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Marina_0122 · 2023年08月26日




Although the foundation’s fixed-income portfolios have focused primarily on developed markets, the portfolio manager presents data in Exhibit 3 on two emerging markets for Martin to consider. Both economies increased exports of their mineral resources over the last decade.

The fixed-income portfolio manager also presents information on a new investment opportunity in an international developed market. The team is considering the bonds of Xdelp, a large energy exploration and production company. Both the domestic and international markets are experiencing synchronized growth in GDP midway between the trough and the peak of the business cycle. The foreign country’s government has displayed a disciplined approach to maintaining stable monetary and fiscal policies and has experienced a rising current account surplus and an appreciating currency. It is expected that with the improvements in free cash flow and earnings, the credit rating of the Xdelp bonds will be upgraded. Martin refers to the foundation’s asset allocation policy in Exhibit 4 before making any changes to either the fixed-income or real estate portfolios.

Based only on Exhibits 3 and 4 and the information provided by the portfolio managers, the action most likely to enhance returns is to:


A.decrease existing investments in real estate by 2.00% B.initiate a commitment to emerging market debt of 1.00% C.increase the investments in international market bonds by 1.00%


Correct Answer: C

An investment in the bonds of the international energy exploration and production company (Xdelp) looks attractive. The international market benefits from positive macroeconomic fundamentals: point in the business cycle, monetary and fiscal discipline, rising current account surplus, and an appreciating currency. The anticipated credit rating improvement will add to the potential for this to become a profitable investment and enhance returns. An increase in the investments within the international fixed-income segment by 1.00% (existing weight is 6.17%) would take advantage of this opportunity and remain in compliance with the foundation’s 5.00%–10.00% strategic asset allocation limits.

A is incorrect because a decrease in the existing weight of real estate by 2.00% would put the portfolio weight below the minimum threshold of 2.00% (i.e., 3.34% ̶ 2.00% = 1.34%) of the foundation’s strategic asset allocation.

B is incorrect because the information presented in Exhibit 3 would lead the chief investment officer to avoid the two opportunities in emerging market debt (Emerging Republic A and Emerging Republic B) and not initiate a commitment to emerging market debt of 1.00% (i.e., increase the existing weight above 0.00%).






1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2023年08月28日



If there is one ratio that is most closely watched, it is the ratio of the fiscal deficit to GDP. A persistent ratio above 4% is likely a cause for concern.

A debt-to-GDP ratio exceeding 70%–80% is a sign of vulnerability for an EM.

A persistent annual real growth rate less than 4% suggests that an EM is catching up with more advanced economies only slowly,

if at all, and per capita income might even be falling—a potential source of political stress.

Persistent current account deficits greater than 4% of GDP probably indicate lack of competitiveness.

Foreign debt greater than 50% of GDP or greater than 200% of current account receipts is also a sign of danger.

Foreign exchange reserves less than 100% of short-term debt is risky, whereas a ratio greater than 200% is ample.



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