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lcrcp3 · 2023年09月20日




Loris asks Paul to use the information in Exhibit 2 to calculate the periodic pension cost for Atlantic for 2013. The company prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP

The amount of Atlantic Preserve’s 2013 periodic pension cost reported in the income statement (in $ thousands) is closest to:









Under US GAAP, the periodic pension cost is calculated as follows:

为什么不是用actual return 和expected return的差额?

2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年09月20日

1.是的,也是expected return,但是注意国际准则和US GAAP下计算expected return的Re是不一样的,前者使用PBO计算时候使用的re,后者使用真正的估计的expected re

2. 是的,同学你这里的理解是正确的

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年09月20日


题目问的是“periodic pension cost reported in the income statement ”,跟据讲义截图,I/S表记录的是Expected return,而不是actual 和expected return之间的差额

lcrcp3 · 2023年09月20日

1.如果这题是按国际准则也是用expected return吗? 2.也就是算利润表和OCI的时候都需要用到expected return,而只有算OCI的时候才会用到actual return?

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NO.PZ2023040501000041 问题如下 Loris asks Paul to use the information in Exhibit 2 to calculate the perioc pension cost for Atlantic for 2013. The company prepares its financistatements in accornwith U.S. GAAPThe amount of Atlantic Preserve’s 2013 perioc pension cost reportein the income statement (in $ thousan) is closest to: A.1,995. B.976. C.2,267. Unr US GAAP, the perioc pension cost is calculatefollows: 即expectereturn和actureturn的差异我看课程里面说用的corrir方法,意思是算出来是差异是1291,小于10%的begin PBO或begin Plasset,所以不用摊销?

2024-08-18 22:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000041 问题如下 Loris asks Paul to use the information in Exhibit 2 to calculate the perioc pension cost for Atlantic for 2013. The company prepares its financistatements in accornwith U.S. GAAPThe amount of Atlantic Preserve’s 2013 perioc pension cost reportein the income statement (in $ thousan) is closest to: A.1,995. B.976. C.2,267. Unr US GAAP, the perioc pension cost is calculatefollows: usgai/s=csc + int exp - Er +amortiseps AL问题问什么这里减去expectereturn, 而不是减去acturreturn5888?讲义里都是减去expectereturn (这点我知道) ,但是用美国市场的真实收益率,就是真实的return.

2024-04-26 14:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000041 问题如下 Loris asks Paul to use the information in Exhibit 2 to calculate the perioc pension cost for Atlantic for 2013. The company prepares its financistatements in accornwith U.S. GAAPThe amount of Atlantic Preserve’s 2013 perioc pension cost reportein the income statement (in $ thousan) is closest to: A.1,995. B.976. C.2,267. Unr US GAAP, the perioc pension cost is calculatefollows: 这个题问的是在US GAAP准则下ppc计入income statement的金额,应该是不包括past servicost的。但是提供的答案包括了psc。

2023-08-02 10:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000041 问题如下 Loris asks Paul to use the information in Exhibit 2 to calculate the perioc pension cost for Atlantic for 2013. The company prepares its financistatements in accornwith U.S. GAAPThe amount of Atlantic Preserve’s 2013 perioc pension cost reportein the income statement (in $ thousan) is closest to: A.1,995. B.976. C.2,267. Unr US GAAP, the perioc pension cost is calculatefollows: 老师,您好!关于perioc pension cost的计算,US GA和 IFRS的计算有什么不同吗?另外,perioc pension cost 和 totperioc pension cost的经济含义有什么不同呢?谢谢!

2023-07-21 17:53 1 · 回答