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明明要加油 · 2023年10月05日




Newport has an endowment that helps support the school financially. The school has learned the endowment will be receiving a gift of 100,000 shares of Global Industries (GI) stock in one month. IST recommends the use of a one-month options position to hedge against a material price decline on the stock during this period. Exhibit 2 lists the relevant GI stock and option characteristics.

Exhibit 2 GI Stock and Option Information

Assuming one option per share, an appropriate delta hedge for the GI stock would most likely be to:



sell 168,010 calls.


sell 148,428 calls.


buy 40,100 puts.


The call delta is 0.5952. The number of calls to hedge 100,000 shares is calculated as 1/0.5952 = 168,010. An appropriate hedge for 100,000 shares of stock with a delta of 1 would be to sell 168,010 calls.

B is incorrect. This assumes DeltaH (used when selling calls against 100,000 short puts) should be used. The portfolio delta is 1 and the put delta is –0.4010 and DeltaH = –0.6737 (or –0.4010/0.5952), which would be used when hedging a short position of puts on 100,000 shares of stock. Using calls, the number of hedging units is 1/–0.6737; 1/0.6737 = 148,428.

C is incorrect. The correct number of puts to purchase is calculated as 1/Delta put or 249,376 puts.


IST recommends the use of a one-month options position to hedge against a material price decline on the stock during this period. 

为了对冲股票价格下降的风险,应该是long put啊,为啥最后的结果是sell call呢?


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年10月05日


这个题目用buy put也是可以的,但是数量和选项对不上,所以只能选sell call了。考试中也可能遇到这种情况,就要用put和call都算出来看谁的数量能对得上选项。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 2174


NO.PZ2023020101000028 问题如下 Newport henwmentthhelps support the school financially. The school hlearnethe enwmentwill receiving a gift of 100,000 shares of GlobInstries (GI) stoinone month. IST recommen the use of a one-month options position to heeagainst a materipricline on the storing this perio Exhibit 2lists the relevant GI stoanoption characteristics.Exhibit 2 GI StoanOption InformationAssuming one option per share, anappropriate lta hee for the GI stowoulmost likely to: A.sell 168,010calls. B.sell 148,428calls. C.buy 40,100 puts. The call lta is0.5952. The number of calls to hee 100,000 shares is calculate1/0.5952 =168,010. appropriate hee for 100,000 shares of stowith a lta of 1woulto sell 168,010 calls.B is incorrect. Thisassumes lt(usewhen selling calls against 100,000 short puts) shoulbeuse The portfolio lta is 1 anthe put lta is –0.4010 anlt=–0.6737 (or –0.4010/0.5952), whiwoulusewhen heing a short positionof puts on 100,000 shares of stock. Using calls, the number of heing units is1/–0.6737; 1/0.6737 = 148,428. C is incorrect. Thecorrenumber of puts to purchase is calculate1/lta put or 249,376puts. 如题

2024-07-19 03:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023020101000028 问题如下 Newport henwmentthhelps support the school financially. The school hlearnethe enwmentwill receiving a gift of 100,000 shares of GlobInstries (GI) stoinone month. IST recommen the use of a one-month options position to heeagainst a materipricline on the storing this perio Exhibit 2lists the relevant GI stoanoption characteristics.Exhibit 2 GI StoanOption InformationAssuming one option per share, anappropriate lta hee for the GI stowoulmost likely to: A.sell 168,010calls. B.sell 148,428calls. C.buy 40,100 puts. The call lta is0.5952. The number of calls to hee 100,000 shares is calculate1/0.5952 =168,010. appropriate hee for 100,000 shares of stowith a lta of 1woulto sell 168,010 calls.B is incorrect. Thisassumes lt(usewhen selling calls against 100,000 short puts) shoulbeuse The portfolio lta is 1 anthe put lta is –0.4010 anlt=–0.6737 (or –0.4010/0.5952), whiwoulusewhen heing a short positionof puts on 100,000 shares of stock. Using calls, the number of heing units is1/–0.6737; 1/0.6737 = 148,428. C is incorrect. Thecorrenumber of puts to purchase is calculate1/lta put or 249,376puts. 如上

2024-03-08 14:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023020101000028问题如下 Newport henwmentthhelps support the school financially. The school hlearnethe enwmentwill receiving a gift of 100,000 shares of GlobInstries (GI) stoinone month. IST recommen the use of a one-month options position to heeagainst a materipricline on the storing this perio Exhibit 2lists the relevant GI stoanoption characteristics.Exhibit 2 GI StoanOption InformationAssuming one option per share, anappropriate lta hee for the GI stowoulmost likely to: A.sell 168,010calls.B.sell 148,428calls.C.buy 40,100 puts. The call lta is0.5952. The number of calls to hee 100,000 shares is calculate1/0.5952 =168,010. appropriate hee for 100,000 shares of stowith a lta of 1woulto sell 168,010 calls.B is incorrect. Thisassumes lt(usewhen selling calls against 100,000 short puts) shoulbeuse The portfolio lta is 1 anthe put lta is –0.4010 anlt=–0.6737 (or –0.4010/0.5952), whiwoulusewhen heing a short positionof puts on 100,000 shares of stock. Using calls, the number of heing units is1/–0.6737; 1/0.6737 = 148,428. C is incorrect. Thecorrenumber of puts to purchase is calculate1/lta put or 249,376puts. 如题,解答里是说lta 为1,但要hee 风险,不应该是让portfolio lta 为0的一阶导?

2023-10-15 23:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023020101000028 问题如下 Newport henwmentthhelps support the school financially. The school hlearnethe enwmentwill receiving a gift of 100,000 shares of GlobInstries (GI) stoinone month. IST recommen the use of a one-month options position to heeagainst a materipricline on the storing this perio Exhibit 2lists the relevant GI stoanoption characteristics.Exhibit 2 GI StoanOption InformationAssuming one option per share, anappropriate lta hee for the GI stowoulmost likely to: A.sell 168,010calls. B.sell 148,428calls. C.buy 40,100 puts. The call lta is0.5952. The number of calls to hee 100,000 shares is calculate1/0.5952 =168,010. appropriate hee for 100,000 shares of stowith a lta of 1woulto sell 168,010 calls.B is incorrect. Thisassumes lt(usewhen selling calls against 100,000 short puts) shoulbeuse The portfolio lta is 1 anthe put lta is –0.4010 anlt=–0.6737 (or –0.4010/0.5952), whiwoulusewhen heing a short positionof puts on 100,000 shares of stock. Using calls, the number of heing units is1/–0.6737; 1/0.6737 = 148,428. C is incorrect. Thecorrenumber of puts to purchase is calculate1/lta put or 249,376puts. 请问这题考的是讲义的哪个知识点?

2023-07-07 17:13 1 · 回答