2023年10月11日

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