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qixj · 2023年08月15日




Which of the following best describes the relationship between ESG and credit ratings?


A.ESG and credit ratings are positively correlated. B.The link between ESG ratings and credit ratings is still hotly debated among credit investors. C.Surveys from credit investors suggest that S factor remains more important than E and G factors.


The ways that E and S factors transmit to economic growth and potential can also be indirect, and the way CRAs assess this is still evolving The G factor is a more obvious and direct assessment, which has been analyzed historically The link between ESG ratings and credit ratings is still hotly debated among investors Proponents might point to a Barclays’ study looking at a high ESG portfolio versus a low ESG portfolio using two different ESG datasets (MSCI and Sustainalytics) The case for sustainable bond investing strengthens, but critics would point out the flaws of correlational studies as well as the short 2009–18 time period Critics further point out that the factor attributions post-2008/2009 (the financial crisis) and some ESG ratings correlate with quality factors (though not all)

老师,A选项我记得有个positively correlated,不是ESG和credit rating之间吗?

一路向北 · 2023年10月31日

你说的是ESG和corporate performance之间的关联吧?

2 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年10月31日


这个也是positive correlation


净净_品职助教 · 2023年08月15日


不是ESG和credit rating,是各评级机构的ESG评级结果有关联,但关联度非常低,数据显示关联度平均仅0.3。


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NO.PZ2022120701000074问题如下Whiof the following best scribes the relationship between ESG ancret ratings?A.ESG ancret ratings are positively correlateB.The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong cret investors.C.Surveys from cret investors suggest thS factor remains more important thE anG factors.The ways thE anS factors transmit to economic growth anpotenticalso inrect, anthe wCRassess this is still evolving The G factor is a more obvious anreassessment, whihbeen analyzehistorically The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong investors Proponents might point to a Barclays’ stu looking a high ESG portfolio versus a low ESG portfolio using two fferent ESG tasets (MSanSustainalytics) The case for sustainable boninvesting strengthens, but critiwoulpoint out the flaws of correlationstues well the short 2009–18 time perioCritifurther point out ththe factor attributions post-2008/2009 (the financicrisis) ansome ESG ratings correlate with quality factors (though not all)不是说esg表现越好 公司越好 所以才需要把esg因素纳入信用评级?

2023-11-19 18:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000074 问题如下 Whiof the following best scribes the relationship between ESG ancret ratings? A.ESG ancret ratings are positively correlate B.The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong cret investors. C.Surveys from cret investors suggest thS factor remains more important thE anG factors. The ways thE anS factors transmit to economic growth anpotenticalso inrect, anthe wCRassess this is still evolving The G factor is a more obvious anreassessment, whihbeen analyzehistorically The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong investors Proponents might point to a Barclays’ stu looking a high ESG portfolio versus a low ESG portfolio using two fferent ESG tasets (MSanSustainalytics) The case for sustainable boninvesting strengthens, but critiwoulpoint out the flaws of correlationstues well the short 2009–18 time perioCritifurther point out ththe factor attributions post-2008/2009 (the financicrisis) ansome ESG ratings correlate with quality factors (though not all) 如题

2023-11-09 15:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000074 问题如下 Whiof the following best scribes the relationship between ESG ancret ratings? A.ESG ancret ratings are positively correlate B.The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong cret investors. C.Surveys from cret investors suggest thS factor remains more important thE anG factors. The ways thE anS factors transmit to economic growth anpotenticalso inrect, anthe wCRassess this is still evolving The G factor is a more obvious anreassessment, whihbeen analyzehistorically The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong investors Proponents might point to a Barclays’ stu looking a high ESG portfolio versus a low ESG portfolio using two fferent ESG tasets (MSanSustainalytics) The case for sustainable boninvesting strengthens, but critiwoulpoint out the flaws of correlationstues well the short 2009–18 time perioCritifurther point out ththe factor attributions post-2008/2009 (the financicrisis) ansome ESG ratings correlate with quality factors (though not all) 老师,为什么A错了

2023-06-14 15:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120701000074问题如下Whiof the following best scribes the relationship between ESG ancret ratings?A.ESG ancret ratings are positively correlateB.The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong cret investors.C.Surveys from cret investors suggest thS factor remains more important thE anG factors.The ways thE anS factors transmit to economic growth anpotenticalso inrect, anthe wCRassess this is still evolving The G factor is a more obvious anreassessment, whihbeen analyzehistorically The link between ESG ratings ancret ratings is still hotly bateamong investors Proponents might point to a Barclays’ stu looking a high ESG portfolio versus a low ESG portfolio using two fferent ESG tasets (MSanSustainalytics) The case for sustainable boninvesting strengthens, but critiwoulpoint out the flaws of correlationstues well the short 2009–18 time perioCritifurther point out ththe factor attributions post-2008/2009 (the financicrisis) ansome ESG ratings correlate with quality factors (though not all)G不是比S和E更重要么?为什么这里是S重要

2023-05-10 18:39 1 · 回答