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phoebeqp · 2023年09月25日


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Ace's client is an asset manager with a significant portion of its fixed-rate bond investment portfolio maturing soon. Ace intends to reinvest the proceeds in five-year bond maturities. Which of the following describes the best course of action in the derivatives market for Ace's client to address its bond reinvestment risk?


A.Ace's client should consider receiving fixed on a cash-settled five-year forward-starting swap that starts and settles in three months in order to best address its bond reinvestment risk. B.Ace's client should consider paying fixed on a cash-settled five-year forward-starting swap starting in three months in order to best address its bond reinvestment risk. C.Ace's client should consider entering a series of forward rate agreements (FRAs) from today until five years from now under which it pays a fixed rate and receives a floating rate each period ending in five years to address its bond reinvestment risk.



A is correct.

Ace's client should consider receiving fixed on a five-year swap. A receive-fixed swap has a risk and return profile similar to that of a long fixed-rate bond position. Ace's client would therefore expect to have a similar MTM gain or loss on the swap position as if it had purchased a five-year bond at inception.




  1. 这道题客户已经投资了固定利率债券了,如果要做对冲,为什么不是直接换浮动利率?
  2. 题干说客户的情况,问题问这家公司Ace想做reinvestment,客户跟公司是互为对手方的意思吗?
  3. forward starting interest rate swap是什么?那是不是还有forward ending xxx?这个书上有提过吗?(讲义上没有)
1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年09月25日


题目问题最后写的是reinvestment risk,这个叫做再投资风险,简单来说就是害怕未来收益下降。




forward starting IRS就是在未来才会开始的利率互换,比如3个月后或6个月后才生效的利率互换。在规定了生效日期和利率互换的期限之后,那么ending date也就确定了,所以不需要再有个forward ending IRS


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NO.PZ202208260100000602 问题如下 Ace's client is asset manager with a significant portion of its fixerate boninvestment portfolio maturing soon. Ainten to reinvest the procee in five-yebonmaturities. Whiof the following scribes the best course of action in the rivatives market for Ace's client to aress its bonreinvestment risk? A.Ace's client shoulconsir receiving fixeon a cash-settlefive-yeforwarstarting swthstarts ansettles in three months in orr to best aress its bonreinvestment risk. B.Ace's client shoulconsir paying fixeon a cash-settlefive-yeforwarstarting swstarting in three months in orr to best aress its bonreinvestment risk. C.Ace's client shoulconsir entering a series of forwarrate agreements (FRAs) from toy until five years from now unr whiit pays a fixerate anreceives a floating rate eaperioenng in five years to aress its bonreinvestment risk. SolutionA is correct. Ace's client shoulconsir receiving fixeon a five-yeswap. A receive-fixeswha risk anreturn profile similto thof a long fixerate bonposition. Ace's client woultherefore expeto have a similMTM gain or loss on the swposition if it hpurchasea five-yeboninception. 中文解析题干大意Ace的客户是一家资产管理公司,其固定利率债券投资组合的很大一部分即将到期。Ace打算将所得资金再投资于五年期债券。问下列哪项是Ace的客户在衍生品市场上解决其债券再投资风险的最佳行动方案。由于Ace打算将所得资金再投资于五年期债券,因此他也可以选择进入期限为5年的收到固定利率支付浮动利率的互换,因为在互换中收到固定利率相当于是投资了一个固定利率的债券,因此进入此互换是合适的。 C如果说APfloating, receive fixe不是就对了?

2024-09-15 12:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208260100000602问题如下Ace's client is asset manager with a significant portion of its fixerate boninvestment portfolio maturing soon. Ainten to reinvest the procee in five-yebonmaturities. Whiof the following scribes the best course of action in the rivatives market for Ace's client to aress its bonreinvestment risk?A.Ace's client shoulconsir receiving fixeon a cash-settlefive-yeforwarstarting swthstarts ansettles in three months in orr to best aress its bonreinvestment risk.B.Ace's client shoulconsir paying fixeon a cash-settlefive-yeforwarstarting swstarting in three months in orr to best aress its bonreinvestment risk.C.Ace's client shoulconsir entering a series of forwarrate agreements (FRAs) from toy until five years from now unr whiit pays a fixerate anreceives a floating rate eaperioenng in five years to aress its bonreinvestment risk. SolutionA is correct. Ace's client shoulconsir receiving fixeon a five-yeswap. A receive-fixeswha risk anreturn profile similto thof a long fixerate bonposition. Ace's client woultherefore expeto have a similMTM gain or loss on the swposition if it hpurchasea five-yeboninception. 中文解析题干大意Ace的客户是一家资产管理公司,其固定利率债券投资组合的很大一部分即将到期。Ace打算将所得资金再投资于五年期债券。问下列哪项是Ace的客户在衍生品市场上解决其债券再投资风险的最佳行动方案。由于Ace打算将所得资金再投资于五年期债券,因此他也可以选择进入期限为5年的收到固定利率支付浮动利率的互换,因为在互换中收到固定利率相当于是投资了一个固定利率的债券,因此进入此互换是合适的。 麻烦老师,为什么C不对。。不理解这题。。

2023-06-30 22:12 1 · 回答