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momo · 2023年09月02日




Q. A company with no debt or convertible securities issued publicly traded common stock three times during the current fiscal year. Under both IFRS and US GAAP, the company’s:


A.basic EPS equals its diluted EPS.

B.capital structure is considered complex at year-end.

C.basic EPS is calculated by using a simple average number of shares outstanding.


A is correct. Basic and diluted EPS are equal for a company with a simple capital structure. A company that issues only common stock, with no financial instruments that are potentially convertible into common stock has a simple capital structure. Basic EPS is calculated using the weighted average number of shares outstanding.


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年09月02日



A.基本每股收益basic EPS 等于其稀释后每股收益diluted EPS。——对应题目绿色的部分,一个公司没有可转换证券,就是没有可转换优先股,可转债,也没有期权(可以转换成股票),那就不会有额外的股票会由于这些证券的转换而出现,所以公司的basic EPS 就和diluted EPS


C.基本每股收益是使用简单的平均流通股数计算的。——这也是错的,basic EPS是用weighted average shares计算的而不是simple average number of shares 。

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NO.PZ2023081403000024 问题如下 Q. A company with no or convertible securities issuepublicly tracommon stothree times ring the current fiscyear. Unr both IFRS anUS GAAP, the company’s: A.basic EPS equals its luteEPS. B.capitstructure is consirecomplex year-en C.basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng. A is correct. Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng. 为什么实务中增发股份数,不会导致EPS被稀释

2024-08-28 09:43 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2023081403000024 问题如下 Q. A company with no or convertible securities issuepublicly tracommon stothree times ring the current fiscyear. Unr both IFRS anUS GAAP, the company’s: A.basic EPS equals its luteEPS. B.capitstructure is consirecomplex year-en C.basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng. A is correct. Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng. 增发普通股,分母不就增加了?然后就被稀释了?

2024-08-01 09:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023081403000024 问题如下 Q. A company with no or convertible securities issuepublicly tracommon stothree times ring the current fiscyear. Unr both IFRS anUS GAAP, the company’s: A.basic EPS equals its luteEPS. B.capitstructure is consirecomplex year-en C.basic EPS is calculateusing a simple average number of shares outstanng. A is correct. Basic anluteEPS are equfor a company with a simple capitstructure. A company thissues only common stock, with no financiinstruments thare potentially convertible into common stoha simple capitstructure. Basic EPS is calculateusing the weighteaverage number of shares outstanng. 请问此题目里 Tra3 times 怎么理解呢?

2024-05-07 10:37 1 · 回答