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WINWIN8 · 2023年08月20日




Banantoumou believes that the Sagara economy relies too heavily on the export of natural rubber. He is convinced that significant industrial capital investment will persuade foreign direct investors that he is serious about economic development. He announces that the Sagara government will construct a large tire factory to take advantage of the country's rubber resources. Banantoumou expects that as a result of this investment, per capita productivity will rise rapidly driving rapid growth in GDP.

N'Diarra is not as optimistic. She warns Banantoumou that Sagara could fall prey to a resource curse known as the Dutch disease. As demand from the tire factory drives up the price of rubber, capital flows out of the country and the local currency could depreciate rapidly. This situation can be prevented if foreign investors are allowed to own rubber plantations directly rather than just having access through international markets.

N'Diarra's warning regarding the resource curse and its prevention is most likely incorrect with respect to:


A.her comments about both currency depreciation and direct ownership of rubber plantations. B.her comment about owning rubber plantations directly. C.her comment about currency depreciation.


Both her comments are incorrect. In the Dutch disease scenario, currency appreciation driven by strong export demand for resources makes other segments of the economy, in particular manufacturing, globally uncompetitive. She is also incorrect regarding direct ownership of the rubber plantations by foreigners; access to natural resources is essential but ownership is not.

" this situation can be prevented if ......to own rubber plantation" 这里说可以阻止的情况是指前面说的 “ the local currency could depreciate rapidly. ” 吗?

那如果要阻止本币贬值的话,让外人有ownership确实会让本币升值呀。 这句话错在哪里呢?

2 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年08月21日


你说的有道理 我也这么想的 但在听何老师讲解这道题的时候 她说因为外资流入会升值 所以意思是长期来看 会贬值?我迷糊了







WINWIN8 · 2023年08月21日

明白了 谢谢

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年08月21日







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NO.PZ2023041102000039 问题如下 Banantoumou believes ththe Sagara economy relies too heavily on the export of naturrubber. He is convincethsignificant instricapitinvestment will persua foreign reinvestors thhe is serious about economic velopment. He announces ththe Sagara government will construa large tire factory to take aantage of the country's rubber resources. Banantoumou expects tha result of this investment, per capita proctivity will rise rapiy iving rapigrowth in G. N'arra is not optimistiShe warns Banantoumou thSagara coulfall prey to a resourcurse known the tsease. manfrom the tire factory ives up the priof rubber, capitflows out of the country anthe loccurrencoulpreciate rapiy. This situation cpreventeif foreign investors are alloweto own rubber plantations rectly rather thjust having access through internationmarkets.N'arra's warning regarng the resourcurse anits prevention is most likely incorrewith respeto: A.her comments about both currenpreciation anreownership of rubber plantations. B.her comment about owning rubber plantations rectly. C.her comment about currenpreciation. Both her comments are incorrect. In the tsease scenario, currenappreciation iven strong export manfor resources makes other segments of the economy, in particulmanufacturing, globally uncompetitive. She is also incorreregarng reownership of the rubber plantations foreigners; access to naturresources is essentibut ownership is not.她的两个评论都不正确。在荷兰病情景中,由对资源的强劲出口需求会驱动的货币升值,使经济的其他部门,特别是制造业,在全球失去竞争力。她关于外国人直接拥有橡胶种植园的说法也是不正确的;获得自然资源至关重要,但所有权并非如此。 在全球失去竞争力。她关于外国人直接拥有橡胶种植园的说法也是不正确的;获得自然资源至关重要,但所有权并非如此。但是不是说直接投资建厂肯定要比参加资本市场要好吗?参与资本市场会助长泡沫,所以直投的方式会更好没有问题呀?如果说要改这句话改成正确的,应该如何改呢?This situation cpreventeif foreign investors are alloweto own rubber plantations rectly rather thjust having access through internationmarkets.

2024-05-10 11:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000039问题如下 Banantoumou believes ththe Sagara economy relies too heavily on the export of naturrubber. He is convincethsignificant instricapitinvestment will persua foreign reinvestors thhe is serious about economic velopment. He announces ththe Sagara government will construa large tire factory to take aantage of the country's rubber resources. Banantoumou expects tha result of this investment, per capita proctivity will rise rapiy iving rapigrowth in G.N'arra is not optimistiShe warns Banantoumou thSagara coulfall prey to a resourcurse known the tsease. manfrom the tire factory ives up the priof rubber, capitflows out of the country anthe loccurrencoulpreciate rapiy. This situation cpreventeif foreign investors are alloweto own rubber plantations rectly rather thjust having access through internationmarkets.N'arra's warning regarng the resourcurse anits prevention is most likely incorrewith respeto: A.her comments about both currenpreciation anreownership of rubber plantations.B.her comment about owning rubber plantations rectly.C.her comment about currenpreciation.Both her comments are incorrect. In the tsease scenario, currenappreciation iven strong export manfor resources makes other segments of the economy, in particulmanufacturing, globally uncompetitive. She is also incorreregarng reownership of the rubber plantations foreigners; access to naturresources is essentibut ownership is not.this situation cpreventeif foreign investors have access to naturresources

2024-04-13 17:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000039问题如下 Banantoumou believes ththe Sagara economy relies too heavily on the export of naturrubber. He is convincethsignificant instricapitinvestment will persua foreign reinvestors thhe is serious about economic velopment. He announces ththe Sagara government will construa large tire factory to take aantage of the country's rubber resources. Banantoumou expects tha result of this investment, per capita proctivity will rise rapiy iving rapigrowth in G.N'arra is not optimistiShe warns Banantoumou thSagara coulfall prey to a resourcurse known the tsease. manfrom the tire factory ives up the priof rubber, capitflows out of the country anthe loccurrencoulpreciate rapiy. This situation cpreventeif foreign investors are alloweto own rubber plantations rectly rather thjust having access through internationmarkets.N'arra's warning regarng the resourcurse anits prevention is most likely incorrewith respeto: A.her comments about both currenpreciation anreownership of rubber plantations.B.her comment about owning rubber plantations rectly.C.her comment about currenpreciation.Both her comments are incorrect. In the tsease scenario, currenappreciation iven strong export manfor resources makes other segments of the economy, in particulmanufacturing, globally uncompetitive. She is also incorreregarng reownership of the rubber plantations foreigners; access to naturresources is essentibut ownership is not.He is convincethsignificant instricapitinvestment will persua foreign reinvestors thhe is serious about economic velopment.这句话该怎么断句理解啊 看了好几遍

2024-04-03 17:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000039 问题如下 Banantoumou believes ththe Sagara economy relies too heavily on the export of naturrubber. He is convincethsignificant instricapitinvestment will persua foreign reinvestors thhe is serious about economic velopment. He announces ththe Sagara government will construa large tire factory to take aantage of the country's rubber resources. Banantoumou expects tha result of this investment, per capita proctivity will rise rapiy iving rapigrowth in G.N'arra is not optimistiShe warns Banantoumou thSagara coulfall prey to a resourcurse known the tsease. manfrom the tire factory ives up the priof rubber, capitflows out of the country anthe loccurrencoulpreciate rapiy. This situation cpreventeif foreign investors are alloweto own rubber plantations rectly rather thjust having access through internationmarkets.N'arra's warning regarng the resourcurse anits prevention is most likely incorrewith respeto: A.her comments about both currenpreciation anreownership of rubber plantations. B.her comment about owning rubber plantations rectly. C.her comment about currenpreciation. Both her comments are incorrect. In the tsease scenario, currenappreciation iven strong export manfor resources makes other segments of the economy, in particulmanufacturing, globally uncompetitive. She is also incorreregarng reownership of the rubber plantations foreigners; access to naturresources is essentibut ownership is not. 解析里这句话是错的吧\"access to naturresources is essentibut ownership is not\" ? 不是自然资源得所属权owenership更重要吗。关于这题本身,让外资拥有资源所属权,不能带动本国经济吗,所以我选C

2023-04-26 21:44 1 · 回答