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犬来八荒 · 2023年08月10日




Lyon then reviews selected macroeconomic research summarized in Exhibit 3. She forecasts that inflation in Edonia will increase over the next six months.

Support Lyon’s inflation forecast with two reasons.



Correct Answer:

Factors that are consistent with higher inflation expectations are as follows.

Ÿ Consumer Confidence Index: Rising consumer optimism suggests that near-term consumer spending will increase. Consumer spending represents a sizeable portion of GDP in many developed countries and is an important business cycle factor. Consumer confidence survey data are watched closely as indicators of whether consumers are more likely to buy more goods, driving up prices. When consumer confidence is rising, inflation is more likely to increase.

Ÿ Inventory/Sales Ratio: The inventory/sales ratio has been trending down and is expected to continue to decline. When the inventory/sales ratio declines, the economy is likely to be stronger as businesses try to rebuild inventory. A strong economy often leads to higher inflation.

Ÿ Output gap: The output gap is defined as the difference between actual GDP and potential GDP scaled by potential GDP. Exhibit 3 shows that output gap has been closing and is expected to become positive as a proportion of potential GDP, and therefore spare capacity of the economy is forecast to decline. This implies higher inflationary pressure.






1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2023年08月11日


Output gap在基础班P57的Phases of The Business Cycle中有Late expansion 你有提及。




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NO.PZ2022122601000057 问题如下 Lyon then reviews selectemacroeconomic researsummarizeinExhibit 3. She forecasts thinflation in Enia will increase over the nextsix months. Support Lyon’s inflation forecast with two reasons. CorreAnswer:Factors thareconsistent with higher inflation expectations are follows.Ÿ Consumer ConfinInx:Rising consumer optimism suggests thnear-term consumer spenng willincrease. Consumer spenng represents a sizeable portion of G in manyvelopecountries anis important business cycle factor. Consumerconfinsurvey ta are watcheclosely incators of whether consumersare more likely to buy more goo, iving up prices. When consumer confinceis rising, inflation is more likely to increase.Ÿ Inventory/Sales Ratio: Theinventory/sales ratio hbeen trenng wn anis expecteto continue tocline. When the inventory/sales ratio clines, the economy is likely to bestronger businesses try to rebuilinventory. A strong economy often leato higher inflation.Ÿ Output gap: The output gis finethe fferenbetweenactuG anpotentiG scalepotentiG. Exhibit 3 shows thatoutput ghbeen closing anis expecteto become positive a proportionof potentiG, antherefore spare capacity of the economy is forecast tocline. This implies higher inflationary pressure. 中文解析消费者信心指数:消费者乐观情绪上升,表明近期消费者支出将增加。在许多发达国家,消费者支出占国内生产总值的相当大一部分,是一个重要的商业周期因素。消费者信心调查数据受到密切关注,被视为消费者是否更有可能购买更多商品、从而推高价格的指标。当消费者信心上升时,通胀更有可能上升。库存/销售比率:库存/销售比率一直呈下降趋势,预计将继续下降。当库存/销售比率下降时,由于企业试图重建库存,经济可能会走强。强劲的经济往往导致更高的通货膨胀。产出缺口:产出缺口被定义为实际G与潜在G之差,按潜在G比例计算。表3显示,产出缺口一直在缩小,预计产出缺口占潜在G的比例将变为正值,因此,预计经济的闲置产能将下降。这意味着更高的通胀压力。 如题。

2024-07-02 00:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122601000057 问题如下 Lyon then reviews selectemacroeconomic researsummarizeinExhibit 3. She forecasts thinflation in Enia will increase over the nextsix months. Support Lyon’s inflation forecast with two reasons. CorreAnswer:Factors thareconsistent with higher inflation expectations are follows.Ÿ Consumer ConfinInx:Rising consumer optimism suggests thnear-term consumer spenng willincrease. Consumer spenng represents a sizeable portion of G in manyvelopecountries anis important business cycle factor. Consumerconfinsurvey ta are watcheclosely incators of whether consumersare more likely to buy more goo, iving up prices. When consumer confinceis rising, inflation is more likely to increase.Ÿ Inventory/Sales Ratio: Theinventory/sales ratio hbeen trenng wn anis expecteto continue tocline. When the inventory/sales ratio clines, the economy is likely to bestronger businesses try to rebuilinventory. A strong economy often leato higher inflation.Ÿ Output gap: The output gis finethe fferenbetweenactuG anpotentiG scalepotentiG. Exhibit 3 shows thatoutput ghbeen closing anis expecteto become positive a proportionof potentiG, antherefore spare capacity of the economy is forecast tocline. This implies higher inflationary pressure. 中文解析消费者信心指数:消费者乐观情绪上升,表明近期消费者支出将增加。在许多发达国家,消费者支出占国内生产总值的相当大一部分,是一个重要的商业周期因素。消费者信心调查数据受到密切关注,被视为消费者是否更有可能购买更多商品、从而推高价格的指标。当消费者信心上升时,通胀更有可能上升。库存/销售比率:库存/销售比率一直呈下降趋势,预计将继续下降。当库存/销售比率下降时,由于企业试图重建库存,经济可能会走强。强劲的经济往往导致更高的通货膨胀。产出缺口:产出缺口被定义为实际G与潜在G之差,按潜在G比例计算。表3显示,产出缺口一直在缩小,预计产出缺口占潜在G的比例将变为正值,因此,预计经济的闲置产能将下降。这意味着更高的通胀压力。 当存货下降时,说明是initial阶段,此时通货膨胀也是下降的才对吧?

2024-06-21 21:49 2 · 回答