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lcrcp3 · 2023年09月27日




Ryan Leigh is preparing a presentation that analyzes the valuation of the common stock of two companies under consideration as additions to his firm’s recommended list, Emerald Corporation and Holt Corporation. Leigh has prepared preliminary valuations of both companies using a FCFE model and is also preparing a value estimate for Emerald using a dividend discount model. Holt’s 2007 and 2008 financial statements, contained in Exhibits 1 and 2, are prepared in accordance with US GAAP.

Exhibit 1.Holt Corporation Consolidated Balance Sheets (US$ Millions)

Exhibit 2.Holt Corporation Consolidated Income Statement for the Year Ended 31 December 2008 (US$ Millions)

Holt’s FCFE (in millions) for 2008 is closest to:









FCFE = NI + NCC – FCInv – WCInv + Net borrowing. In this case:

NI = $485 million

NCC = Depreciation expense = $270 million

FCInv = Net purchase of fixed assets = Increase in gross fixed assets= 4,275 -3,752 = $523 million

WCInv = Increase in accounts receivable + Increase in Inventory-Increase in accounts payable –Increase in accrued liabilities

= ( 770-711 ) + ( 846-780 ) - ( 476-443 ) - ( 149-114 )

= $57 million

Net borrowing = Increase in notes payable + Increase in long-term debt

= ( 465-450 ) + ( 1,575-1,515 ) = $75 million

FCFE = 485 + 270 - 523 - 57 + 75 = $250 million

An alternative calculation is

FCFE = FCFF –Int(1 – Tax rate) + Net borrowing

FCFE = 307.6 – 195(1 – 0.32) + (15 +60) = $250 million


1.怎么notes payable又算是ST了?????它不是包含在CL里的吗????前一道题刚做的NB只包含了long term debt,因为CL只给了一个总数,没给细项。

2.ST到底都有什么啊????在资产负债表里没有一个叫做short term debt的单独项目列示?

3.如果ST没有单独项目列示的话,为什么长期debt有叫做long term debt的单独项目?


2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年09月27日


另外,本题确实在notes payable这个问题上是有不完善的地方的,没有强调是否付息的情况下怎么理解都可以,但这毕竟是原版书的题目,所以品职也只能把它拿过来给同学们做一下,目的只是理解一下协会的出题方式和风格。


王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年09月27日


1.老师上课说过计入Net borrowing的是所有的Debt(即有息负债),并且也强调了无论是短期还是长期,只要是有息的负债,都要计入net borrowing的范围,请参考以下讲义截图——所以不是以简单的长期短期来区分是否是debt的

至于notes payable是不是有息负债,老师上课也说过,一般认为notes payable是有息的。但是题库里有两道完全相反的题目,你这里碰到的这道认为notes payable是有息的,但还有一道题认为notes payable是无息的,所以这里是原版书出题人自己出题的问题,不是品职这里的问题,教研组认为真正考试中碰到这类问题的时候,一定会更清楚的交代notes payable是否有息,从而避免引起歧义。

2.资产负债表里没有short-term debt这个科目,且一般来说大部分的短期负债确实是无息负债,但是不排除有些公司会有短期有息负债——但是这不是Equity这门课的重点,甚至不是CFA的重点,我们只需要了解可能有些短期科目是有息的(譬如notes payable)就可以了

4.本题不是制造焦虑,关注的考点也不是notes payable是否有息,而是帮助考生复习FCFE的计算方法的,至于放在经典题中,是因为这部分的专门考察FCFE计算的题目并不多,但是这个知识点非常重要,所以必须在经典题里有所体现

lcrcp3 · 2023年09月27日


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NO.PZ2023032701000038问题如下 RyLeigh is preparing a presentation thanalyzes the valuation of the common stoof two companies unr consiration aitions to his firm’s recommenlist, EmeralCorporation anHolt Corporation. Leigh hpreparepreliminary valuations of both companies using a FCFE mol anis also preparing a value estimate for Emeralusing a vinscount mol. Holt’s 2007 an2008 financistatements, containein Exhibits 1 an2, are preparein accornwith US GAAP.Exhibit 1.Holt Corporation ConsoliteBalanSheets (US$ Millions)Exhibit 2.Holt Corporation ConsoliteIncome Statement for the YeEn31 cember 2008 (US$ Millions)Holt’s FCFE (in millions) for 2008 is closest to: A.$175B.$250C.$364 FCFE = NI + N– FCInv – WCInv + Net borrowing. In this case:NI = $485 millionN= preciation expense = $270 millionFCInv = Net purchase of fixeassets = Increase in gross fixeassets= 4,275 -3,752 = $523 millionWCInv = Increase in accounts receivable + Increase in Inventory-Increase in accounts payable –Increase in accrueliabilities= ( 770-711 ) + ( 846-780 ) - ( 476-443 ) - ( 149-114 )= $57 millionNet borrowing = Increase in notes payable + Increase in long-term bt= ( 465-450 ) + ( 1,575-1,515 ) = $75 millionFCFE = 485 + 270 - 523 - 57 + 75 = $250 millionalternative calculation isFCFE = FCFF –Int(1 – Trate) + Net borrowingFCFE = 307.6 – 195(1 – 0.32) + (15 +60) = $250 million accruetanexpense不计算在NCC中吗

2024-05-06 19:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032701000038 问题如下 RyLeigh is preparing a presentation thanalyzes the valuation of the common stoof two companies unr consiration aitions to his firm’s recommenlist, EmeralCorporation anHolt Corporation. Leigh hpreparepreliminary valuations of both companies using a FCFE mol anis also preparing a value estimate for Emeralusing a vinscount mol. Holt’s 2007 an2008 financistatements, containein Exhibits 1 an2, are preparein accornwith US GAAP.Exhibit 1.Holt Corporation ConsoliteBalanSheets (US$ Millions)Exhibit 2.Holt Corporation ConsoliteIncome Statement for the YeEn31 cember 2008 (US$ Millions)Holt’s FCFE (in millions) for 2008 is closest to: A.$175 B.$250 C.$364 FCFE = NI + N– FCInv – WCInv + Net borrowing. In this case:NI = $485 millionN= preciation expense = $270 millionFCInv = Net purchase of fixeassets = Increase in gross fixeassets= 4,275 -3,752 = $523 millionWCInv = Increase in accounts receivable + Increase in Inventory-Increase in accounts payable –Increase in accrueliabilities= ( 770-711 ) + ( 846-780 ) - ( 476-443 ) - ( 149-114 )= $57 millionNet borrowing = Increase in notes payable + Increase in long-term bt= ( 465-450 ) + ( 1,575-1,515 ) = $75 millionFCFE = 485 + 270 - 523 - 57 + 75 = $250 millionalternative calculation isFCFE = FCFF –Int(1 – Trate) + Net borrowingFCFE = 307.6 – 195(1 – 0.32) + (15 +60) = $250 million 老师,您好!计算WCInv的步骤如下1.分别计算当期和上期的working capit= current asset - cash - current liability;2.然后当期working capital减去上期working capital得到 WCInv = (1988-372-1090) - (1806-315-1007) = 42。这样计算的结果和答案中的结果相差了15,有什么区别?谢谢!

2023-07-14 14:18 1 · 回答