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phoebeqp · 2023年10月03日


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If Kleinert's clients observe that the one-year put option with a €100 exercise price is trading at €2.50, which of the following statements best describes how Kleinert's clients could take advantage of this to earn a risk-free return greater than 0.37% over the year.


A.Kleinert should purchase the put option and also purchase approximately 0.23 shares per option to match the hedge ratio. B.Kleinert should purchase the put option and purchase 50% of the underlying shares given the 50-50 chance the stock will fall and the put option exercised. C.Kleinert should purchase the put option and purchase 47% of the underlying shares to match the risk-neutral probability of put exercise.



A is correct.

If the put option can be purchased for less than the no-arbitrage price, then a potential arbitrage opportunity is available. In this case, Kleinert's clients should purchase the underpriced put option and buy h* units of SparCoin's stock. The hedge ratio, h*, is calculated as:

Note that the negative hedge ratio implies that both the put option and underlying are purchased or sold to create a hedge. This initial purchase of the put option and stock will cost:

€2.50 + 0.2276 × €105.25 = €26.45.

Should the stock price decrease, the value of this portfolio will be:

The strategy generates a risk-free return of (€26.83 – €26.45)/€26.45 = 1.44%, which is greater than the 0.37% return on other available risk-free investments.


由上面一问我们可以知道,该看跌期权的无套利价格是2.78,现在市场上看跌期权的价格是2.50。根据低买高卖的套利原理,我们应该买入该看跌期权,对应的如果构成hedged portfolio,需要long stock。然后根据公式计算h0.2276份。

此时,一份的put0.2276stock可以构成一个hedged portfolio.

该组合初始价值为:€2.50 + 0.2276 × €105.25 = €26.45





1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年10月03日





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NO.PZ202208260100000802问题如下 If Kleinert's clients observe ththe one-yeput option with a €100 exercise priis trang €2.50, whiof the following statements best scribes how Kleinert's clients coultake aantage of this to earn a risk-free return greater th0.37% over the year.A.Kleinert shoulpurchase the put option analso purchase approximately 0.23 shares per option to matthe hee ratio.B.Kleinert shoulpurchase the put option anpurchase 50% of the unrlying shares given the 50-50 chanthe stowill fall anthe put option exerciseC.Kleinert shoulpurchase the put option anpurchase 47% of the unrlying shares to matthe risk-neutrprobability of put exercise. Solution A is correct. If the put option cpurchasefor less ththe no-arbitrage price, then a potentiarbitrage opportunity is available. In this case, Kleinert's clients shoulpurchase the unrpriceput option anbuy h* units of SparCoin's stock. The hee ratio, h*, is calculateas:Note ththe negative hee ratio implies thboth the put option anunrlying are purchaseor solto create a hee. This initipurchase of the put option anstowill cost:€2.50 + 0.2276 × €105.25 = €26.45.Shoulthe stopricrease, the value of this portfolio will be:The strategy generates a risk-free return of (€26.83 – €26.45)/€26.45 = 1.44%, whiis greater ththe 0.37% return on other available risk-free investments. 中文解析由上面一问我们可以知道,该看跌期权的无套利价格是2.78,现在市场上看跌期权的价格是2.50。根据低买高卖的套利原理,我们应该买入该看跌期权,对应的如果构成heeortfolio,需要long stock。然后根据公式计算h为0.2276份。此时,一份的put和0.2276份stock可以构成一个heeportfolio.该组合初始价值为€2.50 + 0.2276 × €105.25 = €26.45计算当股价下跌的时候,组合新的价值V1为€26.83.此时可以计算得到return为1.44%,是大于题干所说的高于0.37%的。当然,就选出答案来说,只需计算出h即可。 h是负数为什么要long stock呢

2024-08-16 18:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208260100000802问题如下If Kleinert's clients observe ththe one-yeput option with a €100 exercise priis trang €2.50, whiof the following statements best scribes how Kleinert's clients coultake aantage of this to earn a risk-free return greater th0.37% over the year.A.Kleinert shoulpurchase the put option analso purchase approximately 0.23 shares per option to matthe hee ratio.B.Kleinert shoulpurchase the put option anpurchase 50% of the unrlying shares given the 50-50 chanthe stowill fall anthe put option exerciseC.Kleinert shoulpurchase the put option anpurchase 47% of the unrlying shares to matthe risk-neutrprobability of put exercise. Solution A is correct. If the put option cpurchasefor less ththe no-arbitrage price, then a potentiarbitrage opportunity is available. In this case, Kleinert's clients shoulpurchase the unrpriceput option anbuy h* units of SparCoin's stock. The hee ratio, h*, is calculateas:Note ththe negative hee ratio implies thboth the put option anunrlying are purchaseor solto create a hee. This initipurchase of the put option anstowill cost:€2.50 + 0.2276 × €105.25 = €26.45.Shoulthe stopricrease, the value of this portfolio will be:The strategy generates a risk-free return of (€26.83 – €26.45)/€26.45 = 1.44%, whiis greater ththe 0.37% return on other available risk-free investments. 中文解析由上面一问我们可以知道,该看跌期权的无套利价格是2.78,现在市场上看跌期权的价格是2.50。根据低买高卖的套利原理,我们应该买入该看跌期权,对应的如果构成heeortfolio,需要long stock。然后根据公式计算h为0.2276份。此时,一份的put和0.2276份stock可以构成一个heeportfolio.该组合初始价值为€2.50 + 0.2276 × €105.25 = €26.45计算当股价下跌的时候,组合新的价值V1为€26.83.此时可以计算得到return为1.44%,是大于题干所说的高于0.37%的。当然,就选出答案来说,只需计算出h即可。 麻烦一下这题。。

2023-05-26 22:18 1 · 回答