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Arnie · 2023年08月14日

哪里有强调说bullet 变成laddered , barbell 变成laddered



Adams and junior portfolio manager Frank Neeson review the fixed-income portfolios of two new defined benefit plan clients, Lawson Doors & Cabinets, Inc., and Wharton Farms.

Neeson comments, “The durations for almost half of the bonds in the Wharton portfolio are clustered around 4 years, and the durations of the remainder around 12 years, while the durations of the Lawson portfolio bonds are clustered between 6 years and 8 years. In general, a laddered bond portfolio approach would improve liquidity management for both, although the Lawson portfolio would experience an increase in cash flow reinvestment risk and the Wharton portfolio would experience a decrease in convexity.”

Is Neeson most likely correct in his assessment of the effects of a laddered bond portfolio approach on the Wharton and Lawson portfolios? (2019 mock AM)





No, because the Lawson portfolio is a bullet portfolio where the duration of its assets are matched to the duration of its liabilities


No, because the duration of the Wharton liabilities is greater than that of the Lawson liabilities owing to the younger age of its participants


A is correct. A laddered portfolio has lower convexity and dispersion than a barbell portfolio but more than a bullet portfolio, given comparable duration and cash flow yields. Lower convexity and dispersion are desirable aspects in liquidity management. In a laddered portfolio, there is always a bond close to redemption enhancing liquidity. As bonds mature, the final coupon and principal are available for distribution or can be reinvested in a long-term bond at the back of the ladder. The Wharton portfolio is more of a barbell, has higher convexity than the Lawson portfolio, and would see a larger reduction in cash flow reinvestment risk with the reduction of convexity.

Neither duration nor the projected life of the plan reveal the convexity or dispersion characteristics of the portfolio.

 although the Lawson portfolio would experience an increase in cash flow reinvestment risk and the Wharton portfolio would experience a decrease in convexity.

2 个答案

pzqa015 · 2023年08月16日




pzqa015 · 2023年08月15日


“The durations for almost half of the bonds in the Wharton portfolio are clustered around 4 years, and the durations of the remainder around 12 years,



while the durations of the Lawson portfolio bonds are clustered between 6 years and 8 years.



In general, a laddered bond portfolio approach would improve liquidity management for both,


这句话意思是将两个portfolio改造成laddered portoflio会提高他们的流动性。

although the Lawson portfolio would experience an increase in cash flow reinvestment risk and the Wharton portfolio would experience a decrease in convexity.”


尽管bullet portfolio的reinvestment risk会上升,barbell portfolio的convexity会下降。



Laddered portfolio的现金流是最分散,如果比较convexity,除了现金流分散情况以外,还要限制duration与barbell、bullet相等,那么laddered 的convexity就不是最大的了。


如果mac duration相同,则convexity:barbell>laddered>bullet。



willhunting · 2023年08月16日

"所以在投资期一样的时候,Barbell早期收到占比很大的现金流,于是面临的再投资风险会更大一些;Bullet的现金流就比较集中在投资期结束的附近,所以再投资风险就小一点,laddered居中。"这段话里面的“Barbell早期收到占比很大的现金流,于是面临的再投资风险会更大一些”是不是有问题?题目问的是这两个portfolio变成laddered portfolio之后的情况呀

willhunting · 2023年08月16日

老师,是不是说Lawson portfolio 是Bullet的,它原来的reinvestment risk不高,因为Bullet portfolio的现金流比较集中,再投资风险比较小。当它从bullet变成laddered之后,现金流分散了,convexity增加了,因此再投资风险增加

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NO.PZ2023032703000056 问题如下 Ams anjunior portfolio manager Frank Neeson review the fixeincome portfolios of two new finebenefit plclients, Lawson ors Cabinets, Inc., anWharton Farms.Neeson comments, “The rations for almost half of the bon in the Wharton portfolio are clusterearoun4 years, anthe rations of the remainr aroun12 years, while the rations of the Lawson portfolio bon are clusterebetween 6 years an8 years. In general, a laerebonportfolio approawoulimprove liquity management for both, although the Lawson portfolio woulexperienincrease in cash flow reinvestment risk anthe Wharton portfolio woulexperiena crease in convexity.”Is Neeson most likely correin his assessment of the effects of a laerebonportfolio approaon the Wharton anLawson portfolios? (2019 moAM) A.Yes B.No, because the Lawson portfolio is a bullet portfolio where the ration of its assets are matcheto the ration of its liabilities C.No, because the ration of the Wharton liabilities is greater ththof the Lawson liabilities owing to the younger age of its participants A is correct. A laereportfolio hlower convexity anspersion tha barbell portfolio but more tha bullet portfolio, given comparable ration ancash flow yiel. Lower convexity anspersion are sirable aspects in liquity management. In a laereportfolio, there is always a bonclose to remption enhancing liquity. bon mature, the fincoupon anprincipare available for stribution or creinvestein a long-term bonthe baof the laer. The Wharton portfolio is more of a barbell, hhigher convexity ththe Lawson portfolio, anwoulsee a larger rection in cash flow reinvestment risk with the rection of convexity.Neither ration nor the projectelife of the plrevethe convexity or spersion characteristiof the portfolio. Lawson portfolio woulexperienincrease in cash flow reinvestment risk 这句话不是错了吗 Lawson是bullet,reinvestment risk最小 为什么选yes

2024-01-30 09:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023032703000056 问题如下 Ams anjunior portfolio manager Frank Neeson review the fixeincome portfolios of two new finebenefit plclients, Lawson ors Cabinets, Inc., anWharton Farms.Neeson comments, “The rations for almost half of the bon in the Wharton portfolio are clusterearoun4 years, anthe rations of the remainr aroun12 years, while the rations of the Lawson portfolio bon are clusterebetween 6 years an8 years. In general, a laerebonportfolio approawoulimprove liquity management for both, although the Lawson portfolio woulexperienincrease in cash flow reinvestment risk anthe Wharton portfolio woulexperiena crease in convexity.”Is Neeson most likely correin his assessment of the effects of a laerebonportfolio approaon the Wharton anLawson portfolios? (2019 moAM) A.Yes B.No, because the Lawson portfolio is a bullet portfolio where the ration of its assets are matcheto the ration of its liabilities C.No, because the ration of the Wharton liabilities is greater ththof the Lawson liabilities owing to the younger age of its participants A is correct. A laereportfolio hlower convexity anspersion tha barbell portfolio but more tha bullet portfolio, given comparable ration ancash flow yiel. Lower convexity anspersion are sirable aspects in liquity management. In a laereportfolio, there is always a bonclose to remption enhancing liquity. bon mature, the fincoupon anprincipare available for stribution or creinvestein a long-term bonthe baof the laer. The Wharton portfolio is more of a barbell, hhigher convexity ththe Lawson portfolio, anwoulsee a larger rection in cash flow reinvestment risk with the rection of convexity.Neither ration nor the projectelife of the plrevethe convexity or spersion characteristiof the portfolio. 这三种 portfolio 的 reinvestment risk 是如何分辨的?如何去思考哪个大那个小

2024-01-28 03:51 1 · 回答