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phoebeqp · 2023年09月25日


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Ace serves as a futures commission merchant to assist several of its commodity trading adviser (CTA) clients to clear and settle their futures margin positions with the futures exchange. Ace is reviewing the copper futures market for a CTA client considering a long copper futures position for the first time. Details of the copper futures market are as follows:

Today’s copper spot price is $4.25 per pound, and the constant risk-free rate is 1.875%. Each contract has a $10 storage cost payable at the end of the month.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the margin exposure profile of Ace’s CTA client if it enters a one-month copper futures contract?


A.The CTA will be expected to post $10,000 initial margin and would receive a margin call if the copper futures price were to immediately fall below $4.10 per pound or below a price of $102,425 per contract. B.The CTA would be expected to post $10,000 in initial margin and would receive a margin call at any time over the life of the contract if the copper futures price were to immediately fall below $3.86 per pound or below a price of $96,425 per contract. C.The CTA will be expected to post $10,000 initial margin, but we cannot determine the exact futures price at which a margin call will occur as the futures MTM is settled each day and the contract value resets to zero.



A is correct.

The CTA will face a margin call if the copper contract price falls by more than $4,000, or $0.16 (= $4,000/25,000) per pound. We may solve for the price at which the CTA receives a margin call by first solving for the initial futures contract price, f0(T), at contract inception as follows: f0(T) = [S0 + PV0(C)](1+r)T.

Solve for PV0(C) per pound as follows: PV0(C) = $9.98 (= $10[1.01875–(1/12)]).

Substitute PV0(C) = $9.98 into Equation 4 to solve for f0(T):

f0(T) = [($4.25 × 25,000) + $9.98](1.01875 (1/12))

f0(T) = $106,425 per contract (≈ $4.257 per pound).

So, $106,425 − $4,000 = $102,425 per contract, and $4.257 − $0.16 = $4.10 per pound.

B is incorrect as it assumes there is no maintenance margin, and while C may be true under some circumstances, the change in A is immediate (occurs at trade inception).



因此当保证金水平低于6,000时,会收到追加保证金的通知,即期货合约价格下降的空间为4,000美元,即每磅允许下跌0.16美元(= 4,000/25,000美元)


f0(T) = (S0) (1 + r) T+FV(C) = [(4.25 x 25000) (1.01875 (1/12))]+10 =106,425

因此当合约价格低于102,425美元(每份合同106,425美元- 4,000美元= 102,425美元)时,需要追加保证金。


因此当价格低于4.10美元(每磅4.257美元- 0.16美元= 4.10美元)时,会收到保证金催收电话。

计算f0(T) = [S0 + PV0(C)](1+r)T. 为什么这里的T=1/12而不是15/12?(不是说15个月吗)

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2023年09月25日


开头那个maturities意思是这个期货合约的期限覆盖了从1个月到最长15个月。题目问题的最后写的是“ if it enters a one-month copper futures contract?”,就是如果你建立了1个月期限的期货合约的话。所以T= 1/12


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