NO.PZ2016012102000197 问题如下 Whiof the following event is least likely to cause a permanent fferenbetween taxable income anpre-tincome? A.fferent trates. B.Receiving interest income from ferally texempt bon. C.Receiving tcrets from the tauthority. A is correct.Tcrets antax-exempt income will both cause the permanent tfferences.fferent trates will only cause fferent after-tincome.考点 所得税永久性差异 税收抵免和免税收入都会导致永久性税收差异。不同的税率只会导致不同的税后收入。 现在不用交税以后也不用补或者现在不能抵扣以后也不能抵扣的都叫永久性差异 rt
NO.PZ2016012102000197问题如下Whiof the following event is least likely to cause a permanent fferenbetween taxable income anpre-tincome? A.fferent trates. B.Receiving interest income from ferally texempt bon. C.Receiving tcrets from the tauthority. A is correct.Tcrets antax-exempt income will both cause the permanent tfferences.fferent trates will only cause fferent after-tincome.考点 所得税永久性差异 税收抵免和免税收入都会导致永久性税收差异。不同的税率只会导致不同的税后收入。 现在不用交税以后也不用补或者现在不能抵扣以后也不能抵扣的都叫永久性差异 taxable income anpre-tincome 这两概念有啥区别?
NO.PZ2016012102000197 Receiving interest income from ferally texempt bon. Receiving tcrets from the tauthority. A is correct. Tcrets antax-exempt income will both cause the permanent tfferences. fferent trates will only cause fferent after-tincome.老师可以帮忙总结一下吗
Receiving interest income from ferally texempt bon. Receiving tcrets from the tauthority. A is correct. Tcrets antax-exempt income will both cause the permanent tfferences. fferent trates will only cause fferent after-tincome. 请问BC两种情况财报和税报里面分别是如何体现的