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Feeling · 2023年08月28日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Monongahela Ap is an equity fund analyst. His manager asks him to evaluate three actively managed equity funds from a single sponsor, Chiyodasenko Investment Corp. Ap’s assessments of the funds based on assets under management (AUM), the three main building blocks of portfolio construction, and the funds’ approaches to portfolio management are presented in Exhibit 1. Selected data for Fund 1 is presented in Exhibit 2.

Ap learns that Chiyodasenko has initiated a new equity fund. It is similar to Fund 1 but scales up active risk by doubling all of the active weights relative to Fund 1. The new fund aims to scale active return linearly with active risk, but implementation is problematic. Because of the cost and difficulty of borrowing some securities, the new fund cannot scale up its short positions to the same extent that it can scale up its long positions.

Ap reviews quarterly holdings reports for Fund 3. In comparing the two most recent quarterly reports, he notices differences in holdings that indicate that Fund 3 executed two trades, with each trade involving pairs of stocks. Initially, Fund 3 held active positions in two automobile stocks—one was overweight by 1 percentage point (pp), and the other was underweight by 1pp. Fund 3 traded back to benchmark weights on those two stocks. In the second trade, Fund 3 selected two different stocks that were held at benchmark weights, one energy stock and one financial stock. Fund 3 overweighted the energy stock by 1pp and underweighted the financial stock by 1pp.

In Fund 3’s latest quarterly report, Ap reads that Fund 3 implemented a new formal risk control for its forecasting model that constrains the predicted return distribution so that no more than 60% of the deviations from the mean are negative.

Based on Exhibit 2, the portion of total portfolio risk that is explained by the market factor in Fund 1’s existing portfolio is closest to:









C is correct.

The portion of total portfolio risk explained by the market factor is calculated in two steps. The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to total portfolio variance as follows:

CVmarket  factor=j=1nXmarket  factorXjCmf,jCV_{market\;factor}={\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_{market\;factor}X_jC_{mf,j}

=Xmarket  factorj=1nXjCmf,j=X_{market\;factor}{\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_jC_{mf,j}


CVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to total portfolio variance

xmarket factor = weight of the market factor in the portfolio

xj = weight of factor j in the portfolio

Cmf,j = covariance between the market factor and factor j

The variance attributed to the market factor is as follows:

CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 × 0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)

CVmarket factor = 0.001223

The second step is to divide the resulting variance attributed to the market factor by the portfolio variance of returns, which is the square of the standard deviation of returns:

Portion of total portfolio risk explained by the market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)^2

Portion of total portfolio risk explained by the market factor = 87%

请问老师我写的这个公式是不是错了,因为根据这个公式要除以market return的标准差——X,而不是asset return的标准差——Y。

3 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年08月30日


但本题的3.74%是portfolio return的volatility,不是market return的volatility呀。

是的,同学理解正确。3.74%是portfolio return的volatility。

在我写的式子中,Y是因变量,X是自变量。即Y是portfolio return,X是market return,除以X即为除以market,





本题计算的是:the portion of total portfolio risk that is explained by the market factor

这是市场因子对portfolio 方差的贡献度,这不是Beta。


笛子_品职助教 · 2023年08月31日


不是在求beta是在求cor吗?那么就应该除以portfolio return的标准差 X market return的标准差了。本题除以portfolio return的方差是一个新场景下的新公式吗?









本题求的是因子i 对portfolio的风险贡献。只不过这里的因子i是market 因子而已,计算方式没有任何改变。

the portion of total portfolio risk that is explained by the market factor 

也就是proportion of contribution of the market factor to total portfolio variance



笛子_品职助教 · 2023年08月29日






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  • 0

  • 236


NO.PZ201809170400000504 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, the portion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun1’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3%. B.81%. C.87%. C is correct.The portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps. The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totportfolio varianfollows:CVmarket  factor=∑j=1nXmarket  factorXjCmf,jCV_{market\;factor}={\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_{market\;factor}X_jC_{mf,j}CVmarketfactor​=∑j=1n​Xmarketfactor​Xj​Cmf,j​=Xmarket  factor∑j=1nXjCmf,j=X_{market\;factor}{\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_jC_{mf,j}=Xmarketfactor​∑j=1n​Xj​Cmf,j​WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in the portfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 × 0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep is to vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor the portfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation of returns:Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)^2Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 什么时候求出risk explainethe XXX时要除以portfolio stv, 什么时候不用?举个例子,在画了九宫格以后,求出了 (contribution of themarket factor to totportfolio cariance), 有时候就结束了(情况1)但比如这道题里,还要除以“portfolio stanreviation of return\" =3.74%.“ (情况2)我的疑问请问怎么区分什么时候是情况“1”什么时候情况”2”?

2024-01-17 23:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000504 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, the portion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun1’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3%. B.81%. C.87%. C is correct.The portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps. The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totportfolio varianfollows:CVmarket  factor=∑j=1nXmarket  factorXjCmf,jCV_{market\;factor}={\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_{market\;factor}X_jC_{mf,j}CVmarketfactor​=∑j=1n​Xmarketfactor​Xj​Cmf,j​=Xmarket  factor∑j=1nXjCmf,j=X_{market\;factor}{\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_jC_{mf,j}=Xmarketfactor​∑j=1n​Xj​Cmf,j​WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in the portfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 × 0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep is to vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor the portfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation of returns:Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)^2Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 老师,本题我计算出来CVmarket factor = 0.001223后,直接开了根号去除以组合的标准差3.74%,发现没有正确答案。totrisk只能理解为variance是么?

2024-01-07 12:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000504 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, the portion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun1’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3%. B.81%. C.87%. C is correct.The portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps. The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totportfolio varianfollows:CVmarket  factor=∑j=1nXmarket  factorXjCmf,jCV_{market\;factor}={\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_{market\;factor}X_jC_{mf,j}CVmarketfactor​=∑j=1n​Xmarketfactor​Xj​Cmf,j​=Xmarket  factor∑j=1nXjCmf,j=X_{market\;factor}{\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_jC_{mf,j}=Xmarketfactor​∑j=1n​Xj​Cmf,j​WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in the portfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 × 0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep is to vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor the portfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation of returns:Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)^2Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 老师,这道题我算了好几遍,算出来分子都是0.00113902,除以portfolio variance以后,差不多是82%。答案算的明显就是各种进位了吧?

2024-01-04 20:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000504 问题如下 Baseon Exhibit 2, the portion of totportfolio risk this explainethe market factor in Fun1’s existing portfolio is closest to: A.3%. B.81%. C.87%. C is correct.The portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor is calculatein two steps. The first step is to calculate the contribution of the market factor to totportfolio varianfollows:CVmarket  factor=∑j=1nXmarket  factorXjCmf,jCV_{market\;factor}={\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_{market\;factor}X_jC_{mf,j}CVmarketfactor​=∑j=1n​Xmarketfactor​Xj​Cmf,j​=Xmarket  factor∑j=1nXjCmf,j=X_{market\;factor}{\textstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}X_jC_{mf,j}=Xmarketfactor​∑j=1n​Xj​Cmf,j​WhereCVmarket factor = contribution of the market factor to totportfolio variancexmarket factor = weight of the market factor in the portfolioxj = weight of factor j in the portfolioCmf,j = covarianbetween the market factor anfactor jThe varianattributeto the market factor is follows:CVmarket factor = (1.080 × 0.00109 × 1.080) + (1.080 × 0.00053 × 0.098) + (1.080 × 0.00022 × –0.401) + (1.080 × –0.00025 × 0.034)CVmarket factor = 0.001223The seconstep is to vi the resulting varianattributeto the market factor the portfolio varianof returns, whiis the square of the stanrviation of returns:Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 0.001223/(0.0374)^2Portion of totportfolio risk explainethe market factor = 87% 请问在哪里可以看这道题目的视频讲解?

2023-05-10 17:48 1 · 回答