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huuu · 2023年08月09日




Which of the following most likely carries out the stewardship function for a pension fund? The fund's:


A.asset manager.

B.external auditor.

C.underlying beneficiaries.


A is correct because "as stewardship is a reflection of fiduciary duty, it needs to be actively considered by any party charged with fiduciary duties. This will include most parties in the modern investment chain from underlying beneficiary through to asset owner (pension fund, insurer or other fund) to fund manager and those directing the investment asset. Any of these parties could carry out stewardship functions but in practice the role typically rests with those with the greatest aggregated scale, usually the fund manager."

B is incorrect because "as stewardship is a reflection of fiduciary duty, it needs to be actively considered by any party charged with fiduciary duties" and the auditor does not act as a fiduciary to the asset owner. "The auditor is there to provide an independent pair of eyes assessing the financial reports prepared by management, and to provide some assurance that those reports fairly represent the performance and position of the business."

C is incorrect because "as stewardship is a reflection of fiduciary duty, it needs to be actively considered by any party charged with fiduciary duties. This will include most parties in the modern investment chain from underlying beneficiary through to asset owner (pension fund, insurer or other fund) to fund manager and those directing the investment asset. Any of these parties could carry out stewardship functions but in practice the role typically rests with those with the greatest aggregated scale, usually the fund manager."


1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2023年08月10日




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NO.PZ2022120703000048问题如下 Whiof the following most likely carries out the stewarhip function for a pension fun The funs: A.asset manager.B.externautor.C.unrlying beneficiaries. A is correbecause \"stewarhip is a reflection of ficiary ty, it nee to actively consireany party chargewith ficiary ties. This will inclu most parties in the morn investment chain from unrlying beneficiary through to asset owner (pension fun insurer or other fun to funmanager anthose recting the investment asset. Any of these parties coulcarry out stewarhip functions but in practithe role typically rests with those with the greatest aggregatescale, usually the funmanager.\"B is incorrebecause \"stewarhip is a reflection of ficiary ty, it nee to actively consireany party chargewith ficiary ties\" anthe autor es not aa ficiary to the asset owner. \"The autor is there to provi inpennt pair of eyes assessing the financireports preparemanagement, anto provi some assuranththose reports fairly represent the performananposition of the business.\"C is incorrebecause \"stewarhip is a reflection of ficiary ty, it nee to actively consireany party chargewith ficiary ties. This will inclu most parties in the morn investment chain from unrlying beneficiary through to asset owner (pension fun insurer or other fun to funmanager anthose recting the investment asset. Any of these parties coulcarry out stewarhip functions but in practithe role typically rests with those with the greatest aggregatescale, usually the funmanager.\" 老师,能下几个角色的对应关系吗?在讲解养老金链条的章节,我理解trustee 是承担受托责任的,executive觉得资产配置和具体投资决策……funmanager对应哪个角色?谢谢

2023-07-04 18:55 2 · 回答